
why is america so afraid of sex and other fun things.

what the hell has happened to this country. There is a long history of oppressing women but that's not all. Why are we so afraid of fun things. selling Sex is illegal. Strip clubs are being told that if you get naked you cant get drunk what the hell. Porn producers are being told that you have to have a condom on. Theres only a few places in one state that a women can sell sex. why can this country that's supposed to be a free country tell me that I cant sell my body. and if I wanna get naked and drunk at the same time at strip club then guess what why cant I. We have gotten so politically correct that we forgot about our freedoms. the moral of the story is booze gets you drunk and its fun. drugs get you high and its fun and sex gets you off and guess what its fun. we need to take a step back and look at what we are becoming. we are banning shit for no reason at all except it makes us feel better. in a free country we should be able to do things that make us happy and feel good without being afraid of the consequences


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    A fucking men. Mostly it's the self righteous and hypocritical religious idiots that are responsible. But I also place some blame on liberal ideology which encourages government regulation as an end in itself.

    As a practical matter the best thing you can do to effect change is to vote libertarian.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    I have never understood that mentality either. The rise of organized crime in the US is directly linked to Prohibition!
    If a woman wants to sell sex that should be her decision! Many women past and present sell sex for an engagement ring and/or wedding band. I do not see the difference. There are also a lot of women that once they have that wedding band and get pregnant go from a promiscuous no panties any time anywhere girlfriend to a prudish if you must we can only do it quick under the covers, in the dark, in the middle of the night, and now think anyone who wants to "do it" is dirty and depraved and should be jailed for going to Hooters!

    Willing seller willing buyer and everyone is happy.

    Yield to temptation. It may not pass your way again.
    Robert A. Heinlein
    It is better to copulate than never
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • impala
    9 years ago
    IMO a lot of the problem is that there are those in power that want freedom, but truthfully only for themselves. Most of them honestly believe that because they have gained a position of power, they know better than those that haven't. Sometimes it's because they think that they have a higher moral calling, but more often it's because they, being in a position of power, want to oppress those under them. Sometimes it's because they want people to look upon them in amazement and wonderment, and often they are the ones we hear about in the latest (corruption, sex, drugs, money laundering, or other) scandal. Other times it's just because they want have the power to tell people how to live. Amazingly, the "sheep" of society are so willing to follow anyone in power that freedom is only a word anymore. The thought of a utopian society is enticing, but if anyone here has read the book 1984 they would realize that not only cannot a utopian society thrive, but people in their deepest soul cannot and will not live like that. Our founding fathers warned us about a ruling class of people, and even faught a war against it, and it's amazing how easily some people are willing to want to be ruled.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    It's because conservatives want a theocracy, and liberals want to save us from ourselves. Neither side trusts citizens to have free will.
  • impala
    9 years ago
    And they all say they are going to save us from ourselves.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Blame the outsized influence of evangelical Christians and their perverse, non biblical version of Shiara law. Also, historically feminism has been sex negative, although that changed in the past decade or so.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    I agree with Rockstar
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    James, when did a christian affect what you do or think in the slightest?
  • impala
    9 years ago
    The crazy thing is that depending where you go in the world religious areas and sex are not always an inverse of each other. Most countries in Europe have a very strong religious influence, and nothing is thought of a woman taking off her top on the beach. Most cities (although not officially sanctioned) have a red light district. Some cultures (such as the French) it is still somewhat common (and socially accepted) to have separate wife and mistress. Outside of the US sex is looked upon as a part of life. Here, though, until the last few decades, even married women were not to talk of sex, and were especially not to openly enjoy having sex.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    Actually a true conservative is a libertarian.
    I actually think that if a community does not want a strip club in a neighborhood or next to a school that is their right but they do not have the right to exclude that which other want. The simple answer is you place the club in an industrial area where no one cares.
    I agree with Impala ALL politicians say do as I say and look the other way while I fuck you ever and rape your 5 year old. I was working in Indianapolis before the Stupor Bowl came to town and the girls in the clubs were told if they were caught selling themselves during the official time of the celebration they would be locked up until after but the out of town suppliers supplying little boys and little girls to the out of town sports casters, political VIPs and the other creepy fuckwads were not touched because the "powers that be" told the police to turn a blind eye if they ever wanted to be considered again.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    I wouldn't say we are afraid of sex. It's a control issue. The powers that be don't legalize it because it suits the needs of those that influence them. I always find it hilarious when some political elected hack is caught literally with his pants down or off with some female.
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Mmm, what's wrong with using condoms in a porn? Yeah, yeah, I know what actors get tested all the time but STD's/HIV won't show up at tests results immidiately, sooo...

    I find it incredibly weird that you, as a stripper, want more sexual freedoms in society. Be careful with what you wish for. If nudity/sex/whatever becomes completely mainstream, we will stop making money.

    If they legalize prostitution, aren't you afraid of prices going down? You do realize that model-quality girls in Europe fuck for 50-250 euros? Good luck with making money in strip-clubs like that then.

  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I agree with Rockstar

    Plus one billion
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    Although I don't know - everybody keeps calling America puritanical but I didn't notice anything like that yet. I have been living here only for year and a half and I know that New York is more liberal than rest of this country but still - all I see around is rampant hook-up culture. Maybe I should move somewhere to Texas for change of scenery?
  • whodey
    9 years ago
    PD83 "why can this country that's supposed to be a free country tell me that I cant sell my body. and if I wanna get naked and drunk at the same time at strip club then guess what why cant I"

    Just tell me when and where and I'll gladly provide the alcohol and I'll be a willing buyer for what you're selling.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Come visit Greenville and you can see all kinds of repression. Tape or pasties required.
    Our freedoms have been disappearing bit by bit. That was Hitlers plan in Germany and it's been happening here. The younger generation seems ok with losing privacy and rights if someone claims they can be safer.

    I voted Liberterian for years but too few people did to make a difference. I'm wondering if our ekectronic votes are even correctly counted or if someone in government hacked all the machines and can fix any election they want. So many worry about their financial or medical info getting hacked but no one seems to worry about elections getting fixed.
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    That's why I'm moving to Mexico , why do you think Hong Kong club is the number 1 club on this site . You won't see any feminist shit from Mexico all the way to South America , especially Brazil and Colombia
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    I'm glad some girls recognize what has happened to the states
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I would say it's a complicated matter.

    As far as getting drunk, we do have rules about alcohol sales and consumption. Where I live you can't have full nudity unless you get rid of alcohol sales. And in most of the US you can't consume alcohol in any public place, and this includes retail places which are not licensed for Alcohol. And these rules also apply in the state of Iowa.

    But as far as the bigger question here, there are hundreds of books written about it. I would say that mostly it is because the 3 Abrahamic Faiths were invented to limit sex to approved procreation. This is imprinted on men in an extremely personal way, circumcision.

    These three faiths, what they were most concerned with was the free circulation of women and with liturgical sex in the pagan temples. So this is why the Bible goes on and on about all the conflicts they had over this and why the Hebrews always had to remain separate and why someone like King Solomon was despised.

    So once you decide that you can't punish women for giving it away, the distance from there to saying that they can't be punished for selling it is not very far.

    But people still think prostitution is corrosive to society.

    If people are really interested in discussing this I'm sure I could find books and websites.

    But mostly I think it comes down to taking social power away from women.

    Excellent movie about a guy who gives up sex for Lent, and about why the women decide they have to break him.


    The Smithereens - It Don't Come Easy
  • nemesisk7
    9 years ago
    In conclusion we need female prostitution in the states legal and regulated , like in Mexico and Germany each major city with a section for prostitutes and sex
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Thank our Purityrannical heritage. If a more liberal people had settled here, instead of the puritans who fled Britain to settle here, we'd probably be a much more enlightened and liberal country.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Most have been brainwashed since birth to believe that sex is bad. IMO, the primary force behind this delusion is organized religion, which generally has that the only good sex is sex done in the service of the church in question, whether to breed more slaves or to secure control of assists through marriage.

    Once we get rid of the cancer of organized religion, things should start to get better.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I was taught without religion people would be running amock having sex like sodom and Gomorrah. Of course this was taught from the point of view that all sex was bad unless you were married. Most people are taught or programmed this at an early age. It gets reinforced at multiple times and even with media. The Ten Commandments movie supposedly shows the fleeing slaves of Israel turning wicked by worshiping idols and having free sex in the desert with nothing to do before Moses and God wrecks vengeance against all that.

    Now there are some valid points to restricting sex to reduce unwanted pregnancies, sexual diseases, and mothers living life with a kid to support and no father around to help.
    As far as the church defining sin as hurting others in some way or form, I can see a reason to organize religion to stop or slow down people from hurting each other because without that, we might live in a mad max world. Religion defines people who sin as hurting themselves or other people. It's just that some of these people seem to go overboard in working on ways to restrict everyone. Many resent that. Just because you may belong to one religion should not force me to observe your religious views. Yet many do not feel that way and pass laws restricting everyone. I believe whoever passed a law or required dancers in Greenville is hurting me and a lot of other people. Dancers may be losing income, their kids may not get the presents they want, customers may not be happy, and who caused all this? someone enforcing a law due to someone enforcing their religious view upon everyone else. looking at the definition of sin, whoever passed the law and or is enforcing it or promoting it is sinning against all the rest of us hurt by it. The originators were likely brainwashed and don't believe sin is the act of hurting anyone or don't care who gets hurts because their idea of sin only applies t certain people. example, some radicals think it's ok with god to kill and murder people who don't practice their faith.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    ^ referring to dancers in Greenville required to wear pasties. I know some dancers don't like it, customers don't like it. What group benefits from it? it might have originated recently from platinum upset other clubs not wearing pasties so it got enforced elsewhere. The people trying to shut down strip clubs might have been denied if girls wore pasties so the ultimate sinners are the prosecutors and agents enforcing these laws and the ones who created all these restrictions in the first place. In my opinion, the people who are enforcing and passing laws restricting me are like ISIS. They don't care about my beliefs. There hasn't been a big uproar because they aren't as radical as ISIS in going to extremes killing people who disagree. separation of religion? not in this country, not yet.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Exactly what rockstar said. Strip clubs don't seem to fair well with the extreme elements of either side of the political aisle.
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