
No two club's are alike

Avatar for 72_os

It seams like a strip club is a strip club and if you seen one you've seen them all. It also seams like one strategy to have fun would be the same as well, but its WRONG

Im always amazed how different each club is and i mean from the looks of the building, the girls, prices and whats on or not on the menu.

I got some clubs i spend $1,000 because they got it all and other clubs i go to it's hard to spend $50 bucks because it's so lame.

Tell us about your favorite clubs and the shit holes you just despise


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Avatar for shailynn

Dude you're not spending $1,000 in a strip club. EVER.

Avatar for just_the_nuts

You just wait...i will visit Detroit soon just to blast $1,000 in your broke ass face

Avatar for crazyjoe

^^^Whose face are you blasting on?

Avatar for crazyjoe

If it is shailynn's your pretty fucking gay...

Avatar for shailynn

Dude if you spent $1,000 in detoit in one night, then you got ripped the fuck off unless you fucked 4 strippers

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

The clubs are as different as the girls who work in them.

In New York you can spend $650/hour for VIP with an 8 plus tip in a high end club and have access to every orifice the girl has available and still risk mechanical service, you can pay the $40 cover to go into a 'theater' in San Fran, watch girl tough each other on stage, Take as many as you want to privates rooms in the back and as long as you money holds out you can find a girl to do what ever you desire(very easy to spend well north of $1000) or you can go to a dive club in Inkster and find a diamond in the rough 8 will give you a GFE and finish BBBJCIMWS for the cost of the $25 lap dances plus tip. There are clubs where you can spend $1000 and barely get nipples in your face!

So many choices: Thanks Founder for the forum to do research!

That is why I post both good and bad about most every club I visit!

Avatar for skibum609

I've only been to about $500 strip clubs in 35 states and 4 countries but the only place on earth I could ever see spending $1,000 is the Spearmint Rhino in vegas after a huge roll at the crap table.

Avatar for DandyDan

While I think some clubs are similar to each other, I've never been to two that were exactly alike. More to the point, if I want extras, I go to one club, but if I want a fun night out, I go to another club. And if I am bored with that club, I go to a different one that's basically a smaller version of that club.

Avatar for chessmaster

This is true. Nothing compares to my favorite club right now. Nothing else like it.

Avatar for 72_os

One day i will show you guys, and at that faithful night...the ppl that attend that tuscl meeting will make threads of my epic thousand dolla visit

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