
ATF tried to hustle me

Saturday, November 7, 2015 6:19 PM
I apologize in advance for this long post, just need to vent a little. I also apologize if there are any typos, I'm typing this on my phone. Before I get to what happened today I need to go over relationship over the past year plus for everything to make sense. I met my ATF at the club over a year ago. At the time I met her I was a SC rookie and never had gotten any extras (and wouldn't have believed anyone that had gotten any). I got a few laps dances from her and then agreed to go to the VIP room with her. No mention was made of anything happening but I ended up getting a HJ (which she initiated). I gave her the standard fee for 15 minutes plus a tip. I started seeing her regularly at the club and usually got a few dances and went to the VIP room and got a HJ. I also saw other dances at this club and realized that most of the girls gave HJ's in the VIP. I also started doing other things with some of the other dancers (BBBJ and titty fucking). The dances with my ATF started getting even better, she started letting me finger her and DATY a couple times in the VIP room. I also started extending our VIP time. I realized I was overpaying, especially since I wasn't getting FS but my ATF was a smokin hot and had almost perfect tits. She was also very sensual when she danced. During one VIP trip she actually dozed off while she was on my lap. I woke her up after a few minutes but our time ended before I got my HJ. She realized she screwed up and said if I extended another 15 minutes she wouldn't charge me any extra and she would make it up to me,I would just have to pay the club. I agreed and she ended up giving me a BBBJ. A few visits after that I was planning on asking if we could have sex in the VIP room. I didn't yet know if any of the other dancers gave FS so I didn't know if the club would allow it but I figured I would ask. Before I could ask her she asked me if I had a condom so we could have sex. She said we had to be careful so the camera couldn't see we were having sex (like it wasn't obvious) and that it was the first time she had ever done this. She had previously said that when she danced in Vegas customers sometimes offered her a lot of money for BJ's but she said she always turned them down. I figured she was either lying to make me feel special or felt like she didn't negotiate for extras, she only did them with regulars when she knew she would get a good tip. The morning of my next visit to the club, she texted me and said she was being punished at work for being late and wasn't allowed to work for a few days. She asked if I wanted to meet her somewhere, we agreed on her place. We never discussed price or anything but I gave her more than I was giving her in the club. I got to take my time and she gave a good GFE so it was worth it. From this point on until today I had only seen her at her place for FS. I always gave her the same amount. It had its ups and downs, some visits were amazing with multiple rounds and a couple were a little more rushed and she wasn't as into it. I had been doing this for almost a year, I didn't see her at the club before today cause I had to start going on different days/times. She had talked about the club hiring some real trashy girls, like drug users and girls that would blow a guy for $50. She claimed she never did any of that, that she only gave HJ's if she knew there would be good money and she never did anything with her pussy or mouth. She did admit that there was a Dr she saw OTC years ago that gave her $1K a week for sex, but she claimed me and him are the only 2 she's done something like that with. I figure she still does this with other guys ITC or OTC but that she just charges more than the other dancers so she doesn't consider herself to be trashy. So today I came in on a day I don't normally come in. I was planning on seeing her OTC next week, I walked in and she was sitting with a guy. A while later the guy left and she sat with me. After we talked a bit I mentioned I wanted a few Lap dances from her. She asked if I wanted regular dances or the VIP room where no one would see it bother us. I told her I was planning on coming to see her OTC next week so I just wanted a few dances. After a couple dances I decided if the price is right I would do FS in the VIP with her. I asked her how much it would be and she gave me a price of half of what I pay her for OTC plus $70 to the club. This seemed high to me considering it was 15 minutes can two hours. I was able to talk her down a little bit. She never specifically said we would have sex in VIP but she asked if I had a condom and we already had sex in the VIP room a year earlier, plus she made the comment about more privacy so I figured sex was a given. She also said I had to promise not to tell anyone. We headed back and she danced for a while before she started giving me a BBBJ. This Was the best BJ she had ever given me. Normally she is a little slower and more sensual and an appetizer before sex, this time she was on a mission to make me cum. She also was trying to hide what she was doing. The club allows FS in the VIP room so I don't know why she was trying to hide giving a BJ. I held off cumming and asked if we could have sex now. She gesitated and said she has never done that in the club before. I called her bluff and said she had sex with me in the club before and I thought that was why I was paying her the amount we agreed on. And why would she ask if I had a condom if she wasn't gonna have sex? She didn't use it for the BJ. She agreed to sex but wanted an additional tip. This pissed me off but I agreed. She almost stuck it in bareback before I asked her to use a condom. She claimed she was so nervous she forgot. Right when we were about to start the timer went off but she agreed to fuck me as long as I came quick. I wasn't in her for more than a minute before she said she was gonna cum (yeah, right). I finished fairly quickly and that was that. I paid her and she started crying saying how bad she needed this money and how much she appreciated it. She said she needed the money for one of her kids birthdays and she didn't think she would make enough today. This was despite her telling me earlier that 2 or 3 guys were asking her for VIP when she was on stage when I was waiting for her. I know I've always overpaid her but this was a new low. She may have needed the money but it's pretty fucked up to manipulate a regular OTC customer. She basically wanted me to pay half of what I pay her for 2 hours OTC (kissing, DATY, BBBJ, FS) for 15 minutes of FS ITC (which was still WAY more than the standard minimum VIP price) and then tries to act like she only agreed to a BJ (which she still claims she doesn't do) and it will be extra for FS. I've gotten FS from other dancers for half of what she wanted and have paid less than that for BBBJCIM. I don't know if she just really needed the money (she doesn't do drugs) but she has never pulled anything like this on me before and never acts concerned with how much I give her. I was planning on seeing her OTC next week but now I'm so irritated I don't want to. Oh well, her loss. She could have had the money from today plus her regular amount for our OTC next week but now that she tried to hustle me I don't think she will be seeing me again.


  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Not that bad compared to what I put up with. At least you got OTC with her. I have known my CF for a year and I can't even get her to meet me after her shift for a meal at the restaurant down the road. I don't know why honeys act like that. I guess they figure we are suckers. My CF is starting to do shit like saying she is short on rent money and desperately needs me to come in. A new one is saying the money I gave her for lap dances went missing and she is bummed. I want to believe my CF but I am starting to have my doubts.
  • mrrock
    9 years ago
    Yeah these strippers after a while take you for granted. Remember to them your nothing but a walking talking ATM. We've all had similar type of experiences if we've ventured into ITC/OTC but you hopefully learn from it and move on.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I am very generous with my regulars, but they know that I get pissed if they try to manipulate me into paying them more. The only one who violates my wishes is video girl, she is always asking for extra money, gifts, loans, etc. At first this bothered me and I considered dropping her. Instead, I decided to put my foot down and just nicely but firmly say no to every request for more. She still asks every two weeks or so, and I remind her of our past discussions about this and how I feel, then I say no. This has now happened so often that we joke about it, she'll say "Could I borrow $100 til next time we meet." I will stay silent and not speak. Then she'll answer her own question, "I know you pay me generously but can't do anything more." That's right dear. So my advice is to start being a lot tougher negotiator with this girl. Or if you dump her, use the lessons learned with the next one. ts your money, so be in charge. Sure she has the pussy but the whole club is full of pussy. Be up front, you pay her fairly and generously but all you can do is what you have historically done. Consistently and firmly refuse more. If she won't go along, then you'll go find another dancer and she can find another customer. Also be clear about exactly what you expect for your money. Stop going to the VIP with expectations that haven't been settled beforehand. She will eventually get the point. Perhaps she will stop seeing you, and if so that's the price you have to pay for not getting walked on. But most likely she will continue, and she will grudgingly respect you a little bit for being a man about the while thing. Note that the foregoing answers assume that she is not a DS. If she is a DS, however, then just give her what she wants and keep fucking her. It's worth it.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Bavarian,just a hunch,is your 3 Series 40 years old?
  • georgebailey
    9 years ago
    Three series came out in '77.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    ^^^You got the gist.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    I'm confused. What's a 3 Series?
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    9 years ago
    Honestly, you made a rookie mistake here: you got emotionally involved with a stripper. These girls get paid to make us feel special, and some of them are great at weaving the tale that we're the only customer (or one of a select few) they do extras with. Maybe that's true (though I believe in most cases it isn't), but at the end of the day it's just business to them. I suspect you were willing to overpay and over tip out of a feeling of gratitude or because you were hoping there was something more to a business relationship. I believe this because I made the same mistake when I first started clubbing. It's almost like dating a woman you really, really like so you lavish her with attention and more tangible things in the hope she'll reciprocate with the same feelings. In the SC world, this is a recipe for disappointment. You're feeling hurt because she dropped her guard for a moment and let you know it's really about the money. That's why she had to switch gears and act extra appreciative. As mrrock said, these girls do take you for granted over time. She knew you for a year and probably figured she had a steady customer. Then she pushed you too far. My advice: Move on to other girls. Learn your lesson. Watch how you spend your money and remain emotionally detached. You'll have a much better time. Remember, if you wanted to overspend on a woman who ended up pissing you off, you could just get a girlfriend. Going to clubs is all about reducing the aggravation that comes with pursuing women and sex.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Have to agree with the others: It's sounding like she's gotten to the point that she's starting to take you for granted. It's also sounding like you're about to the point where you feel (somewhat) obligated to pay her what she asks for. These are bad points to be at. It's time to scale back with her -- see her less often and for a lower price point -- and to spread the wealth with some of the other ladies, in her club and others.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    This is why they're called lying, thieving whores.
  • clubdude
    9 years ago
    I guess this is why I don't have an ATF or DS , I can't afford that kind of action.
  • grand1511
    9 years ago
    The old kid's birthday party line again......must be taught in stripper rip-offs 101
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    This is why they're called lying, thieving whores. The winner !!!!
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Gee, that's not such a bad story. You get OTC, and GFE. If she's at the club, she can't give you 2 hours for a 15 min. VIP no matter what, and the prices are what they are. You don't have to pay her if she's not worth it to you. I don't think she cheated you at all. And as noted, DON'T GET EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED WITH A DANCER/PROSTITUTE! Of if you do, expect it won't be like a civvy girlfriend. It never is.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Amen ^^^
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I think she's a mess, but you came off a bit of a mess too :) I'd definitely say that judging ITC prices by OTC prices is a losing proposition... IME, OTC prices are always a far, far better deal, because she's not giving a cut to the club, and often she'll practically consider it found money, versus what she has to earn at her job. I thank my lucky stars I get such a great deal OTC, rather than get angry at her for charging what she needs to charge ITC. You want OTC prices, see her OTC, period. Glass half full, and all that. If we give her the benefit of the doubt for a moment (yes, I know, always a bad idea), desperate times call for desperate measures, and if it were really true that she was worried about her child's birthday party -- and nothing can make someone feel like a failure like failing their child -- that pressure plus whatever drugs she was on could certainly explain it (not that that's your problem, or that you need to put up with it, just looking possibly understand with a little compassion) One of my ATFs always did right by me, and she was also considered a sweetie around the club and on customer review forums, but the girl became a different person entirely if Christmas was coming and she didn't have $ for presents for her kids, or was worried about rent. In my case, with my ATF, we agreed that during such times, she'd just tell me not to see her ITC, so she could do what she felt she needed to do, and I'd see her OTC instead. Alternatively, I would have just dropped her. I would not have put up with ITC erratic behavior (or at least, I hope I wouldn't have, but who the fuck knows, easier said than done! ).
  • georgebailey
    9 years ago
    Good advice here. And I'm glad there's experienced hobbyists keeping us grounded, when we want to be.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    It sounds like you should just see her OTC from now on. 2 reasons: 1. The best "bang for your buck" and 2. You always know you're going to get full service. I assume you still want to go to that specific club and see other dancers ITC. So try your best to avoid the club when this OTC dancer is working if seeing another dancer when she is there will cause too many problems. PS - watch the money for drugs comment. I was seeing a girl OTC for a year thinking she seldom would drink and didn't do drugs. Eventually (over 1 year later) she slipped and gave away that she was on drugs. Sometimes they can hide it really well.
  • UKfan
    9 years ago
    Yeah being hustled isn't much fun. I was hustled all the time when I was a rookie. However now six years later I rarely get hustled. I know how strippers work and think for the most part.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Don't be so drastic footballguy. You have a good thing going on. If you can see her OTC why in the world would you try to get sex ITC! It's going to be rushed, expensive and the dancer can get in trouble.
  • Aaron_hip
    9 years ago
    Footballguy, how much is the 15-min VIP in that club? How much do you spend on this stripper on each OTC session? You keep saying you "overpay" but I still don't know that you do. Just because that particular club doesn't care about FS in VIP, it doesn't mean a particular stripper must do it and for the average price charged by the other strippers, especially she is as pretty as you say she is.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… ATF tried to hustle me …” You don’t say – never heard that happen to an SCer b/f :) Usually once a dancer gets used to being paid $X that is what she will expect – the custy usually expects to get the same level of service thus so do dancers IMO. As w/ most relationships in life communication is important and often the key IMO; i.e. don’t just assume she will see things your way or feel about them the way you do; and as in business; it’s best to communicate and iron-out the details of what each party expects rather than assume – there have to be clear ground-rules and boundaries and IMO only one can wear the pants and that should be the custy b/c he is the one paying; IMO one is asking for trouble/drama if one is the one paying but gives the control to the dancer and lets her make the rules – again – only one can wear the pants and if it’s not you then get ready for disappointment, perhaps chaos; and at best mediocrity – many of these dancers to put it plainly are fucked-up and letting them be in charge is the proverbial “letting the inmates run the asylum”. IMO I would not necessarily say to dump her – often times dancers will try to get away w/ as much as possible or as much as the custy lets them get away w/ (again only one can wear the pants and it should not be her) – as w/ many relationships (business; personal); they can often go a bit off track and often times may just need some clearing-up/tweaking to make them function again; i.e. just don’t take your ball and go home and say you don’t wanna play anymore; IMO dealing w/ dancers will more often than not never be drama-free; if one does not want drama or can’t deal w/ it; then best to get-out-of-the-kitchen/not-get-involved-with-dancers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “… I want to believe my CF but I am starting to have my doubts.…” *That* is a dangerous proposition (and you probably be better served to think about it in opposite terms when it comes to dealing with most dancers; i.e. doubt first and believe/trust later) – you are dealing w/ the combination of a woman and a salesperson; would you blindly trust a salesperson selling you a car? – there you go.
  • footballguy
    9 years ago
    @rickstar I didn't expect her to give me more time than I paid for, I just didn't expect to pay half of what I pay for two hours OTC (i paid her well above what the standard 15 minute VIP fee was). @Aaron I'm hesitant to say how much I pay because I know it is way too much and I'm gonna come off extremely PLish. But keep in mind this was my ATF and the only one I paid this much to. The club I go to charges $70 for every 15 minutes in the VIP room plus a $100 to the dancer for every 15 minutes. Some of the dancers will give a HJ or BBBJ for the $100 and ask for a tip after. Some are more upfront and will negotiate a price on top of the $100 for anything else. My ATF agree on $400 (plus the $70 to the club) for 15 minutes. Like I said, she pretty much said it would include sex (mentioning the condom, I couldn't tell anyone, no one will be watching, etc). Once I asked for the sex in the VIP room she said it would cost more. I told her I thought that was included in the $400 and she said no. She agreed on it for another $60. OTC I pay her $800. I know this is an insane amount but it is GFE with kissing, DATY, BBBJ and usually includes multiple rounds. That's why I figured $200 for 15 minutes of just sex ITC was still a great deal for her.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Footballguy, don't feel so bad. I think JS69 paid his DS more than that. I have spent as much as $800 at a time on my CF on lap dances alone. Now that is PLish.
  • Aaron_hip
    9 years ago
    @footballguy: I still don't understand why you feel you are overpaying ITC. According to your initial numbers, you are really paying close to $200 ($70 to the club + $100 to the dancer + tip) in the club for every 15 mins. This amount does NOT even include sex normally. So if now you are paying your ATF $400 for sex ITC, I think that's not too unreasonable. [Some people that the extra $300 is worth it for the sex; some may not.] But when you are in the club, you need to go by its rules because there is a premium involved. You cannot expect to get that service ITC without paying extra...
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    $400 for VIP is not too much out of the range for ITC as long as it includes FS; $400 for anything less than FS is getting ripped-off; IMO. I think as I mentioned previously that she was used to $X via OTC and wanted/assumed she would always get $X.
  • footballguy
    9 years ago
    @aaron it's not so much that I overpaid, it's that she made me think O was going to get sex for $400, but then she acted like that wasn't included and wanted additional money. I realize that is a very common tactic that strippers use, I just though she wouldn't try to pull that on one her her regulars that she sees OTC. I have gotten FS ITC from other dancers for substantially less than $400. But like you said, some dancers will only it of the price is high enough. @Papi when she first asked me if I wanted to go to the VIP I told her no because I was planning on coming to see her in a week. After I got a couple dances I changed my mind and I told her I would go to the VIP room with her but I couldn't pay her the usual amount. She asked how much I would have her and my initial offer was too low, so then she counter with $400.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Of course I paid my DS more than this. But not itc, except for the first time. After our first encounter our sex was almost exclusively OTC. Not a lot of reasons to fuck a girl in the club when you can have her outside whenever you want her.
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    As a divorce lawyer I am used to the sobbing female deal. When a female is crying in my office my retainer is 5-10k. When she is cool and collected my retainer is 5-10k.
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