15 yrs ago•out_therereviewedHenry the VIII South15480 Dix Toledo Rd Southgate, MI 48195Dropped in around 1, left about...
15 yrs ago•out_therereviewedHenry the VIII South15480 Dix Toledo Rd Southgate, MI 48195Dropped in there about a half...
15 yrs ago•out_therereviewedHenry the VIII South15480 Dix Toledo Rd Southgate, MI 48195Dropped in last week and was...
16 yrs ago•out_therereviewedBogarts Lounge30100 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141Dropped in for the first time...
16 yrs ago•out_therereviewedHenry the VIII South15480 Dix Toledo Rd Southgate, MI 48195Dropped in on an impulse just...
16 yrs ago•out_therereviewedHenry the VIII South15480 Dix Toledo Rd Southgate, MI 48195Slow day at Henry's, only five...
16 yrs ago•out_therereviewedGlass City Showgirls155 Matzinger Rd, Toledo, OH 43612, USA*First-time visitor, spent about an hour...
16 yrs ago•out_therereviewedHenry the VIII South15480 Dix Toledo Rd Southgate, MI 48195Dropped in on an impulse, after...
17 yrs ago•out_therereviewedHenry the VIII South15480 Dix Toledo Rd Southgate, MI 48195Dropped in on a Sunday a...
17 yrs ago•out_therereviewedHenry the VIII South15480 Dix Toledo Rd Southgate, MI 48195Went on a recent Friday nite....
18 yrs ago •out_therecommented onDo strippers LOOK DOWN on customers who PAY FOR CONVERSATION?RL's a troll. [sign] Please don't feed the trolls.