Seating Etiquette

avatar for Papi_Chulo

If one finds an open seat at the bar or a table; and there's nothing to indicate there was someone sitting there (drink; etc); and you then sit down and then 10 minutes later a dude comes and says that's his seat or he was sitting there; is it proper etiquette to get up and give them the seat or is he SOL (assuming it's not paid or reserved seating of any sorts).


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avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
9 years ago
SOL. He need to find hid own seat. It's funny though because I was bribed $20 to give up my seat in Shadowcat's old corner at Follies two weeks ago by an Indian guy. In that case, I accepted.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
I think that is how 2 AMers occur
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Reason I asked.

About 6 or 8 months ago I was at one of my fave small black SCs down here in Miami – it was a night visit – I find an open spot at the bar – about 5 minutes later a dancer approaches me – I start getting a dance from her and in the middle of my dance this skinny early-20s black guy w/ pants down his ass comes up to me and tells me that's his seat – I tell him I'm getting some dances right now (no other seat available to get dances) and that I'll give it back to him when I'm done w/ the dances – skinny black-guy doesn't wanna hear it and tells me “you have to get up now” - I tell the dancer we have to stop dancing b/c skinny black-guy says that's his seat – dancer says “no – you don't have to get up – he didn't pay for that seat” - I look at the guy and said “sorry dude the seat was empty” and me and dancer continue w/ our dances – skinny black-guy keeps telling me I have to get up and pulling on my chair – I stare at him – then a buddy of his comes from another side of the club and talks to him and pulls him away – skinny black-guy gives me a a dirty-ass look as if I just took his firs-born or something.

A barstool eventually opens up about 3 stools past me and skinny black guy sits there - I stay in the seat I had for about 1.5 hours getting dances and in all that time skinny black-guy does not buy a single dance.

So skinny black-guy wanted me to get up and stop getting my dances so he could sit his ass down and just watch.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
He would have gotten a fiery put down from me. I probably would leave after that, for one reason or another
avatar for clubdude
9 years ago
No drink (covered or uncover) at that spot means it's an open seat.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
If there is no one at the seat and no sign of a glass with a cocktail napkins on top of it, then it is fair game. I have had this happen on a few occasions and as soon as I called them out on it they all slithered away like the losers that they are.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
Papi, you should have waited for him outside the club at 2AM and popped a cap in his ass.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
Maybe he's just a fan of "The Walking Dead"

avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
He probably thought he could intimidate you out of the seat. I probably would have watched closely to see if I was being followed when I left the club. Dudes have shot guys for stupid shit like that before.

I've learned if I have a drink and I have to get up to go to tip a dancer or go to the bathroom to put a napkin on top of the glass. I always have my seat when I return.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I try to be polite and acoomodate and understand people up to a certain point – so I was willing to give him “his seat” if he would have been considerate enough to let me finish my dances – since “he was having none of that” I sorta got a bit pissed espeically when I did not see him buy a single dance the whole time I was there.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
AFAIC, he's SOL.
You should feel a bit vindicated knowing that the freeloader never even bought any dances, so you weren't depriving him of any dance opportunities. Fuck 'em.
avatar for ButterMan
9 years ago
if there is no drink or at least a cocktail napkin there the seat is fair game. I have gone back to get a LD before and came out and my seat was taken and I didn't bitch about it.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Fuck him. He should not have left
avatar for likes2look
9 years ago
I thought it was " Move your feet, lose your seat " that dude committed a serious breach of the bro code.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
I year or so ago I was sitting in my favorite seat at Follies. I had been sitting there all day. A waitress came up to me and told me that my seat had just been bought and that I had to move. I didn't budge and when she could see that I was calling her bluff she took her customers and went over to the other side of the club. Next time I came in I mentioned it to the bouncer that knows me well and he said if she ever does that again to let him know because we don't operate that way here.

I should have asked her how much I got for the seat.
avatar for rowdy1
9 years ago
I always make sure there is a drink with a cocktail napkins on top of it, or notify the bartender that I am going to the stage to tip a dancer. It seems the younger generation do not have common sense or proper etiquette. You were nice to offer the seat back after the dances.
avatar for Clackport
9 years ago
He's SOL.
avatar for londonguy
9 years ago
What does SOL mean?

I agree, if there's nothing, or nobody, to indicate the seat is taken it's a free seat.

Reminds me when I was in Rhino in Vegas one time. I was in a great seat and all the rest were taken, I saw a girl walking around with a guy in tow for quite some time looking for a seat so she could give him a dance. I stopped her when she got to me and told her she could have my seat while she gave him a dance. She was so grateful she gave me a free dance.
avatar for DandyDan
9 years ago
@LondonGuy- SOL=Shit Outta Luck

No drink always equals the seat is open.
avatar for tumblingdice
9 years ago
Oh Papi,I see your dilemma.Since your girl needs two seats.
avatar for SuperDude
9 years ago
The guideline about the placement of a napkin covered drink does not work on rude, aggressive and vulgar thug customers. They don't live by the normal rules of courtesy and civilized behavior. He just wanted your seat and was threatening you to get it. Reasoning with a guy like that just doesn't work. Pushing back might get you killed in the parking lot.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Does he look big or strong enough to beat the shit out of you? If so, its his seat. If not, tell him to fuck off.

I'm not a wimp. But a lot of strippers are in love with this face. I can't let them down.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Papi you are a nice guy and he thought he could intimidate you being a white guy in a black club I had this happen once but as soon as I showed equal aggression to his he backed down fast If you were worried about him you should have mentioned it to the bartender or a floorman I guarantee they wil keep an eye out because they don't want problems with police as a practical matter it could increase their chances of being involved in a raid or worse. As a black club they try to fly low just make money and they do not feel comfortable about police involvement in their affairs.
avatar for tumblingdice
9 years ago
That's great Twenty.Your going to get a man killed.Those savages don't give a shit.Twenty,step on their Nike's and I'll show you baboon aggression.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago

Gots to agree with Diceman. Getting into a pissing match over a seat in a strip club has little upside and a huge downside.

As someone who clubs slone and gets lot of couch dances and VIP rooms, I learned a long time ago to just roll with the hand your dealt. Moving around is part of the deal.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
@tumblingdice@motorhead My experience has been that bullies take once from you and they keep trying to get more. they don't stop when you cave they only stop if you stop them. Maybe you don't need to get in a pissing match, just don't allow yourself to be pushed around and you won't.
avatar for tumblingdice
9 years ago
Twenty,have you ever met anyone who has nothing to lose?It's not a pretty fucking site.It's not about bullies,it's about living to fight another day.And quite frankly I want to bitch slap your Dad for not teaching you this.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
@tumbling Actually I have let me give you a clue, I said if you would have read that entire post he should mention the problem to the bartender or a floor man if he was concerned about the bully. I club in the same general area as Papi I know what goes on in clubs like this one I have been to many. As far as bitch slapping my Dad. he is 91 and he would tell you the same thing. You can disagree all you want but it sounds to be you might be the only bitch who needs slapping
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I've met “twentyfive” in person – he is a native New Yorker and native New Yorkers don't take shit from anyone – and neither do us Miami Cubans.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
“... Oh Papi,I see your dilemma.Since your girl needs two seats ...”

LOL – every once in a while you come up w/ a funny one
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I always try to remain calm and try to be diplomatic and not intensify the situation – but at what point does one stop standing up for himself/lopaw.

The club has a pat-down so no weapons inside – worst case it would have been a fist-fight – I'm def not a fighter and would never ever throw the first blow; but I def don't let anyone put their hands on me either and if I get the short end of the stick so be it but I may feel worse being pushed around and punked.

avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
TD reminds me of either Don Rickles or Triumph the Insult Comic Dog
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
@PC on your story with scrawny black pants sagger, should have momentarily got up and flexed your muscles bro. He sounds like he needs an ass whooping.
avatar for chandler
9 years ago
At my club, where good seats are in such high demand, you would think this kind of thing happens all the time, but not IME. Everybody seems to understand the protocol. If you don't mark your seat clearly, it'll get snapped up in about 30 seconds. After 10 minutes, forget it.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
Shit, when I was at Follies, *two* people tried to take his seat while he was in VIP. With his fucking sweatshirt on the chair.

Most of the local clubs aren't busy enough, at the times I go anyway, for this to be a problem more than occasionally. When it is, the napkin on the glass thing generally works. When it doesn't, a 9mm jacketed hollow point to the base of the skull does.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
By "his", I meant "shadowcat's".
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
hmm, this thread is getting a little too racial for my taste. And when did Tumblingdice become such a racist? Never seen this side of him before?
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
To Papi Don't let the morons get ahead of you I'm sure you handled it fine, nowhere in my post was there any suggestion of any escalation. I agree with you I also prefer to handle it diplomatically if possible without backing down which you did. Good for you, I got your back bro.
avatar for tumblingdice
9 years ago
Estafador(What ever the fuck that means)I'm not a racist,I hate everyone.And Mikey,yes I cut my teeth with Mr. Rickles.Those were the days my friend.
avatar for crsm27
9 years ago
Papi.... I have had the same thing happen to me a couple of times. Now I am not claiming racist or anything like that... But it seems your description of the fella was spot on accurate to the people who tried to do it to me. I think they just try to intimidate or think that person thinks he can do that.

Now I have been like you.... I am more than willing to move over or give up a seat if I was heading up to the tip rail or heading back to get dances and what not.

But both times I asked the bartender if anyone was sitting here and they said "NO". So those guys were always shit out of luck. I would tell them that the bartender told me nobody was sitting there so that is why I am there. They did the same thing as they did to you.... stand there expecting me to move. One time when I was a lil drunk I told the guy if there is a problem with me sitting there.... try to move me. Well skinny black guy looked at this "husky" white guy and decided to move on. Yeah it was stupid of me to do that but fuck it... try to intimidate me.... I will do it right back. Funny thing about that story is a bunch of dancers told me he trys that shit all the time and is a cheap ass. Also the bouncer asked him to leave when he tried it again to another person..

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