I'm used to being able to exchange numbers with my customers and hang out with them if I want to outside, when I worked in other states. I do notice that out here, the clubs are more strict about interaction with customers outside the clubs. Is it illegal or something? I don't see the harm if you get along with someone and enjoy their company and want to grab a drink when you actually have clothes on. I don't want to ask anyone in the club just in case I'm not allowed, I don't want them knowing my business lol
It would be illegal for a club to dictate who you see OTC. However is the club suspects that you are using the club as a place to meet customers for illegal reasons, then they would probably kick you out.
California's Labor Code specifies that an employment relationship with no specified duration (ie, working without a contract setting the term of employment) is presumed to be employment “at-will.” This means, at least in theory, that the employer or employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause. Under employment at will, the employer can fire you if they don't like the way you brush your hair that morning.
I dated a stripper who danced in Vegas and used to talk about this. She said she had to be careful because some clubs ran a tight ship regarding dancers giving out numbers, etc. because the clubs were paranoid of getting charged with solicitation or prostitution.
I assume clubs may have a financial angle in not wanting their dancers to meet custies OTC – if custies are getting their fill OTC w/ dancers then they won't come into the club as often nor have as much $$$ to spend in the club (and dancers may also not come is as often b/c they are getting $upplemented OTC thus the club is missing out on their house fees) – i.e. discretion is the better part of valor in this case.
James: I know they do. Shadow: The club can try dictate anything they want as long as they are not discriminating against you in violation of federal civil rights law and California anti-discrimination laws. You are always free to walk away.
The club wants to force the customer to come and see you at the club, so they can get the custy's money. But what are the odds of getting caught anyway? Just don't tell any other dancer you are hanging with custy's, unless you're really sure the other dancer is a real friend. I assume you are not going to waste your time with losers who feel the need to brag about the fact that a hot dancer just met them for dinner or a drink or something.
Obviously exchanging information, or even leaving with someone, is not illegal. But many clubs, like here in Santa Clara County, do try to prohibit it. They just don't want to get in trouble. LE is extremely tough on strip clubs here. They make all sorts of allegations of what it looks like is happening, even though they lack the proof needed to charge anyone.
So these clubs do their best to prevent anything which would look like the club is being used to promote some sort of illegality. It sucks.
Usually though people can exchange all the info they want if they just do it discretely.
Almost all clubs discourage OTC for reasons already stated. Most of my dancers are very careful and discrete about it. For example tomorrow night's date wouldn't talk specifics with me itc. She said yes to the concept of a date but said we have to work out the details via text which we did. And most dancers ask me repeatedly to never tell any other dancers that we date, which I always respect.
Employment at will has no application in most strip clubs. But without a contract, it's even easier to terminate an independent contractor relationship than it is an employee at will. A stripper has zero job security unless she makes so much money that the club can't afford to let her go.
Lola thanks Ranukam! Hahaha! Moorhead, do you live in San Diego too?
Thanks everyone for the advice and input! It really helped! I can't wait til I get more settled in so I can stop getting yelled at for every little thing. I feel like the "dirty stripper" in the club hahaha. And I'm always getting yelled at about my top because my tops are too small for my fits. Wtf they want me to wear a granny bra or something?! lol. And I wore my school girl skirt the other day and got yelled at because I didn't have shorts underneath. Apparently not only does your ass have to be covered, but I have to wear actual bikini shorts even under a skirt! Such nonsense! I'm going to do it though lol because I need this job and don't want to work anywhere else because I'll have to get a dancer license and blah blah blah.
last commentPacers and PP have booze. Cheetahs and goldfingers have affiliated bars next door.
I've had dancers volunteer what bar they were going to after work. Or ask for my number and actually text me.
It's not rocket science, but you have to show some discretion
Shadow: The club can try dictate anything they want as long as they are not discriminating against you in violation of federal civil rights law and California anti-discrimination laws. You are always free to walk away.
Obviously exchanging information, or even leaving with someone, is not illegal. But many clubs, like here in Santa Clara County, do try to prohibit it. They just don't want to get in trouble. LE is extremely tough on strip clubs here. They make all sorts of allegations of what it looks like is happening, even though they lack the proof needed to charge anyone.
So these clubs do their best to prevent anything which would look like the club is being used to promote some sort of illegality. It sucks.
Usually though people can exchange all the info they want if they just do it discretely.
Employment at will has no application in most strip clubs. But without a contract, it's even easier to terminate an independent contractor relationship than it is an employee at will. A stripper has zero job security unless she makes so much money that the club can't afford to let her go.
Thanks everyone for the advice and input! It really helped! I can't wait til I get more settled in so I can stop getting yelled at for every little thing. I feel like the "dirty stripper" in the club hahaha. And I'm always getting yelled at about my top because my tops are too small for my fits. Wtf they want me to wear a granny bra or something?! lol. And I wore my school girl skirt the other day and got yelled at because I didn't have shorts underneath. Apparently not only does your ass have to be covered, but I have to wear actual bikini shorts even under a skirt! Such nonsense! I'm going to do it though lol because I need this job and don't want to work anywhere else because I'll have to get a dancer license and blah blah blah.