
Workplace advice

Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
I need a little advice on how to proceed with an odd situation at work. A woman I work told me that she started dancing at a nereby club and that she wanted me to come and watch her dance.

She brought it up last night after a few of us had gone out for drinks. I was giving her and another female coworker a ride home afterwards and our route took us right past the SC she is dancing at.

She asked if either of us had ever been to that SC. The other girl in the car responded rather quickly that her and her ex boyfriend used to go there a few times a year to spice things up. At this point both girls looked at me awaiting an answer. I told them that I used to go there, but that I switched to a different club because the quality of dancers had gone down at that club.

She then told me that I "should give it another chance because the quality of girls has increased lately." I asked her how she knew that, to which she answered that she has been working there three nights a week for almost two months.

At that point I damn near wrecked when she reached over and gave me a strip club handshake and said that I should "stop by after work on Tuesday for a few lapdances." The other girl in the car then asked if she could go with me if I go.

I work in a different department from the two of them, so we don't work together on a regular basis. However, I have collaborated on projects twice in the last few years with her. Also, while we are not directly in the same chain of command, my boss is her boss's boss.

Normally, I would never even consider doing anything sexual with someone from work due to the possible ramifications, however my little head is saying "go for it." She is a very cute 22 year old (i'm 33) girl next door type that I usually go for at the club.

What would you do?


  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    I say take the other girl and check out the tits on the cute 22 year old. Then report back here.

    Sounds like lots of fun to me.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I wouldn't mess around with the stripper that works with you, like you said too many ramifications.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    33, she's 22...you're gay if you don't do it. Trust me what happens outside of work has no bearing on how you are legally evaluated at work. Besides your boss would kill you if you didn't show that sorta killer instinct.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    I get why you're asking but your gonna find out that the world on and off the job is a forgiving place
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    And to add a bit...when I had just turned 30, totally fucked a girl on the office. It called being young dumb and full of cum. Older people get it. They've done worse things than you.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    So..ya, if you don't do it your a queen and a coward and you're going to regret it for the rest of your life.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Whodey, it really depends -- just how much do you like your job?

    If you honestly believe the three of you are mature enough to keep work and the club life separate, go for it. If you have the slightest inkling that someone's going to get a case of the giggles or, worse yet, try to give you a strip club handshake at work (or even just on the property), passing would be a good idea.

    Nothing like some outsider trying to start up harassment or hostile work environment complaints if any of the innuendo gets out of hand.
  • metaldude
    9 years ago
    While I understand the reluctance to complicate work by pursuing this if I was in your situation I would never be able to sleep at night knowing I passed up on something that might be incredible. Take advantage of this opportunity while you can, but first make sure everybody knows that as far as work is concerned it never happened. Also, if things ever change and one or both of them are ever even remotely in your chain of command then end it immediately.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    My first job out of college I worked with tons of hot girls that worked in different departments, so I'm trying to put myself in your shoes, wondering if one of the would present this question to me.

    Since you think the girl is hot, and she was definitely flirting with you, if you're single I'd go for it, if you're married or have a serious girlfriend, I would probably stay away, which would be hard to do.

    Bringing the other girl into the situation is a little strange too but could work well, makes you look more innocent and (to me) a little less PLish when you'd arrive to the club.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    You only live once. Besides, in the worse case, you were looking for a job when you got the one you have! GO FOR IT!
  • bvino
    9 years ago
    There are always other jobs but this situation seems unlikely to repeat itself any time soon. Go for it. The risk is low and the possibilities are many. No down side. Job probably sucks too.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    If you like your job, run, don't walk, away. If you are prepared to be "allowed to seek opportunities elsewhere," go for it.

    The stripper isn't likely to be your problem. She probably doesn't want it generally known that she's stripping, and if the "handshake" is any indication, she isn't likely to want her co-workers to know she's jacking, or more, her customers off.

    The other one however, is more problematic. If you and she have a fun, but tame, experience at the club, it's possible she'll share with her friends, some of whom probably work with her and you. That increases your risk.

    If you have a fun and nasty time, she'll might share what a nasty, dirty asshole you are. That increases your risk even more.

    If she has a crappy time, all bets are off. She might forever ignore you, or also share what a nasty, dirty jerk you are.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    If I posted a story like that people would say that I was lying. Hell, some don't even believe that I have a dancers mom who wants to date me. But I believe you. Because it is clearly the work of the strip club gods. Seriously, what are the odds of such a thing happening to a tuscler -- a cute coworker who is a stripper on the side who invites you to her club. It's gotta be a million to one. Absolutely go for it. You'll always regret it if you don't. And post the story of what happens.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Don't see the issue here. It is away from work and off the clock so you are free to do what you want on your own time, even with coworkers. Have fun just don't push the topic of sex and she will bring it on if she's interested in the play. Most people find relationships in the work place, but tell her it doesn't have to be exclusive if she ends up playing with you, you know because it would be weird with work and all (wink, wink).
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    She's not in your department. She's 22... what are the odds she'll be at your company in a year?

    You're not married. Go for it. My only issue is I'm not sure what her game is... does she view you as an ATM? Or a potential fuck buddy?
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Times have changed in the work place. For the first 30 years of my 42 year career, the company would not hire any relatives of current employees. Some sneaked in under the radar. But then their whole philosophy changed and gave preferential treatment to relatives

    While sexual harassment is still an issue, dating among employees is acceptable behavior.
  • crsm27
    9 years ago
    Here is what I need to know....

    Is this an extras club? If it is your typical non extras club. go and watch. You don't have to get dances from her at all. You don't have to have her grind on you... etc.

    So you see no issue with work if you do that. As long as you don't get flirty at work. Then sexual harassment isn't an issue. Because you went to a "club" and she happened to work there too. As long as you don't use that as leverage or anything like that at work. You are golden.

    So go look at some nice 22 year old titties!!!
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    It sounds like the one girl already knew the other one was stripping. I don't see any issues here. You aren't her boss. Worst case scenario you have a 3-way with them and it gets around work. The women at work will openly think how disgusting and secretly think how sexy. The men will all be in complete awe if these 2 women really are hot. I wouldn't pass this up.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I'm a lawyer. Trust me. Go for it. My advice is free as long as you share truthful details.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I mean, isn't work the #3 place people meet their spouse (college and through friends being 1 and 2)? Not saying you're gonna marry this girl, but almost every company I've worked at has at least one couple that met there.
  • whodey
    9 years ago
    Just to follow up, I went to see her last week but I didn't take the girl with me. I wish I hadn't, nothing but air dances from her after which I felt compelled to tip her based on knowing her from work. I got more mileage from her in the car that night.

    It also made it awkward getting dances from higher mileage girls. Every time I was getting a dance from someone else it felt like she was watching.

    I haven't run into her at work since the club, but I am dreading the inevitable uncomfortable interaction.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I wouldn't sweat it. You got dances with her, they sucked and you moved on. Just like any other customer. If they had been off the charts great any time you see her at work you would have to act the same. You can't acknowledge that you know she a stripper and you got dances with her either way so you are fine. Treat her nicely and act like you would if you never had dances with her.
    Did you see her give dances to anyone else? Were they air as well? Maybe she was nervous about giving you more mileage because you do work together. If that's the case the next time you see her outside of work you can let her know anything that happens in the club stays in the club and let's have some fun.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    She may have been feeling awkward as well. What if she gave you UHM dances and then you went and ran your mouth at work about what all she did to you? You might want to just come clean and let her know that youre no SC virgin and whatever happens there stays there. Let her know work and SC will stay separate. Dances might get better if she feels comfortable her secret is safe from work.

    I'd take the other Chica from work with you too. You never know what may happen. Just tell her you're going and ask if she wants to go see the other Chica with you. You don't work together so all she can say is no. No harm no foul.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Holey fucket
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