proper ettiquette or whose to blame

avatar for Djscudmaster
Lets say I'm dating a stripper or about to date a stripper or are at club where some stripper cant stop eyeing Me saying I'm her one etc,,,.
In the club near the stage or in a wide open chair or area where many can see she gives Me a full blown 10-15 minute lapdance in public view of others. I'm feeling breasts sucking breasts touching ass etc... I have not once placed My hand in My pocket to tip here and when the dance was over she kisses Me and walks away.To the astonishment of many patrons seeing this one or few look disgustingly or pist or quip to a bouncer what gives He replies I think she like Him or they are bf and gf or significant others. Surely to say patrons are going to avoid or ignore her. .Lets now say that her best friend at the club and/.or others strippers at the club wish to JOIN in the festivities and give Me similar 5-10-15 minute lap dances or do dances in that same spot whilst telling Me to keep My hands in My pocket or side or allowing Me to do what that previous stripper did. I have not tipped them because they refuse tip or smile back and leave when the dance is over. Many patron watch this or see from time to time how its going with Him.
If a stripper came up to a patron or to you in another area of the club or if you were next to or nearer to Me and gave you some tit face action or a lil bump and grind for a minute or so and then stuck their hand out for Money where you say "but you just finished giving some dude a lap dance or a lap dance for free" or if she wasn't one of the strippers involved but you refuse to tip her Whose To Blame?

Now if a second straight night or weekend same patrons or similar there I came over expecting this to Happen again(What a coincidence) and it does happen as above and some patrons/strippers are pointing this out to bouncers management both or some strippers are feeling the brunt of this by not getting tipped for ta(Tit action) slight bump and grind or are being told to or ordered to give lap dances in public not in vip room or lap dance room and they the strippers get pist angry etc,,,, Whose to blame, Shall I be blamed shall the strippers in question who are doing this or did this(Free open lap dance to a patron) or shall I be either told don't let Me catch You....or kicked out or shall the strippers be reprimanded or told if you do thjs again You're Fired
PS if another night I wasn't there but patrons assume that they can ask for free lapdances or lapdances in public view of others ahall I be allowed to return to the club or shall I return knowing this happened and be incognito or be on My best behaviour


last comment
Actually It did happen just once I mean one night
Well,you know she's not an English major.
Let's say I was taking hallucinogenic drugs and actually understood your post. Assume my answer is whatever is appropriate for that.
This ^^^
Seven. Lime. Penguin.
Let's say that Kate Upton refuses to stop blowing me know matter how much I try to push her away. Let's say that I need to get her off me so I can accept the several million dollars Jennifer Aniston is trying to give me to provide the same service. Let's say that even with these challenges I am able to form complete English sentences. Why would I need to seek the advice of Internet perverts?
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Mr. Djscudmaster, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Are you drunk?
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Fucked up, but funny as hell
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
With or without the dachshund, you just can't laid. Hehe, sorry dude, I just had to. It was a good read of a particularly pathetic moment. Anyone here that says they've never fucked up is either a liar or the creator of the The System™. Maybe it's time for a Detroit trip and get your game on.
I'll take "OT: Illiteracy" for $500, Alex etc. etc. etc.
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
Whose to blame? I pick the schools.
I blame Obama. That has been really popular with people who have mush for brains.
Who is Billy Madison?
Let's just say these are strippers and not your mom and grandma...
I think the responses to this post are the best yet. I actually started to tear up I was laughing so hard.

I go with GeorgeMicro as my favorite response, but many were good.
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