
Dancer reviews

What are the best sites to find individual dancer reviews on? Im trying to see if there are any reviews on a couple of dancers at TL in upland nowadays that ive been thinking about trying out. Would like to know a little intel before i spend my money. Time in the back isnt cheap and i know theyll say anything to make themselves sound good. Would rather know from my fellow SC goers if possible.


  • rl27
    9 years ago
    I don't believe there is a single site with reviews of individual dancers. If there was I would definitely be checking it our. There are a few escort review sites that have strip club sections for a few cities, but often the last dancer named was from a few years ago.

    A few years ago there were several city specific adult entertainment sites that had quite a few reviews on dancers. Vegas, Houston and San Francisco all had sites with information, but those all got shut down.

    Your best bet is to read the reviews in this site for the city you are interested in. You should find quite a few dancers who repeatably get mentioned.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    This site does not advocate giving out dancer names to protect them from LE, clubs and stalkers. USAsexguide does not follow that doctrine and name dropping is quite prevalent. Give them a try.
  • Visitor3
    9 years ago
    @shadowcat will definitely check that out. Thankyou. Im new to this site but was usually on zbone. Seems like the reviews kind of fell off though. Was use to finding helpful info on there.
    @rl27 i checked the reviews out and see quite a bit of in depth stories as far as visits and experiences but none too recent that im looking for. Thats understandable that certain things should be left out for their safety. Ive been told about a couple of situations by some who ive spoken to over the years.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago

    Your welcome :)
  • Visitor3
    9 years ago
    @lopaw yes! Pretty good reviews thankyou! A couple missing but great for most part.
  • Visitor3
    9 years ago
    @sampepys well girls hop around and keep themselves fresh on the market but for the most part they have their "home". Ive known girls at the lei to try out new places or take time off but end up back here and there.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Effective dancer reviews aren't realistic. Just choose a good club and go shopping. You learn how to pick them out pretty easily with experience. and its more fun that way.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Good call, lopaw. I forgot about BonedIn. It's quickly surpassed zbone as the LA area stripclub intel go-to source.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    Yeah it seems to depend on the city. Some cities mention the dancer's name. Some only give descriptions or the first initial of the dancer. I forgot about USAsexguide, just checked it out for my favorite cities, and in two of them there is more information on this site. The third city mentions the dancer names or her first initial, what to expect and for how much.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago

    Joined May 2014

    Yesterday • Im new to this site but was usually on zbone.

    If he is new, I must still be a zygote.
  • Visitor3
    9 years ago
    Lol i dont know what a zygote is but basically im.new to being as active as i have been nowadays on this site. I think sometimes folks look a little too deep into these things lol.
    At a certain point in time i was alot more active in the SC scene than what i am nowadays. I use to get the "Dancer" magizine from DVOntario and pretty much had a good time visiting the majority of clubs in SoCal. Ive been out of the scene for a good while so just wanna grab some infoon dancers to know which are worth the time. Nothing more than things that are already beimg explained on these sites. Just not as much info or any at all for certain dancers.
  • Visitor3
    9 years ago
    I signed up a while ago but didnt really examine this site too much. Mainly checked out zbone. That was the main site id hear about during my time of frequently visiting clubs.
  • Visitor3
    9 years ago
    I checked out USAsexguide but nothing on clubs in IE area.
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