
do buy her a drink or not to buy her a drink, this is the question?

Avatar for just_the_nuts

Of course im not buying drinks for every dancer but im pounder it for the girl i will spend my time with for that visit

How do y'all feel about this subject ?


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Avatar for rockstar666

Dancer drinks are only $5 where I go, so I'm happy to buy my partners all they want. I don't buy drinks for girls I'm not interested in though.

Avatar for RTP

I only buy a dancer a drink if the dancer is going to sit with my while she drinks it. Seems basic, but I have had a number of dancers ask for a drink and then quickly move on to another customer.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Depends. About a year ago someone suggested offering the girl a soft drink. Unless the girl has really got a problem, then alcohol will not be necessary. It will be a hindrance to your conversation and subsequent engagement with her.

Others have suggested that at these drink hustle places that you can just shine the waitress on and then hand money to your dancer. At most of those places the drink is not much and the dancer really does not want it, but she is not allowed to decline. I would think she would like cash better.

But here Dr. F. talks about buying an $8 girl drink getting him 30min of talk with a great deal of friendliness.




Avatar for beguiled

I used to buy them a $20 soda everytime I was asked. It was a way to tip the house and the host. I'm now burned out on them taking two sips and moving on to another customer. That's a ROB, but it only cost $20 to find out.

Avatar for impala

I rarely buy them a drink, especially if it's my first time to a club (if I'm at one of my reg haunts it's different, but I offer first and have known most of them for years anyways). It's a quick way for a dancer to tell if it's going to be easy to bleed your wallet quickly. IME, usually a drink tells them that you will pay and pay and pay for little in return. I've usually gotten further by just tipping a little better (dollar dance or stage, give them 2 or three, $5 lappers (very popular in Akron), give $10 if she's good. You see the point, they then know why your spending your money and what for.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

I think one needs to find a way to handle it gracefully, because the club is trying to put you on the spot by letting your selected stripper see how you treat their cocktail waitress. So I think one has to consider this from all sides.



John Coltrane


Avatar for rl27

It depends. If she is asking for a few dollars to purchase a drink herself then I'll often give it for her. At several of the clubs I frequent the dancers can purchase their own drinks for $2. If I purchased the same drink it's $7 or more.

The drinks that the waitresses ask you to purchase for the dancer typically go for $10 or $15 more, and are nothing more than 7-Up or Sprite with cherry flavoring added. It's that way at most clubs I have been to, so if you are planning on getting the dancer drunk on a "Dancer Drink," it won't happen. If she does seem a bit drunk, it's acting on her part.

Avatar for rh48hr

I haven't bought drinks too often but with my last fave I would buy a couple drinks before dances because she was a little more frisky after having a couple drinks in her. So I'm all for it if that is the end result.

Avatar for JamesSD

Usually no. It's complicated at my main club because the bar is next door. I have bought a dancer a $1 water.

I'm most open to it for girls with good personalities but I don't want a dance from.

Avatar for Joe from NJ
Joe from NJ

I rarely buy a dancer a drink.

The exceptions is for a favorite that I see regularly in a club.

Avatar for Quemafia

What do you think it means when a dancer offers you drinks?

Avatar for Subraman

Since one of the things that I enjoy about strip clubs is drinking with strippers, I always buy her a drink. Hell, in non-alcohol clubs, I always refill one of their water bottles with vodka and share it with the dancers, and in my previous regular non-alcohol clubs, regularly met the girls at a local bar before their shifts and breaks. If I ask the girl if she'll do a shot with me and she declines, I almost always excuse her from the table on the spot. So, did I tell you I love drinking with the girls?

Anyway, probably not surprisingly, unless we're still in the phase where I just met her and I'm still interviewing her to see if I like her, I always get her a drink. At least in the clubs I go to, that buys me a whole lot of talk, flirt, and sit-on-lap (if I'm lucky) time. If a girl is totally into doing shots, I figure I've hit the jackpot.

I cannot remotely understand guys not buying the girls drinks, if it's a girl you want to hang around a while. If you're worried about price, don't fucking let her order, you don't have to be a doormat. Before the waitress comes by, I ask her if she wants to do a shot with me, if she wants something else either I approve it or I don't, if I don't approve I tell her "we're doing shots, if you want to drink" and they back down immediately every time. Then I order for both of us. No girl orders some drink I don't know the price of, on my dime, but it's crazy easy to manage this situation

Avatar for san_jose_guy

I know that Subraman really likes to drink with the girls.

But otherwise there are two cases:

  1. The girl asks you to buy her a drink.

  2. It is a drink hustle place, so as soon as the girls sits down with you the waitress asks if you want to guy her a drink.

  3. If the girl asks you, then she probably does want a drink. Sometimes, as I have experienced it, it is the girl asking you do make a sort of down payment. She wants you to feel that you have some investment in her already. If you want that, Okay.

  4. If it is the waitress and the drink hustle, this is when you need to figure some way around it, because the dancer probably does not want a drink, but she can't indicate this. She is also looking to see how you treat their cocktail waitress. This is usually in no alcohol clubs, at least in California.

So maybe some cash to each of them? At one, a girl showed me where to take girls to sit where the waitresses don't seem to go.

Back when I first joined TUSCL someone explained how one might divert it to a non-alcoholic drink. Sometimes dancers want this, and I am sure it makes the encounter better.



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