
It's not too late to get a cheap plane ticket to Detroit on Sept 12

layin low but staying high
This morning I reserved a plane ticket to Detroit for the meetup using the ap skiplagged. As usual, this ap saved me a few hundred dollars on the cost of the trip. Over the past year I have saved well over $20K using this ap ( mostly on trips to see the DS). It's called hidden city ticketing. The way it works is that the ap shows you cheap flights that connect in the city you want to get to. These flights are usually much cheaper than flying directly to that connecting city. For example, if you wanted to fly from Atlanta to LaGuardia, the ap would show you cheap flights from Atlanta to various random cities that connect in LaGuardia. You just stay in New York and don't take your connecting flight, effectively flying to LaGuardia at a fraction of the cost of a direct flight.

I have done this dozens of times and it works great. There are only two realistic ways this can go wrong. First you must book one way flights. The airlines hate people who do this, and they will cancel your return flight if you skip the connecting flight in the first leg. Second, you can never check luggage because the luggage will go to your "final destination" which is not where you will be. You also can't be one of the last people on the plane because if they run out of overhead space they will force you to check a bag.

The airlines have also threatened to cancel the frequent flyer account of people who do this, but it's all bullshit. I've done this at least 50 times with two airlines in the past year and I'm still a priority member with both airlines. They won't do anything because they have been loosing the legal battle against this practice. And they don't want the negative publicity of the lawsuits that will follow if they abuse customers who are just trying to save a few bucks. It's like buying a 2 liter drink because it's cheaper, then deciding to only drink half of it. Can the soft drink company penalize you for not drinking all of what you bought? The airlines look like idiots for saying that the answer is yes. Instead of continuing to fight this practice (United's lawsuit against skiplagged was dismissed), the airlines are now simply relying upon the fact that most people are too timid and fearful to "break the rules." So if you're not a timid little wimp, you can cut the cost of airline tickets in half.

So that's why it's not too late to get that last minute flight to Detroit on Sept 12.


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Got any deals on cheap pussy? :) Hope you guys have fun. I just can't tear myself away from what I've got going on right here.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    Hey Shadow, just go to a black dive. I know a few girls that's giving it up for as little as $40 :)
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    You should still be wary. I've heard some rumors that the airlines may stop trying legal challenges and simply report "abusers" to TSA for inclusion on the no-fly list. I don't know how much traction that will gain, as TSA has a worse image problem than the airlines themselves. They just don't care.
  • metaldude
    9 years ago
    Thanks JS! that's some great intel.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    gewings - If they look like Chastity, just tell me where. :)
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Nice, i will check that out
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    thanks for the info on the app. won't be able to make it this time, but there's always next year!!!!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    GMD, if they put me on a no fly list then the DS and I are gonna retire to an island in the Caribbean with all of the punitive damages that I recover in my lawsuit against them. I wish they would but I can't imagine that they're that stupid. That is the sort of propaganda that they use to intimidate the timid rule followers.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @JS: If TSA does it, you'll lose. The courts haven't been generally very receptive to damage claims when actual rules are broken by fliers. Buying a ticket to somewhere you don't intend to go is deceptive, and in this day and age, your *are* guilty until proven innocent, and DHS/TSA really doesn't enjoy much oversight. Because you know, they're "protecting" us from the evil bad guys.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Yes but my hypothetical lawsuit is not against the TSA/government. It would be against any airline that puts a guy on a no fly list who takes 150 or more flights every year without any hint of a problem. The only risk that I present is to the airlines profits.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    John, is there going to be a big after party at your hotel room ?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Hell yeah Mikey. I'll send around a post in a couple of days about the after meet up party. I'm bringing the weed and choosing the strippers. I've got you down as paying for the strippers. Please bring plenty of cash cause gorgeous redheads don't come cheap.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    Eventually they'll just slap on a fee for people who skip a leg of their flight.
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