
Shopping for women

layin low but staying high

I love shopping for women. This night I go to a new store to see if they have any that I want. I'm picky, and it's a small store, so I'm not really expecting much. But shopping for women is unpredictable. Sometimes you find exactly what you want in a tiny little store in the middle of nowhere. And sometimes she's in a huge superstore. Or maybe somewhere in between. And sometimes there's nothing you want. The unknown keeps it exciting.

First I need a women whose body makes the little head beg. Fortunately the women in these stores are conveniently displayed on a stage for me to choose from. Fully nude here. Nothing I want for a while, but then with little warning my soldier salutes a new one on display. Damn. The little heads begs for her. A gorgeous girl next door type. This is what I am shopping for. What is this beauty doing in this little fucking little place?

Next the personality test. This one is a keeper. Fun, friendly, chill, I really like her. A lot. Did I mention that this conversationalist is a beautiful blond with the cutest C cups you've ever seen. Gorgeous face. The little head stays at attention the whole time we talk. It's like verbal foreplay. The funny thing is she strikes me as very mature, so eventually I ask her age -- 21. No wonder she seems mature. :)

So it's time to play with my eventual purchase. Turns out she's a baby stripper so I know that the mileage may suck. But will it suck in a good way or a bad way? But it doesn't matter that much. She's a 100 times hotter than any other bitch in this store. Not a dream stripper, but there's only one of those. But like the DS, another baby stripper, the mileage from her is good. Very good as I get to know her body intimately. I could easily LDK, but I want to come inside her after I make my purchase.

Unfortunately shopping for women is not like buying milk. You can't just take your purchase to the cash register, pay, and take them home. I wish. Wouldn't that be fucking awesome. This is a non extras store so we have the OTC discussion. I go slow, gentle, not pushy or demanding, in explaining how things work. Be gentile with a baby stripper. She says she has never been bought before. Just what I want -- low mileage pussy. She needs money. She asks how much I would pay for her. I got ya covered baby. You take care of me and I'll take care of you.

We talk about sexual turn ons. She's got some unique ones. I like them. And she's open to everything I want. But she's not sure that she wants to be for sale. Why keep giving it away babe when I'm a safe guy whose willing to pay for it? You're gonna fuck regardless, might as well get money for it. The little head repeats what she's worth, and adds a little more incentive to convince her to decide in favor of commerce. So she's considering it.

I'll go back next week to see if she's for sale yet. She will be eventually. I know it's very likely. Not because I'm an awesome stud, although of course I am. Not because my penis is huge, although of course ... Never mind. But it's obvious that she will eventually accept, even if she doesn't t know it herself right now. She needs money. Badly. A lot of money. And she wont earn it here. Not even close. She wants my Benjamin's. I want her body. It's a match made in heaven.

I get her number. She gives out her real cell number. Hasn't been working long enough to have a burn phone or ap. But she'll learn the business quickly now that I'm here to teach her.

If I followed the System this could take 18 months. But my white three piece suit is at the dry cleaners, so I'm optimistic that completing my purchase will take only a couple weeks instead. Still a long time to wait to make a purchase, but thats why people camp out to buy the latest Apple product. When you want the best, sometimes it takes a little while to complete your purchase. In the meantime I've already got several who regularly sell themselves to me.

Just another night of shopping. I love shopping for women.


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'd like to unwrap the girls to see full nudity but they have laws against that in topless strip clubs. I'm in a shopping restricted zone.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    "Clean up on aisle 69, clean up on aisle 69"
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    this should be in the articles section.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Nice writing.

    I like that posts are immediate. Articles take too long to get published.

    I prefer to window shop for women. I can get carried away and spend too much if I find something I like.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    All kidding aside – a SC *is* sorta like shopping IMO – most of us only have a set amount of $$$ we can spend and many of us are careful on whom we decide to spend it on so we can get the best value/bang for our $$$ - so it is sorta like shopping where one looks around at the various options and then makes a decision.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I love looking over women, and going here and there to check them out. It is this visual show aspect of them which gets me going the most. How they dress and makeup is the biggest part of it for me. Nudity is not that big of a deal. Alone with her, you can pull her clothes of her. But getting her dolled up in the first place, that's the real game.

    I think Rue St. Denis in Paris is probably the world's best for this. But that TJ Zona Norte is the place I am aiming at.

    JS69, have you checked out any more AMPs? Has the little head seen anything it likes?

    That is the key to getting started in those venues. Some shops have younger and more dolled up girls. This is usually some place where they get less pressure from LE.

    Some shops they don't let you see the girls until you pay. Though I don't like this, they do usually have younger and more dolled up ones. It is the younger girls who don't want to be recognized who come from out of town and want it this way.

    But with advanced search on RubMaps, you can usually find the shops with dolled up young hotties. Such shops are very conspicuous and LE goes after them.


    Dizzy Gillespie
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I agree John smith you should have put this in the article section, might as well get a free month with all effort you put into writing.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    SJG, I haven't had time for happy ending massage girls. I'm too busy supporting a DS and some single moms.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Problem with Articles is that they don't bump the way that Discussions do. So even an excellent one, like JS69 would write, would get the short shrift.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I never go for Happy Ending in AMPs. Only time it happens is when the girls has Aunt Flo visiting and doesn't want to do more.

    Otherwise I am always there for GFE-FS.

    You've just got to find a place with girls you like. That may or may not be available in a given city.


    Doug Henwood
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Shopping for women -- first thing I pictured was wandering the streets of Amsterdam and doing some window shopping.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yes, that is exactly what it means. This is one of the meanings of what Foucault called "heterotopia". But most of the time they aren't kept behind glass. They can be in strip clubs and in shopping malls. Sometimes the best places are the outdoor hooker zones.




    Casino Capitalism
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    Well written, JohnSmith69. I enjoyed reading that piece; you have a way with words and strippers.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    As long as I can return them later if they don't fit or the size is wrong, I'm good with it.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I won't buy them their everyday underwear. Best to let them do that as the do a better job. But some things like say sweaters. Otherwise if I am buying it, it's just for the bedroom.

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