
I think this is it for me.

Friday, August 14, 2015 7:03 PM
My regular dancer has kicked me to the curb for the third time. This time, it all boils down to me not spending any money on her on Monday. In her mind, I was going to get VIP. She had been asking for it over the weekend. Unlucky for her, I saw her being dropped off by a guy. This triggered a thought in my mind. I am dropping $1,000 on her and this guy gets to benefit from it. Not to mention he gets to fuck her when I don't even get to see her pussy. I asked her about it and she said it was a friend and that she did not have a boyfriend. I did not believe it and went home without spending a dime on her. I understand that the strip club is a fantasy. I think I overreacted, but I just felt like the fantasy was shattered after seeing her being dropped off by a guy. At that point it became real that I am just an ATM. I planned on temporarily taking some weeks off from the strip club to get over it but she took the initiative of texting me and telling me to find another girl. I tried to reason with her but she said she would only take me back if I spent more money on her. I had been spending between $200 and $400 per visit. Like I dumbass, I agreed thinking that it meant $300. The following day she texts me and asks if I'm going to see her. I asked if she was still mad at me. She says "not if you get VIP" That sounded very manipulative. I said I can't do VIP. She then asked me to spend at least $500 on her. I said I would spend $300. She replied that I had to spend more than that, otherwise I could go find another girl. I don't know if she's doing this as a tactic to get more cash out of me or if she is genuinely tired of me and is willing to forego the income. At this point I am done with strippers and strip clubs.


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Dude- that has to be the biggest PL story that I have heard lately. Yes. You need stop stop going to clubs and stop texting her until you have read enough on here to understand how things work.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    She sounds like a super bitch, you need to unwrap yourself from her little finger
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    It is a fantasy and she was playing you like a drum. That doesn't mean you have to stop going, you have to find a new girl who provides better service. Why would you spend that much money on one girl and not even get any extras let alone not even see the pussy? Imo you got played and you are reacting like she had feelings for you. She had feelings for your cash and what do you think she was doing on those other days when you weren't there? Playing other PL's for their cash just like she played you. Get over it and move on. It's your money, get what you want for it or tell HER to find a new money source.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    My bet is that you'll be back paying her $1K to not even see her pussy within a week. Sad.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    Damn bruh you got suckered. Don't act like a dunce and see this stripper again. Move on from her and this incident even if means taking a break from the strip clubs for awhile.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    SMH...no matter how much advice you can give a person, sometimes he or she just have to learn the hard way.
  • IronFox22
    9 years ago
    This doesn't make too much sense to me. $1,000 per visit for regular dances without any hint of extras? That's a hell of a lot of money. You must be rollin' in some serious dough. Also, are you telling me that a dancer is flat our refusing to take $300 from you for dances? This seems like a messed up situation even to me, and I've been played more times than I'm willing to admit.
  • ime
    9 years ago
    Ironic you've paid this cunt thousands of dollars and never even seen her cunt. Your brain is now trying to force you to grow some balls listen to it.
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    Wow! Time for a new acronym, JPP, Just Plain Pathetic!
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I had a girl act like that one time and I "fired" her on the spot. Soon she was texting me she was sorry and wanted to get back together. I held out for my terms and my terms only. You need to be in control not her ! Right now she is controlling you. You can't have that. Get away from her if you have to and start with a new girl where you are the boss !
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Dude in my opion you never even spend that much money reguarly on 1 girl in the club. If I'm spending money like that it is a set up for OTC later. Isn't there other girl's there you like? i'd take about a month off,maybe go to another club and then go back there and get dances from other girl's. But don't fall back into her trap. there is never going to be anything real between you two. honesty maybe you can fuck her OTC one day and get her out of your system. I did this once. And yes the guy who dropped her off is her unemployed loser BF who probably beat's her and sits home playing xbox and smoking weed all day.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Nah...if this guy is real and not a fckn troll (I have my doubts) then he's already gotten all the puss he's ever gonna get in this life when his mom squeezed him out (and he might not have been that lucky --cesarean baby) If he is really this pathetic then he's a fckn creeper soon to be stalker fckn serial killer. Do yourself a favor, spend that $1000 on a super high end hooker. At least you'd have a nut and some dignity. Damn!!!!
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    I'm just telling it like it is. I don't know what all this creeper, stalker, serial killer shit has to do with me. Yes, I'm pathetic for spending so much money on a manipulating bitch, but that's what strippers do.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Fuck her, go to the club where she works at don't even acknowledge her, get dances from which ever girl she hates the most and leave. Whatever you do don't even speak to her. Just have a good time and ignore the bitch.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Quote her Rod Stewart... "Someone like you makes it hard to live without......somebody else".
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    rech The greatest day of your entire SC life is coming soon. It is the day you say to her, "you look beautiful today. I'm hanging out with Porsche today. Nice to see you again." That's for the next visit and he has to be hanging with another stripper for it to have the desired effect.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Love how he's not taking responsibility, classic sociopath behavior. Always somebody else to blame for their actions. "She's a manipulator" and not "I'm the self loathing beyond pathetic human being who thinks so low of myself, and who is so fckn rigid in beliefs a narrow minded desire, that I picked this one girl to be responsible for my good time, if she fails them the entire stripper population has failed me, so now I'm done with those ducking birch stripper because she was supposed to be everything I wanted" Of course never mind that we're talking about another human being who is going through their own shit has their own struggle and the last person on their list of priorities is probably you. You are a creeper. I've already told you to go get help from a certified therapist, that wasn't a suggestion, you are going to hurt yourself and others some day ( most serial killers start their behavior around 40 -- tick toc that's like in five/four years nigga wake the fuck up!!!!)
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    This thread has gone off on a tangent I am going to Houston for the weekend. Might as well visit a strip club if the opportunity arises. Anything comparable to Baby Dolls Dallas? I am looking for beautiful latinas.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Maybe you should give it a shot talking to some sort of professional counselor. You already know your behavior is not rational. Your remaining delusion is the hope that somebody can tell you some trick that will make a stripper appreciate and like you. There's no trick. They can offer you sexual contact of some sort for money, that's it. It's not impossible that you will meet a dancer and form a worthwhile non-commercial bond with her. But it's extremely unlikely. It is what it is. If you go to some poor country and marry a very poor chick, she may adore you forever as her savior. But I'd say even that is a 50-50 shot at best. And if you crap out you'll win the Superbowl drive off in a Hyundai.
  • TortillaChip
    9 years ago
    I can't decide which is more funny and entertaining, Bavarian with his epic PL story or GACA with the diarrhea he is spewing. Please continue gents, i gotz popcorn.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    bro fuck her. go to somebody else. whatever it is you see in her, you can find it in someone else. they are strippers. they dont give a fuck about you only your money. have you no pride at all? youre disgusting.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    "I am looking for beautiful latinas." good taste!!!
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Bavarian=9.5 on the PL Richter Scale. Ever plan on getting a life there, buds?
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Shit this roast is funny
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    what i wanna know is why you let it go as long as it did? there is no way she treats anybody else like that.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Here I was thinking I spent a lot of money on a hot dancer when I paid the regular price for a third lap dance after the two for one. $1000 and you weren't even getting any OTC action? You wasted too much time and money on her long long ago. Ignore her and see how long it takes for her to try to get more money from you for almost nothing. Then keep on ignoring her. She might ignore you for a whole week or two if you creeped her out like a stalker. Nevermind. Ignore her.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Oh, by the way forget what she said about not having a boyfriend. Just about every hot stripper has a bf. She will tell all the PL's in the club, no she doesn't have a bf. She may have a kid or two as well. maybe not if she used protection.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Well, to be fair, she might *not* have a boyfriend. She probably has a guy who lives with her, spends her money, eats her food and fucks her. If the guy who dropped her off is "a friend," the she probably has more than one "friend," and you ain't in the club. You're not gonna get anything from her no matter what now; she considers you an ATM, and by this time, that attitude is likely too entrenched to change. Just move on and do better with the next one.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Seriously, is this guy for real?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    The dancer is not the problem – dancers acting like this are not rare – if you can't deal with this or see it for what it is; then you have a lot of serious learning to do. Of course strippers have BFs; and of course they'll tell you they don't have one – there is nothing you can do about that; just expect/accept that is the deal – she goes to strip-clubs to work and make $$$; it does not mean she does not have a life outside the strip club and her PL custies. Dancers having BFs and manipulating custies is as common as rain in Seattle – you need to learn how to play the game so you won't keeping getting played. The only thing a dancer owes a custy is to show him a good time and treat him well for the $$$ he is spending; i.e. reasonable service for a reasonable payment – that's it she is not your GF; does not want to be your GF; and you probably would not want her to be your GF – she is a provider and you are a paying custy – no mas.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    You are acting insane - “keep doing the same thing and expecting different results”.
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