Adding on to Shadow's post of PP clubs going down hill.

avatar for bang69

Last night I met some friends at the PP in Columbia SC. Got some cd's. yes there is still a person in couch room bird doging. But the dancers were pretty good. 1 way touching. made a pit stop to the men's room no men's room troll. Saw a drug deal do down. Since the last PP Greenville raid.I'm guessing the Elephant Inc. the owners of all the PP clubs is giving up. Or is in such disarray at the corporate level. The don't know what to do.


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avatar for shadowcat
9 yrs ago

My guess is that they sold the Lexington club to raise cash to keep the company afloat while they muddle through the legal issues in Greenville and that the bird dogs in the couch rooms at the other clubs is to prevent more trouble from happening until they can try to get things in Greenville straightened out.

But while doing so their business is going to hell. They will never get their customers back with dancers asking $30-40 a dance with no touching and the dancers are bailing because they can't make any money.

Even tumblingdice's GF, who had a restraining order against him has now accepted his marriage proposal. What you gonna do when you turn 40 and can't make any money?

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

One way touching is "pretty good"??? Sounds like I'm gonna continue to avoid SC clubs for a while longer.

avatar for Ironcat
9 yrs ago

Yes, every time I drive past PP in Greenville it looks like an abandoned building. Still has bits of yellow police crime scene tape in the parking lot. I also noticed Trophy Club Changed their name to "Scores" - apparently taken over by a new company. I just hope the PP situation doesn't embolden the "morality police" from going after every other club in town.

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