Haggling over OTC price

What do you guys think. I currently have a somewhat regular OTC stripper. She is 20 and a smoking hot blonde. A 9 all day long. For top notch girl's I usually will do 300 for FS. I usually try and low ball them for 200 and sometimes it works. This one was one that I had my eye on for a while. Not only do we do DATY and allthe good stuff but it's fun hanging out and relaxing with her. So the first 2 times I actually went 500 for her. I surprised myself at spending this much but my intention all along was to get her comfortable and trust that the experience was going to be drama free and laid back and it has. So recently I explained to her that if we are going to do this reguarly 300 is a regular price and 5 is more of a once in while price...LOL you laugh but it actually true for me. I'm not going to be able afford this price on a regular basis. I might actually do 4 reguarly but don't tell her. She is "considering" my proposal..LOL Would you cut this thing off over 100? Thought's fella's.....


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Well I would but I never would have gotten into that position in the first place. The most I have ever spent on OTC is $150 and think $200 would be my limit.

    The problem with haggling over price whether it is a lap dance, VIP or OTC is that if you win you will never know if it would have been better if she won. I avoid the haggling by being the one making the offer. Then she can accept, reject or counter offer and you can decide if you want to accept a counter offer.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    wow! seriously no comment's on this topic after an hour? Either you guy's are just getting home from work or TUSCL has gone completely pussy..LOL sorry guess i'll try a more G rated post next time.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    oh there you are shadow somebody finally stepped up with comment! Thanks for the input.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    There are a couple of screen names on here espouse this notion that you can get a girl comfortable and then drop the price down. Idk. maybe this works with 7s who live in trailers in the backwoods of Kentucky or Ohio and who don't have a lot of competing alternatives, but a hot as fuck 9 working in what i assume is a high end club in Indy probably has other people looking to pay her for sex or even just her time.

    $500 is a lot for OTC in many areas, but in all candor, you probably should have haggled the price better before the first encounter. In her mind, you've now told her that you think she's worth $200 less than you have already been paying her. I think she will be "considering" this proposal for some time to come. She may even bite if she has a desperate money moment at some point in the future, but I suspect that you are going to find it much harder to get her OTC now.

    In any event, good luck and please keep us posted.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Thanks rick...yea i kind of spun it to her that she would make more in the long run at 300 because we would be able to do it more often. Which is actually true btw. But we shall see:)
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    If she is as hot as you say, I'd pay her $500. I myself would rather pay the premium and get a 9 than $200 for a 6 or 7.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    $300 seems to be a fair price and not as if you are trying to low-ball her – IMO it's certainly legit to let her know you cannot do $500 every time – if she's not willing to accept a fair offer then she is perhaps not being fair to you – yes you do run the risk of losing her but there are risks in all business transactions - and paying her $400 or $500 IMO is no guarantee she may still not walk aty some point.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    And to rickboys point, she probably has guys willing to give her $500 for a "regular" price.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Papi $300 sounds kinda cheap for a 9.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I honestly don't think a lot of guys here in indy are going to pay 500 on regular basis. I think a lot of guys would pay that to her as a one time fee or to get her in the door like I did. For me the bottom line is 300 is about what I am willing to do regularly. I don't want my time with her to totally take the place of other things or girl I like to do for fun. One encouraging thing is she does text and call a lot wanting to hook up again
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I hear you chess she is a 9 for sure and worth the price but my budget can't reguarly handle 5 .300 has always been my ceiling. I'll keep u boys posted!
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    My average is 200 but I have some regular GFE'S that I tell them only 200 but give them 300 if it's extra good and let them know it's just a tip and not to expect it unless they keep it exciting.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    My ATF insisted on $500 when we started OTC 6 years ago. She had two other regular OTC customers at the time and they paid $500 + tips. One would have her rent the hotel ($150) and he'd give her at least $700. The other would pay her $500 but she'd call him in between and he'd Western Union her a couple of Benjamin's. I paid the $500 and then there were other circumstances which arose where I "loaned" her more. Car repossession -($1000), major car repairs ($900), lawyer for DUI ($3500), etc. when she owed me $10,000 we agreed that I'd pay $250 until she repaid her debt.
    Well, let's just say service has suffered since she's not as motivated. And her former generous regular has resurfaced and has deep pockets and is seeing her two or three times a week. I'm supposed to be seeing her tomorrow and she texted me that she was gonna save me money: She's gonna see #2 guy early afternoon and he'll pay for the room. I'm not thrilled about sloppy seconds ( I asked her to please shower and gargle in between).
    I've recently retired and can't swing $500 any more and thought I'd have a year or two at $250, but clearly it's a competitive market and the 9's and 9.5's command top dollar.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I'm with the guys whose experience is: once you set the price, the price is the price. Yes, you can try to haggle her down, but even if she agrees, it's virtually certain her service level will go down with it ... just like yours would, if someone told you "your sexual services, they're only worth half of what I agreed to pay you before."

    The only way to do this and get great service at a low price is to negotiate it from the beginning -- in my experience, at least, I know others here claim differently. That means walking away if the initial quote is too high. Or, just making yourself a more attractive customer than most, and trying to manipulate her into lowering the price on her own, which is what I"ll often do.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I usually don't haggle. Like shadowcat, I like to be the one to make the offer, and let her do as she will. If she does make her requirements known, and if it's too much, I'll just tell her no thanks and drop it. If she then asks what I had in mind, I'll usually defer with something like "not that much." If she still pursues it, I'll tell her.

    Here in flyover country, I generally give $100-200 for a hookup, depending on what we're doing, how long we're doing it, and if we're using her place or I have to get one.

    A local stripper just last week met me for $100, and we spent the entire three hours I had the room rented.

    There's another local *very* sweet young UTR Craigslist girl who will meet me in her room for $80 when she's in town.

    Of course, I'm not so hung up on top shelf looks, as some. Enthusiasm and skill are at *least* as important, if not more so. Though I usually find it unnecessary to compromise in the looks department, even more lately than it used to be.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Subra is right, either she'll say no or you'll get less for $300. Maybe you can compromise on $400 and everybody's happy but I doubt it.

    $500 is not unreasonable in my view for a blond who is a 9 and gives a quality GFE. But it all depends upon the particular PL's resources. Since you can't pay $500 consistently, obviously you shouldn't get that high unless it's going to be a one time thing.

    I offered the DS above market rates the first time we met and that has worked to get me a date with her pretty much any time I want it. But I knew going in that I could afford to keep paying her that amount. If I couldn't I would have instead offered her the most that I could afford on a consistent basis.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    tlkDo's comment to her stripper: "You will make more in the long run at 300 because we will be able to do it more often."

    Stripper's translation: "I want to fuck you more for the same amount of money I used to give you to fuck you less."

    Of course, that's assuming she even believes that you intend to keep visiting her. There is no assumption of loyalty in a strip club. Guys switch girls, go broke, get bored, switch club, etc., all the time. I'm not sure it's realistic to expect a stripper to invest in long term thinking by graciously accepting a pay cut today when she never knows if the next time you pay her will be the last.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    sorry, to "his" stripper - no shot intended, just typing too quickly.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... I'm not sure it's realistic to expect a stripper to invest in long term thinking by graciously accepting a pay cut ...”

    i.e. tell her - “take one for the team babe” :)
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I have paid $500, but I've decided that no pussy is worth more than $400. If she is a 9 to you, I think you should pay her $400 on a regular basis.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Thanks for all the input boys.I think I like the idea of settling at 400 and were both happy:) We'll what she thinks. She was only 19 when we first hooked up and according to her I was her first OTC hook up. Not saying I am now. Don't know and haven't asked. But I gotta think I am a pretty easy going hook up for her. I live in a decent house in a nice neighborhood. And it's always a laid back thing with me and her...movie,take out food or pizza and then the main event.I wouldn't mind making it long term hook up until one of us decides otherwise. a But the ball is in her court now.
  • xxxrated
    9 years ago
    I paid $200 for service with my OTC girl for a period of over 5 years. Once per month.

    $100-$200 range for each session is good.

    Its just cash service anyway,over a period of time for her. These strippers, once they leave the life(will likely change her phone number and disappear) (It's a wasted investment for u). While, she gets rich.........She probably bought a house with my money........

    For that reason i would rotate a few girls............
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I think from here, regardless, just take it as a lesson -- don't get overanxious and agree to too high a price, and justify it by thinking you'll negotiate something lower later... best to just set up a fair price for both of you from the get-go
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    I agree. Going down to $300 is too drastic. $400 is still a lot of money that should keep her quite happy sweetie!
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    One of the hottest escorts I ever "dated" worked for an agency with a fixed rate of $180 (a number of years ago). I tipped her $120 every time. I had always paid at least $300 for top escorts before. Probably most would not have found her as hot as I did. But she had a very hard life. I didn't have the heart to give her less than what it was worth to me just because I could.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    All good points and her being a 9 is a tough proposition, mainly because the quality is there which you expect, and are willing to pay a premium for.

    I am typically with 7s and pay $150 to $200. Like I have said before I have found them much more reliable than the 9s and even the 8s. In the somewhat rare occasion I bag a 9 for OTC it's usually at the end of the night at a club, my hotel is nearby and the girl is usually a little tipsy so I can get away paying less than $300 and a lot of times $200 or less.

    I, like you, would be willing to pay $500 for a 9 but not on a regular basis, and starting out that high it would be hard for her to charge less. If I were you I'd convince her that if she charges less you will be able to have a lot more sessions with her. Like I can do $500 once a month or I can do $300 three times a month. That math doesn't add up but she's a stripper so she probably can't count that high anyway.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I was negotiating OTC with a dancer a while back and she was trying to talk me up in price. I was at 300 and she wanted 400. As a compromise I said every other time I'd give her $350. In other words, $300 with a $50 tip every other time. She agreed. A couple minutes later, upon reflection, I said lets just keep it simple and I'll give you $325 each time. She got furious, insisting that $325 was less than $350. I tried explaining but quickly gave up. I now pay her $300 with a $50 tip every other time.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    "I, like you, would be willing to pay $500 for a 9 but not on a regular basis, and starting out that high it would be hard for her to charge less. If I were you I'd convince her that if she charges less you will be able to have a lot more sessions with her. Like I can do $500 once a month or I can do $300 three times a month. That math doesn't add up but she's a stripper so she probably can't count that high anyway"

    Shailynn, someone else suggested that earlier in the thread, but in my personal experience, it usually doesn't fly -- drastically lowering price in exchange for vague assurances that you'll see her more (which, if she's done this before, she knows many customers say that and then see her the exact same amount as they otherwise would have), is just not a smart deal for her, and any stripper who has actually been around the OTC block knows it. Which doesn't mean it might not work now and then, but it's never worked for me, and this is one case where I think the stripper would be dumb to take that deal. I have some completely different strategies I use, but might not be applicable to anyone who doesn't SC the way I do...

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    i just noticed that you said she was 19. Pay her the $500. Give up whatever you have to. It's worth it.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    I paid $500 on my first LV visit, it was the best $500 I had every spent in one go on sex. She was also a solid 9, if not 10. We fucked in her hotel room on the strip and although it was only for an hour we went way over that time, she was fantastic in every sense and I feel privileged to have fucked such a beauty.

    The way I would approach this if I was in your position would be to just pay the $500 every time, I wouldn't haggle at all as it would spoil things. However in an effort to get the price down I'd tell her that I would have to put off for a while until I had the funds but do it in an entirely non-suggestive manner. She may think about it and offer it cheaper, if she does then fine but if not then just accept it's her bottom line and live with it.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    "The way I would approach this if I was in your position would be to just pay the $500 every time, I wouldn't haggle at all as it would spoil things. However in an effort to get the price down I'd tell her that I would have to put off for a while until I had the funds but do it in an entirely non-suggestive manner. She may think about it and offer it cheaper, if she does then fine but if not then just accept it's her bottom line and live with it."

    Yep, I think that's about right. I don't often end up in this situation anymore because I negotiate a fair initial price or walk away, but in the past, I tended to stroke her a little bit, "You're amazing, if I had the money I'd pay you triple this! But unfortunately I can't afford this very often..." that kind of thing. The general theory being, instead of making her feel bad ("okay, now that I"ve sexed you, I feel you're only worth half the price") so that even if she does go down she's going to be irritated about it, I try to come off like I appreciate every inch of her and am only sorry that I can't afford her -- that has, a few times, led to an offer by her to lower the price, and in no case has she ever reduced the service level, maybe because psychologically she feels like she was in complete control and it was 100% her choice to do a favor for a client who appreciates her.

    Obviously, I know fuck-all about what these girls are really thinking. Maybe she would have lowered her price regardless
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    You know what...London and supra that's a good idea. I might just try that!
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    ^^ You have to make them think it was their idea :-)
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Damn subraman and London those are both great strategies. I should have thought about that because I do that with my customers at work all the time. Make them think my idea was really theirs.

    Most of my OTC negotiations are after midnight, in a club, I'm tired after working or traveling all day and I may have had a few drinks... In otherwords I'm about as sharp as a tire at this point in the day!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Ask her if she has a layaway plan.
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