
Your First SC - Part Dos

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
  1. for your first SC visit ever; what kind of dances and mileage was available and again what year was that

  2. for the SC that made you become a regular SCer; what kind of dances and mileage was available and again what year was that


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago
  1. 1991 (Solid Gold North Miami Beach, FL) – as far as I knew the only dances I saw and got were floor dances w/ the dancer on a little stand the dancers would take with them to a table to do a dance - as far as I knew one could not touch the dancer and she did not touch you – not sure if there were VIP extras but I don't think so

  2. 2000 (Baby Dolls Dallas, TX) – good 2-way contact topless lap-dances – not sure if there were VIP extras at the old Tootsies location (I don't think they are available at the new location so I imagine not available at the old either)

avatar for shailynn
9 yrs ago

Wow, I had to think about this one

  1. 1997 (Thee Doll House Myrtle Beach, SC) - I got a few air dances at the table I was sitting at. I think it was 2 for 1 and they threw in a baseball cap or t-shirt?

  2. 2002 (Seductions Niagara Falls, Ontario) - full menu available, my first time there I didn't partake because I had made alternate arrangements that night, but on return visits I took advantage of the liberal lapdances.

1.) 2005 (Club Name unknown, Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan) It was relatively low mileage topless club. There was some one way touching but other than that it was mostly air. I remember stupidly tipping a dancer 5,000 yen just to flash her pussy.

2.) 2011 (Body Shop, San Diego). There were two black dancers (one of them Jamaican) that I would semi-regularly see for a quick nut. Both initiated the extras during the regular lap dances without offering nor without me asking. Eventually I was getting FS and BBBJ from the Jamaican inside the club for only $100 total. That's what got me hooked.

The Body Shop is a high mileage club with extras fairly common among most dancers. There's no VIP but the lap dance booths are semi-private due to a grandfather clause. Quality wasn't the best but was passable.

avatar for tobala
9 yrs ago
  1. 1991- Classic Cat Showbar, Nashville, TN- Nude, but no touch, no mileage

2)Late 99 - early 00, The Watering Hole, Cornersville, TN - High mileage to extras with the right girl.

avatar for warhawks
9 yrs ago
  1. Back when I first went to a club, the girls used to walk around with a small box or crate. They'd put the box down in front of you and dance on it right there in the open bar... No touching. They were a few feet away from you but they did it right where all the other PL's were too so everyone got a show. I remember the dances were $5 a song. There was no such thing as a VIP area then. Late 80's early 90's.

  2. I got back into clubbing in 2011. First time I went back, I went to VIP and the girl right away gave me a BJ. Didn't even have to ask. She just pulled my pants down and went to town. I was in shock and I was hooked. lol.

avatar for warhawks
9 yrs ago

@Shailynn I've been to Thee Doll House in Myrtle Beach in the late 90's too. I think I got a hat and T-Shirt also! They had a free lunch or dinner Buffett. We went there every day as we were broke college kids on spring break.

avatar for motorhead
9 yrs ago

The great thing about strip clubs in the early 80's (at least in the Midwest) was stage tipping. If dances existed, they were air dances. But if you could get a seat at the stage, for merely a dollar you got a DFK from the dancer. Then came Rock Hudson and people got ape-shit scared of AIDS and it all ended. (sigh!)

avatar for tumblingdice
9 yrs ago

It was 1982,her tits were skyward,her eyes were blue.She wasn't a dancer,she was a bartender.I've always held sway with the swill slingers which led to my domination of dancers.Trust me guys,it's not that hard,you peeps read allot more into than need be.She even payed for the hotel rooms.Got it?Good.

avatar for shailynn
9 yrs ago

@warhawks yes I was down there visiting buddies in college that were living there for the summer working at the restaurants. I remember going to their apartment and it was such a shithole I immediately drove down the street to every motel and asked to see their rooms. Eventually after the 3rd or 4th stop I found one clean enough and stayed there all week. I was with a group of 2 other guys (we all had summer jobs back in our home state) and we split the room.

The guys had a house full of Nebraska U cheerleaders staying next door - man that was a fun week!

avatar for georgmicrodong
9 yrs ago
  1. As it turned out, it was essentially a brothel, so I got laid. Several times, so I guess that qualifies as "high" mileage, eh? I don't remember them calling them "lap dances", but I do remember, several girls sitting on my lap and squirming around.

  2. See #1.

avatar for gawker
9 yrs ago

In 1962 I was 16 or 17 years old and went to Mickey'S Valley View Club in Valley Falls, RI because friends had told me that we could buy beer there even though the legal age was 21. The bartender asked to see ID so I put the first thing I found in my wallet on the bar. He never looked at it, sold me two beers, and I picked up my "ID" and put it away. It was my Boy Scout membership card. Now, the dancers - they were old, wore granny panties, and stayed on stage. It was a show with no audience interaction

In 1966 I went to "The Hangers" in Acushnet, MA and while the dancers were younger and prettier, I don't remember any interaction or dances.

In the 80's I frequented many of the clubs in Myrtle Beach and that's when I first learned of lap dances, etc.

In 2008 I went to what is now my favorite club and learned about extras. One night I looked at the 15 or 20 dancers and counted 7 of them who'd had my dick in their mouth at one time or another.

avatar for sharkhunter
9 yrs ago

if I had to guess maybe 1994 or 1995. nc club. air dances at your table, no lap dance room. dancers were all 8.5, 9's or 10's. They had to audition to work there. first club visit.

other club had very nice lap dances. I know the dancers could touch. I can't remember much else. I do remember some unusual stuff after 2 am. club was already closed.

avatar for sharkhunter
9 yrs ago

Actually I can't remember which club made me a regular. I think I often visited 3 or 4 in the same night unless I was hanging out with a dancer or another girl instead after 2 am.

avatar for rl27
9 yrs ago

Somewhere either in 1992 or 1993, at the Doll House in Columbus. Dance was a very tame lap dance, no extras. I had to wait until 1993 in Cleveland at a club called Model Tease for any real good contact and extras.

My first regular club wasn't until 1994 for Solid Gold in Columbus to open up. Which later became Columbus Gold and currently is Scores. The dances were about the same as the Doll House. The main benefit was better looking dancers.

avatar for lopaw
9 yrs ago
  1. 2003 - a topless club, so the lapdances were bikini and the mileage was low

  2. see above.

avatar for Corvus
9 yrs ago

1985, no mileage that I could determine, and table dances only. The girls danced on top of your table. I'm still amazed we see any girls tumble to the floor that night.

Then years later, 2012, lap dances on the main floor, with a nice trip to VIP where my mongering career started with full hands on roaming and sucking that gorgeous girls nipples. In hind sight maybe a slow start, but it has led to great times indeed.

avatar for metaldude
9 yrs ago

About 1982 Ft Lauderdale. Girls danced on long narrow runway type stage. Every dollar tipped they took off something else until they were nude. For $5 they would come to your table, get up on your table and dance on your table. The only contact was helping them get on and off the table and that was only by holding their hand. As lame as that was I was hooked.

avatar for shanny72
9 yrs ago
  1. 1991 in ft Lauderdale. Pink pussycat. Was 18 and up fully nude. Had my first table dance there at 16 yrs old. I was hooked immediately. Soon after they started doing lapdances but zero mileage.

  2. Crazy Horse Too in Pompano, Fl. No mileage, no lappers but all 9's and 10's. Made me a regular.

Both have closed long time ago but I soldier on....

avatar for chandler
9 yrs ago
  1. Parkway Tropics in Grand Rapids, mid-80s. Went for a bachelor party. They only had two or three dancers, just stage dancing. I mostly sat at the bar talking, not paying much attention to the stage. I talked with an off-work dancer at the bar who wasn't particularly sexy, but the dancers working never came out to mix with the customers, let alone dance.

  2. Wild Mustang (now Toy Chest) in Detroit, 1994. Tableside lap dances for $10. Mostly one-way contact. I learned later that they had a VIP room with $20 dances with good two-way contact.

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago
  1. SR in Vegas, aprox 1997. I have no idea what was available. I LDKed 60 seconds into my first lap dance ever and then left.

2). Penthouse club in NYC approx 1998. Air dances and insanely expensive VIP.

I've come a long way since then.

avatar for bvino
9 yrs ago

!976-Club Vesuvius (Now BT's in Dearborn MI.) Two dances with the top on and one with the top off. All stage ,no table dances.

2010-The Landing Strip up stairs. A little brunette grabbed me and talked dirty in my ear and dragged me downstairs. One BBBJ and CFS later I was told I owed her $400. Hey ,I was a newbie to this scene so I paid. Thanks to TUSCL I know better now and have adjusted to these strange new ways. Me likey!.

avatar for Meursault
9 yrs ago
  1. 1998 (Kansas City, the club name is lost to father time, I doubt it still exists). Mileage was LOW. Girl at the table would dance in front of you for a bit, maybe a stray butt cheek would graze against your pant leg if the stars aligned. Got really drunk and bought many dances from a girl named Ruby with a terrific ass. She was so ugly that my friend and I still use the term "ruby-fied" to refer to a chemically altered state that greatly impairs judgement, but does not completely incapacitate.

  2. 2002 (Southern Comfort, Mt. Joy, IA), discovered that two way touching was possible, no extras yet (had to wait for a business trip to Houston for that), but this is the club that unleashed the inner perv that had been crawling under my skin for so many years.

avatar for eyeamlong
9 yrs ago

What kind of Dances & Mileage,, dancers, danced on table tops, no mileage 1975.....[Strip Club made me become a regular,,,Foxy Lady, ATL, 1986 first experience with Lap Dances,,Entertainer, informed me to slip on a condom, she grind and fuck me right on dance floor

avatar for luvemthick93
9 yrs ago

I'm fairly new to SCs so I don't even know if I'm qualified to answer this but...

  1. First club was about a months ago with insane mileage. I came in expecting low to moderate contact but once I went back with her she just opened up her life and soul to me. It was a shock. Needless to say I wasn't complaining, but damn! Lol. Anyways, because of this, I've never really ventured to another club, simply because of how spoiled I was the first time. I know what to expect and I get what I expect. Checking out reviews of other local clubs showing that clubs like the one I go to are pretty rare.

  2. See above.

avatar for GoVikings
9 yrs ago
  • it was just one way-contact dances. there might have been more available, but i don't know for sure. it was in 2009

  • i live in virginia, so mileage is low. but they still do have 2 way contact dances. pretty much grab tits and ass and that's it. it was 2010

avatar for rickdugan
9 yrs ago
    1. Full nude with alcohol, but absolutely no contact. 2 foot rule applied for private dances. No extras at all.
  1. Some shithole dive in Bridgeport CT circa 2000, in which I first received ITC FS. My interest was further stoked a couple of years later when I received a mindblowing BJ from a 9.5 in a club in N. Miami. My fate was sealed a year after that when I took my first girl OTC from a club in Queens. The rest is history.

avatar for DandyDan
9 yrs ago
  1. Admiral Theater in Chicago in 1994. They did some nude table dances which were air dances.

  2. Lariat Club in Fremont, NE in 1996. They had topless lap dances out in the open when I first went there. Not long after my earliest visits, they made a lap dance area ("the Stairway to Heaven"). Not an extras place, but I did do my first OTC after meeting someone there.

avatar for IHearVoices
9 yrs ago
  1. Rolex (now Climaxxx), 1999. I think they just had floor and table dances. I wasn't really into the SC thing and only went because someone from up north wanted to check it out after hearing about it in all the rap songs...for those who don't know, Rolex was the KOD/Magic City/Onyx of the 90s. Went to SCs a few other times, but the first time I 'really' went to a SC wasn't until 2010.

  2. Juicy J wouldn't consider it a strip club, but I went to a local bikini bar for a friend's birthday. It seemed cool so I kept going back. Girls were pretty (I live in a college town, which had a lot to do with it) and the dances were affordable. The floor dances had pretty good mileage and often turned into full LDs if you chose correctly. Funny thing is the club went downhill almost exactly when I got a new job and started making more money. It's shut down and come back a couple of times, but I haven't been there in two years. Actually drove by it tonight. I'll probably see what it's like in the fall, and pray none of my students will be there.

avatar for jestrite50
9 yrs ago

1989 the Jungle, Phoenix AZ. Low mileage only got involved stage side. Dancers would give you Stevies stage side on dance grabbed my glasses and rubbed them allover her pussy and then gave them back to me. In another Phoenix club the same night. Not sure which one we got table side dances. A bouncer sat up high on a pedestal where he could see the whole club. He had a goon squad to come and get you if you so much as touched a dancer. One guy in our group was accused of touching a girl so we were all ejected from the club.

Deja Vu Union Twp. East of Cincinnati 2008.

Girls danced completely nude on stage with light interaction with custies. Girls gave private dances in cubicles with open fronts around the room. You had to sit on your hands but they could do anything they wanted to you. Girls would stick nipples and puss is against your mouth so you could lick and suck.

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