
Bunny Ranch

Sunday, July 19, 2015 2:26 PM
Have any of you ever been to the Bunny Ranch in Nevada or know somebody personally that has? Is it worth it? Any information you can share about it like how much it costs to do certain things or whatever else you can share would be helpful. Thanks


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I've considered it and researched it and concluded it would be a waste of time and money. I have at least a half dozen strippers who I could text and have sex with given a couple of days notice. Why travel all that way and pay so much for a woman who is probably not half as good looking or as motivated to please me?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Most all that is posted online about those legal Nevada Houses is negative. But at least the Bunny Ranch seems to want to have it's own strip club, just like the Mustang Ranch does. I feel that going to the free form type of fraternizing, instead of the old Wild Wild West line ups, would make a big difference with these Nevada Houses. Not also that Deja Vu now owns the Chicken Ranch in Pahrump, their first legal brothel. SJG
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Been to the mustang ranch(or one of them). Honestly not worth it if you have strippers available for OTC. They want an arm and a leg for average looking women imo.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    If you want one of the more attractive women there I'd imagine they want even more than an arm and a leg.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    I've been to the Cherry Patch Ranch once -- just once. Talk about ROBs. One girl brought me a can of Coke and she expected a $200 tip just for that. Shortly after that visit, my credit card and I parted on less than amicable terms. I've also been to the Mustang Ranch. "See a line up of dozens of beautiful women!" Yeah, right; I saw a line up of four women, all of average looks. Still wasted $200 on a half hour of "Wham! Bam! Hope you had a good time! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" My suggestion: Pass on them.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Have not been to a Nevada brothel – but most of what I've heard is that it's a waste of $$$ - you are probably way better off getting a well-reviewed escort from TER – Nevada being the only place in the U.S. w/ legalized prostitution means not much competition and w/ most things w/ not much competition one gets poor service and pays up the ass – plus not only are you having to pay for the girl; but the house also expects it's hefty cut.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    I bought the cathouse dvds... it made it seem like it was 500-1k per session and the majority of girls were NOT what I'd want to poke. Didn't seem like very effective advertising to me.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    I've been to Sheri's. It was fun (and expensive), but not something that I feel the need to repeat. So many better options out there. But if it's on your bucket list to visit a brothel, it might be worth a one-time visit.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Go to Adelitas in TJ better; pretty much more of a brothel than SC (and way cheaper for about the same or better talent).
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I did some reviews of it and the Mustang Ranch. Not as much fun as strip clubs and much more expensive, but if you have money to burn, might want to try it once in your life.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    If it wasn't for the airfare.... meeting LG at some Germany FKKs would be my first choice
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    from what I heard, if you don't live in the area or aren't vacationing around there, don't bother. It's glorified overpriced average sex. But you can think of it as your paying for the license to pay for sex with no repercussions (beyond the judicial system)
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Other than the fact it's legal, it's a waste of time. It's a long drive from Vegas and its not worth the money. Go to TJ it's legal, the girls are hotter and it's minutes from San Diego. If you are going to be in Vegas, I would suggest going to one of the dive clubs, finding someone you like there and working otc with them. If you go to one of the higher end clubs those girls can make their money without doing otc so it would be more difficult in my opinion. It will also be way more expensive. But feel free to try.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    Thought about it when in the area but it was winter and those place are well out of town so I settled for the local strip clubs in town. ITC mileage could be found without much trouble and less expensive. OTC was also available but did not try it.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    @mjx01 - save up my friend, it's well worth it, even if it's only a once in a lifetime event. As for Bunny Ranch, wild horses wouldn't drag me there while there are plenty of strippers at Rhino willing to do OTC, not to mention some of the casino girls.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    I go to Nevada a couple times every year for 15 years, usually LV. Have tried Sheri, Cherry Patch, Chicken and Mustang up north over that time. As everyone has said, you are (over) paying for a completely legal experience. If the legality of it is important to you, give it a try. Plan on $250 to $300 minimum and you'll need to do some shopping therein to find anyone that will give you more than a handy for that amount. The best looking versions will be more than that. Over the years, I have given up on both SC and broths in LV. About the only thing I do any more is casino girls. They are every bit as good looking (if not more, at times) than the legal variety. For a fraction of the cost, I have never failed to have a good time, usually with 7s, 8s, or 9s. Do not worry, I have never seen an LE sting in the hotel casinos themselves. No hotel/casino wants the reputation of supporting such an effort. I honestly cannot think of a single strip hotel in which I have failed to find at least one or two girls working (and I have pretty much been in them all). Check the bar stools or the slots near the elevators in any of the major venues. They are almost always alone. As long as you only discuss an exchange of money for time, you're good. Any working girls will make eye contact with you as you walk by.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    If you want one guy,s honest opinion, from having tried different sorts of venues and having tried to interact with women in different ways. It is always a scam, getting sex from women. So you will get the best results when she believes that she will be continuing to see you, and when she really likes you. 1. Get best results in places you can visit regularly and where she knows that to be so, not by sex tourism. 2. Get best results when the woman is an independent, not in Nevada style place. So independent stripper or escort. 3. Need to charm her some. Need to be able to interact with her freely some, not just pick her from a line up. She needs to see why you like her. She need to feel it. So a strip club is the ideal. But better if it could be like in TJ where you just walk her from there to your hotel room. My .02 SJG James Brown [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    If I was to go to a Nevada house the first one would be the Mustang Ranch. It is only 3 miles from there to the new Tesla Motors factory. The Mustang Ranch has an online forum and they say which of their girls do GFE. But the real reason is their Wild Horse Cabaret. In there you should be able to interact with the girl in some unstructured way and at only moderate cost. Exactly how far things go is not known. But it is still always going to be better than the line up. I suspect they are trying to make it like brothels in other parts of the world, like Tijuana. Free from front room fraternizing before committing makes all the difference. But still, I would say that with women who are more independent and who get more of the money and who control the time themselves, is always going to be better. I mean, see her once in the house. Then from then on outside. But at these Nevada houses they make it impossible to do this. Good Luck, SJG
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I have never been here but I have read the reviews and considered it until ........i found out what it costs........this is no way worth it in terms of dollars and cents. My dick doesn't feel any "gooder" if I'm spending 4 times the price for a Nevada legal prostitute. In fact a girl from the club that I know and like and she likes me could have a better time than a mechanical brothel prostitute. I have run the brothel circuit in Europe and believe me it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. Give me a hot babe who isn't really working the street but loves to fuck and I will take her any day !
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I would imagine you're asking this as you may be going to Vegas in the future? I have taken several friends to Vegas in the past and this question always comes up from one of them, and it's usually one of the most inexperienced strip clubbers that talks about it. I tell them there are 3 reasons it's not worth it: 1. It's very expensive if you want a good experience 2. It's a long ass drive from Vegas proper 3. In most cases the girl line ups are not very good. If you want to escort in Vegas then I would recommend 3 things and in this order: 1. Look for escort websites, there are a ton of them for Vegas, read reviews on the girls and you'll be fine. A good girl will be expensive when compared to other large cities, but everything is more expensive in Vegas and sex is not an exception. (1 hour with a decent quality girl can run $300-$500, but of course some high end girls can run over $1,000). 2. Stroll your casino floor in the evenings, I have seen some stunners working the floors in the casinos. They are not hard to find, they are dressed slutty, walking slowly and trying to make eye contact with guys. Typically these girls will charge in the $300 range. They may say an astronomical price but most will quickly come back down to earth. 3. Find OTC in a strip club, although as mentioned before this isn't as easy as most people would think it is in Vegas. The higher end girls make plenty of money inside the club so they have no need to take the risk to go outside the club to meet you for $300. I have been told in the past that if a stripper gets caught doing this out of certain clubs the club will fire her, turn her in to the city commission to get her dancing license revoked and then she can't strip anymore.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    +1 @shailynn #2 idea above has been very, very good to me over the years in Vegas. You described it perfectly - it is like shooting fish in a barrel. In addition to slow walking strollers, I check out the casino bar stools and the slot machines in traffic areas. The key is the eye contact. I know I am not good looking enough to garner eye contact from some stunner sitting or strolling by herself with her tiny purse (unless she was working). I have had some great experiences for as low as $150 (they all quote much higher to start). I don't have firsthand knowledge of casino girls in Reno, but I imagine it fairly similar. Has anybody had any luck locating casino girls elsewhere in the U.S.? I've been in casinos in Detroit, Phoenix, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana with no luck, but I didn't try that hard, to be true.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    As others have said, if you want to go for sex tourism, go to TJ. I think this says much, "Give me a hot babe who isn't really working the street but loves to fuck and I will take her any day ! " My own point is that women always want something more out of sex than just money. They may say otherwise, but don't believe them. You will get the best experiences when the girl believes that she will be seeing you again and again, and so for her the money is just icing on the cake, a kind of back end insurance. That's one of the reasons I am not going to be engaging in sex tourism, but I will be having regular business in lots of places, including some in Mexico. Here, I just tried something I've been wanting to for a long time. I look at where your reviews are coming from and it is the perfect place. So I got a zip code for City Hall, Kansas City Kansas, 66101 Then I did a RUBMAPs advanced search with a 50 mile radius from that zip code, but deselecting both city and state. I wanted to see if this radius search will cross state lines. And yes indeed it does, giving 92 hits on locations in multiple municipalities in both KS and MO. But then I tried it again also checking on the boxes for FS and Kissing. All I get are two closed ones. So, that area is the shits for AMPs. It doesn't mean that you can't get FS there. But it does mean that LE is tough on them and so when you walk in you won't be approached by a saucy hottie dolled up like a stripper. They have to be discrete. Just to compare, Portland is great for SC's, but it is shitty for AMPs. San Diego is reportedly shitty for SC's, but by doing the same sort of seach, 50 mile radius from Chula Vista City Hall, and the toughest sex act screen I can make, I get lots of hits in San Diego, and some in Escondido. Here, let me try for St. Louis MO, but with the radius search going over state lines. I'll use the zip code for Rhonda's 63132 Okay, with 50 miles, I get 56 AMPs in two states. But then if I try FS and Kissing, I get only 4 open ones, all in Illinois. If I try the toughest sex act search I get zero. So this is still not that great, at least as reported on Rub Maps Let me try El Paso TX, use the zip code for Cabaret Club 79903, and 50 miles. I know it won't cross over the national border. 41 AMPs FS + Kissing, gives 5 open places FS + Kissing, + DATY + FIV, 4 open places add to that BJ and get 2 open places change to BBBJ and get zero. So as far as RUBMAPs, even El Paso is good, but not the best. Try NOLA, only 13 AMPs. Do 50 mile radius using Green Door Zip code, 70112 , say Kissing + FS, I get 7 places, all in NOLA. ( reportedly great SC in Harvey LA ) But if I add BJ, it goes to zero. San Francisco has 132 AMPs. Kissing, FS, DATY, FIV, BBBJ gives 15 open places. Change to BBBJTCIM and get 5 open places! So for AMP's, San Francisco is number 1. Thank the Red Book and it's AAMPs for this high service level. But I also know based on personal experience that RUBMAPS is an underestimate. The guys who know how to get along with the girls don't write reviews about them. And the reviews submitted show this. Okay so for SC's, St. Louis MO is known to be bad, just Rhonda's. People say it is no good. But across the Mississippi River in Illinois it is one of the best metros in the entire country. Then for Kansas City MO, there are a bunch of clubs. I think they have a combined two state police force, and so it might be different than the rest of the state. Then for Kansas there are the clubs in Lawrence. Then of course it is not that far to Dallas or even to Chicago Land, like Harvey Ill, and North West Indiana. Good Luck SJG SJG Portal [view link] Clapton 2014, Japan [view link]
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    I go to Vegas pretty regularly so I explored the possibility of going to Pahrump (closest location to Vegas with brothels) to experience legal American prostitution. All my "research" made it look pretty bad. Middling selections. High costs, four figures is easily realistic, and lackluster experiences seemed to be the norm. Not worth the money in my opinion.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    These Nevada places should be able to be as good as the TJ places, although probably at a higher cost. In fact though based on the overwhelming majority of posted online accounts, they are the shits. I think one of the problems with them must be that the women live there, on site. This means it is hard and costly to see them outside, and since they know this they are not motivated to really show guys a good time. True? SJG
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I think some of it may be also that the customers never become regulars of the prostitutes in the brothels. They have no incentive to really show a guy a good time because they have his money and probably will b ever see him again.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    ancedote: Back in the 70's I knew a not so smart guy that went to Vegas for the weekend. He went on such a big winning streak that he did not drive back to his old job in California. Of course eventually his luck turned on him and he lost it all and then some. Sold his car, etc to raise more cash for gambling. He wound up flat broke. He didn't even have money to get a bus back home. He tried to get a job but Vegas is a big union town and he couldn't get any thing. He wound up as a cook at one of the brothels just north of Vegas for a few months. He said there were no fringe benefits.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Quite a story. Jeff Goodell, a guy who spent time washing dishes in Vegas. The people effected his world view. Most of the Americans he did not like. He modeled himself after a Vietnamese man who washed two dishes to his one, trying to bring the rest of his family over. [view link] SJG [view link]
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