How to find clubs

Solo PL
Back in the days before TUSCL and other site/internet how did you all find clubs when you traveled. Did you scan the telephone book under 'Night Clubs', Dance Clubs, or Erotic Entertainment. Perhaps looked under Adult Bookstores then go to the bookstore and look for the news paper that lists clubs or Adult Entertainment.
In some cities, you could be lucky enough to find them listed in a "alternative city" newspaper which was usually free that had articles and ads, and clubs would take out advertise space or post in the classified section in the back along with escorts, etc. under "adult entertainment."
Lastly, in some states there would be "strip club magazines" which would be free at the strip clubs, and most clubs in a certain radius would advertise in these magazines. Sometimes these magazine may span over 3 states so that's where I would find most of these clubs. Often in the midwest and south, many of these clubs were out in the middle of nowhere (although they may have been just a few miles off a major interstate off a desolate exit ramp) if it weren't for these magazines I would have never known these clubs had existed.
And then for the Mexican Bar Table Dancing circuit, otherwise known as "Bikini Show", it was always word of mouth.
Things like TUSCL are important for people who travel. There used to be a guild book of Exotic Dance Clubs for the entire country. I saw it in a porn store.
But to find AMPs I would use the yellow pages. Most of them wouldn't last the full year though. And too often at phone booths someone had torn out exactly the pages I needed to see.
Later on I would use these entertainment newspapers, like the San Jose Metro.
After that, while I was still living at home, my uncle periodically told me about them. In Jacksonville NC, most of them were right outside the main gate.
In KC, there was word of mouth, and one of the alternative newspapers someone mentions. In Louisville, they're all pretty much in one place, but it was shortly after I moved here that I found TUSCL, and the rest, as they say, is history.
E: Entertainers/Entertainment Bureaus
E: Escorts
M: Massage
N: Night Clubs
T: Tavern
Usually hit paydirt with Night Clubs. Once I found one, I always asked each dancer how long she worked there and if she worked anywhere else. They were surprisingly useful for intel on their competitors. Especially if they said they left their old club because it was too dirty or not classy or any other code for -- BINGO, high mileage or extras!!!.
Now, thank goodness for the internet.
When I decided I was going to monger seriously, I came back to TUSCL and started writing reviews so i could get Intel and participating in the discussion posts.
Even in the early days of dial-up Internet, most search engines really sucked and finding club intel was difficult. I've told this story before, but in 1998 I bought a book of Internet sites and found tuscl. The site was tough to use and dreadfully slow over a dial-up connection, but I was able to locate clubs in my favorite travel areas that I had never heard of before. Man did that open things up for me.
I was somewhere in the US for whatever reason and had some spare time in the evening.
Fortunately, the company I work for cut back routinely sending people all over the place a number of years ago. I really do not enjoy traveling all over the place for work. It was all in the eastern half of the US though if you drew a line west of Minnesota.
I never really have traveled much alone. I almost always seem to be with someone. I think that could change. I could travel across the US just visiting relatives. But then I wouldn't be alone again.
It would suck in my opinion to be told I need to go to Mexico , Brazil or China or somewhere.
Brazil might be best of those. not wanting to go for work though.
Then I came across an annual magazine called Exotic Dancer, which was a national directory. It just had basic club listings without reviews or ratings. I used it to check out most of the Detroit area clubs that year. It also had some really dorky articles like "How to Behave Correctly With Your Exotic Dancer".
There was another pulp-y magazine back then called "American Sex Scene: Guide to Bordellos", which covered mostly escort agencies and massage parlors across the country, but included reviews of strip clubs in a few cities, the first reviews I ever read. That's where I learned all about the Tampa scene.
Around the same time (late 1994), I got my first internet access. The best online listing then was called Grimace Nudie, don't ask me why. The best discussion board was the Usenet newsgroup ASSC (, which was just getting started. Not much of the US was wired then. Most of the discussion was about California clubs, especially the Bay Area.
TUSCL went online within a year or two of that, but it took a few years to get really good. began around 1999 as a wholesale ripoff of TUSCL.
" I started out picking up girls on the corner. I would cruise the seedy sections of town searching for prostitutes.
Awesome. I've never lived in a place where it was like that. But it is never to late to find such a place and learn now.
After that, I was hooked and searched the net and that's how I found TUSCL and the rest of the way I've found clubs because of this site