
Awkward to say the least

Last night I went to a local strip club and I saw a stripper in there that I work with. Yikes! It was a little more awkward for her than it was for me. She said half jokingly she would kick my ass if I told anyone. She is one of those girls that looks good OTC and ITC. She's a solid 8.5. I could tell she had a nice ass from work, but man her ass is much juicier than I thought, my mouth was watering.

She was the hottest stripper in there that night. I really wanted to feel her body grind on me, but it would have been too weird asking her for a dance, so I didn't. The second hottest stripper in there was her friend, she was a 8, I wanted a dance from her too, but it was too close to home with the girl I know from work, so I passed. I then looked around and realized I didn't feel comfortable getting a dance from any of the girls. I left after 30 minutes.

I'm super friendly with the girl at work. I was trying to make her at a least a fuck buddy, if not my girl. I don't know how I feel about knowing she's a stripper. I know she has a kid, and I know she's in school. I also know her job isn't high paying, so I understand her trying to pick up extra money.

Have any of you ever worked with someone and then see her in a strip club stripping later on? How about the other way around?

Thoughts in general?


  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Never had the experience! Could be a brilliant opening to get some OTC arranged, assuming both of you can be discrete!
  • MrBater2010
    9 years ago
    I would have at least gotten a dance from her friend. but now you can make references at work and no one will understand but the 2 of you.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Be glad she wasn't your son's ex-girlfriend.

    Yes, that happened to me.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    It'll never happen if you never try to make it happen.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Wait a minute. I want to fuck women at work and everybody says I'm crazy. Now ranukam wants to fuck a woman at work who is a stripper. Why isnt everyone telling him don't do it, you'll get sued, you'll get fired, you're going off the deep end, etc.

    I would have gotten dances from her and tried to make her a regular. You don't want to date her if she's a stripper. But I'm ruining my life apparently so don't listen to me.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Wow and you have the hots for her.... hmmm I think the first thing you need to do is gently interrogate her and find out of she thinks you're a PL for going to a strip club. Some strippers out there don't want anything to do with a PL outside the club and others think it's okay. You mentioned you'd like her to be "your girl" so it sounds like you'd rather have her that way than as someone to just get a lapdance from.

    I'd mention it to her at work and say something coy like "I don't go to strip clubs often" and see what her response is. She'll let you know if she thinks it's cool or not, which hopefully will give you the opportunity to say something like "I was surprised to see you there and btw you were the most beautiful girl there and I'd love to see you again." OR if she says "strip clubs are gross and I'm there just for the money," then you'll have to alter your approach and make up some stupid lie like, "yeah I know, my friend is a perv and insisted we go there so I went with him. Strip clubs aren't my thing but I have to admit, what guy doesn't like looking at hot women taking off lingerie," kinda to justify why you went.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @JohnSmith- I wanted to fuck her before I knew she was a stripper. Plus I do work with her in the same building, but we do different things, our work is not tied together, I'm not her supervisor, she's not my supervisor etc.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    "Wait a minute. I want to fuck women at work and everybody says I'm crazy. Now ranukam wants to fuck a woman at work who is a stripper. Why isnt everyone telling him don't do it, you'll get sued, you'll get fired, you're going off the deep end, etc."

    Ha, who told you not to fuck anyone from work? That was my philosophy years ago, but not anymore. Just choose wisely (i.e., preferably not someone under the same 1st or 2nd level of management as you)... go for it, life's too fucking short.

    However, I'm dead consistent on the stripper part: don't fucking make a stripper your girlfriend, unless you want drama, headcase, disappointment, heartbreak. Don't fucking do it. Even worse, a stripper who is also a work colleague -- she knows everything about you, your real name, who you work for, and she's perfectly positioned to take whatever crazy stripper headcase revenge she wants, after you eventually need to ditch her.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @shailynn- good ideas bro
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Yeah...you should stay away from her. Too close to home. Besides, you said it was more awkward for her, so it's not going to be such a good time.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    You're a young, single guy, Ranukam, so it's not like you have anything to be ashamed of for going to a SC.

    I think shailynn is more or less right. I think you want to stay on the "free" "civilian" path with this girl, not the "I'm paying you" path. So you were right to skip the LDs in the short run.

    Work her for a few weeks as a civilian. If that goes no where you can always work the P4P angle with her.

    JS69 - the reason we're giving him different answers than you is he's implied this girl is at the same level as he is at work, and I've also gotten the impression ranukam has a job, while you have a Career. The difference is when you have a job it's fairly easy to go get another, very similar job if you want to bounce. With a Career you may never recover, especially if the stench of "he fucked one of his subordinates" follows you around your industry.

    The assistant manager at Applebees should fuck all the waitresses he can. Retail and restaurants are full of drugs, booze and hookups and a steady rate of churn. A corporate Director or whatever your title is shouldn't fuck his subordinates. You can fuck women at work who are in different departments; Accounts Payable or Legal or whoever is totally on the table if you don't work in that department. Even women AT THE SAME LEVEL in the same department are theoretically okay, although should be approached carefully.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @JamesSD- That was one of the most insightful things I've read on TUSCL in awhile. Thank you.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    That is an interesting one. Lots of different ways to play it.

  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Fuck her Ranukam
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    In the pussy I mean
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    JamesSD is right on. Whn you have a CAREER in a corporate setting, never fuck beneath you in the organization chart. I would not even fuck across from you unless you are serious about a relationship. If it falls apart, there is trouble to follow. Don't fuck where you earn.

    Ranukam -- assuming yours is more of a job than a career, as an aside, I would say NOTHING at work about strip clubs or stripping or ANYTHING of that nature to her or anyone else. She will come to see that you can be trusted to keep her secrets. After awhile, go back to the club and seek her out. Remind her that you appreciate her keeping your secrets and that you are able to keep hers at work. Assert that you are a good guy that can be trusted. Then, GO FOR IT. Ask her out. If she says no, then at least get a dance and support her financially -- since you find her attractive.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    As far as our work, it has nothing to do with each other. It would be like if a doctor and lawyer were working in the same building, yes they work in the same building, but their work don't have anything to do with each other.

  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I would say don't embarrass her in any way in public But wait a couple weeks and contact her privately and ask her out.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    You should says something to her like "please don't tell anyone at work you saw me int here". Even if you wouldn't give a shit if she did. That will put her at ease that you're not going to gossip about her, if she thinks her secret is also your secret.

    She might not feel comfortable dancing for an acquaintance from real life. If she is, I'm not sure why you wouldn't get some dances from her if you'd enjoy them.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    I agree with joking asking her to not spill your secret. It'll give you common ground with her. It's a touchy situation. If you tell her you really wanted dances from her she might see you as a new money stream. If you just tell her how she was the hottest girl in the club and don't ever mention dances then after a while of talking with her and seeing her in the club you might could make a move and ask her out when y'all aren't in the club. That way she'll see you as someone who might be fun to date IRL and you could get some regular stripper fun in the civvies world. That make sense? Don't most dancers want a regular relationship just like civvies? At least this way she does't have to worry about dropping the "I'm a stripper" bomb on you at some point since you already know.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    I suppose there's some chance it will help you get some play, seeing her in there. Many dancers get meh about dating because things move along nicely, then they drop the bomb about their job, and the budding relationship immediately goes south. If you hit on her again, that issue's out of the way. Of course, if you play it more ugly cause you know she's a dancer, that may not go over well.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    You're funny John;)
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    You should bribe her to have sex with you

    Since you know her dark secret at work know
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    That's not bribery nuts, that's called blackmail! Another late night goodnite TUSCL:)
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Goddnight love
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Turn gay. End of problem.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'm a little bit surprised James had to explain all that.
    I guess some people want to learn the hard way.

    I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.

    Kind of like hearing a news anchor on CNN said it was brave and courageous to open fire on a police station. I think maybe she meant it's takes courage to go suicidal with 100 percent certainty that you're going to die. Then again maybe she was just being stupid. That's like calling the 911 hijackers brave and courageous. It sounds awfully disrespectful to everyone else. It might be something you would expect to hear from the leader of the Taliban.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I've stated before the truly suicidal would open fire on a police station instead of school kids. I think I have. I can't remember.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @Clubber- better yet, I should turn into a woman. Bruce Jenner was getting paid $25,000 for a motivational speech. Caitlyn Jenner is getting paid over $100,000 a speech. Caitlyn Jenner is getting her own show (on ET I think). Lol
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    She's a white girl, and I'm not usually into white girls, but she's got a gorgeous face, nice round ass, and is tan.

    Do you guys see any problem trying to date someone that works with you? Like I said earlier she doesn't directly work with me, she just works in the same building.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago

    Jenner will always be a man. He can pretend all he wants, but his DNA says MAN!
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    You can definitely date someone you work with.

    You need to be pretty above the table in terms of how serious you are. Don't let her think you're exclusive if you're not. But you can figure out if you two are looking for the same thing.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Update: I don't want to date her, because I'll be leaving Portland soon. I do want to get some dances from her next time I see her in the club, she's got a rocking body.

    Would it be awkward asking her for a dance?

    Right now, she is a little distant towards me at work. Maybe it's because she's so afraid I will tell her secret? Maybe it's because she was so embarrassed that I saw her in there?

    Thoughts in general?
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