It's just more economical to see strippers

avatar for impala
Well, have a buddy that for years was giving me a hard time about how much money I spent at the strip clubs, was after me to find a "nice girl" like his wife (who the guck wants a nice girl) and settle down. Well, a few months, his "nice girl" decided that she was tired of him and left him. He called me today and told me that their lawyers had come to an agreement. Now, he has only slept with one woman for about the last 7 years, and it looks like it's gonna cost him about $450,000 when its all said and done. So, it doesn't look like me spending time with strippers was all that bad of an investment after all.


last comment
avatar for impala
10 years ago
Sorry for spelling errors, doing this on my phone
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
I agree.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
Strippers are way cheaper than wives unless you are an idiot about it. In fact, I spend less on my ATF than I did on my last g/f!
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

I've come to this hard realization also. It's actually an epiphany.

Having a wife and the same pussy over and over isn't something I want for the remaining years of my life on this rock. lol.

When I feel like it, I'll find a stripper and pay for it.

No commitment. No hassle. No arguement.
No talking afterwards about my feelings.she doesn't take half of all of my stuff I've accumulated over time. She doesn't tell me what to do or when to do it or what I'm doing wrong.

I get what I want and she's gone. I don't have to talk to her again unless I want to hit it again.

It's a beautiful thang....
avatar for impala
10 years ago
IMO having a wife is like getting a playboy magazine with the same centerfold every month FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Same centerfold, just pages just start to get wrinkled, torn, and crusty over time!
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Aren't alimony awards fairly small when both spouses make similar money? Like if he makes 90k and she makes 70k, assuming there are no kids, wouldn't he only owe her a small alimony payment?

Obviously the big issue comes with joint assets. If he has to buy her out of a business that can get costly. I've known plenty of small companies go belly up because the owner has to sell due to a divorce.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
@JamesSD: If there's "infidelity" involved, that can sway those numbers a fair bit.
avatar for Aaron_hip
10 years ago
Are you sure you didn't spend $450,000 in 7 years on this hubby?
avatar for pensionking
10 years ago
Ex wives are more expensive than wives
Wives are more expensive than escorts
Escorts are more expensive than strippers
Enjoy freedom gents, while you can
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Ah. California, for all its faults, is a "no fault" state for divorce and adultery is not criminal. It probably could be relevant in family court and custody, but it's irrelevant here for alimony purposes.
avatar for impala
10 years ago
He didn't do anything wrong, she just got tired of him. He had made some really good investments and also had came into other money, and she didnt have to work. Now they are splitting assets.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I pay my soon to be ex wife more in support than I pay the DS for the most amazing sex of my life. Un fucking believable. Strippers are far far less expensive.
avatar for just_the_nuts
10 years ago
Yes i agree
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
My car must think it's married to me now. costing me over a thousand in just 3 months for repairs, tires, etc. It didn't help to get hit by a hit and run driver while parked in. driveway parking spot.
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
My divorce cost me $300 and there was no alimony or child support. In our time together (14 years) we both , through hard work-saving and investing, became well off. I am married again and still well off. regular sex with money for extras. It is really how you play the hand you are dealt. I spend more on my wife than strippers but then she puts a lot more than they do so it evens out.
avatar for impala
10 years ago
Aaron, I know for a fact I didn't spend anywhere close to that kind of money all together for the 25 plus years I've been going. And even if I had spent the same as my freind, he still has only been with one woman and I've been with, well just say more in the same time frame.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
@sharkhunter: My van has 180,000 miles on it and it has periods on needed maintenance; what do you expect? But try owning a 40+ year old exotic sports car and tell me about it! I do a lot of my own work, but it's still my most expensive lover.
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