Hmmmm....,Wondering what the "C" stands for?

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
The new C-string bikini invades Europe's beaches
The new C-string bikini invades Europe's beaches
last commentI know a young lady that I'm gonna going to buy one of those for the next time we take a beach trip.
I think the wicked weasel is more flattering
They are just getting more naked all the time...great!
yuck that looks stupid.
malibu strings and wicked weasel are much better - very sexy!
The "C" must stand for contoured.
C - section
looks like a coochie coaster
hah maxi pad with a shoe horn
C stands for clit cover
Why they talk that way in the video? lol.
I like to see some models test this in the ocean where large waves are breaking. :)
I'd rather see camel toe rather than see too many wear something stiff.
Saw a Detroit stripper wear this back in the 1970s.
"Cunt String"?