
is the system by slick rick a scam ?

I often wounder if ricks account is truely a group of stripper web girls that troll us and have given us da system to trigger usless spending habits with lil to no value for their finance upswings and our clubbing death

I mean y is the stapeal of the system paying her under the table at ghe club for $200-$400 without sex or dances ?

Sounds fishy i mean lots of the stripper web girls claim to make lots of money this way ?

Thank about dis


  • rickydugan
    9 years ago
    The System was a statement of my world views and insecurities. How I felt you had to put on act and mislead people to get what you want. Like wearing the suit to make them think I was a RICH STUD.

    How could I get what I truly wanted out of people if they thought I was anything less than the Gordon Gekko which I knew I wasn't? At the end of the day though, I knew there was nothing behind my suit. That's why I advised avoiding clubs with other "suits" where the competition was too high and sticking to the dive clubs.

    I kidded myself that I was a real clever master mind of exploitation (trying to project that I was Gordon Gekko again) with all my games and tricks. But at the end of day all I succeeded in doing was paying hookers for sex.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    I think a lot of the stripper web girls go by other aliases on here and troll.

    Like, just the other day, I was thinking that Juicebox, sippycup, lord mane, Jackie, juicebox69, etc, etc, are all stripper web girls...

    Think about it.... have you ever seen all of them in a room at the same time??? No?
    Hmmmmmmm..... lol.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    obvious scam. Although I can imagine if a stripper is still working and still knows you after 18 years, almost any system might work if she doesn't hate you by then.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Seems like you're finally gaining a little perspective, RickyBoy. But, at the end of the day, all any of do is end up paying hookers for sex.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    definitely a scam. and rickyboy could be a stripperweb girl(s). he does defend them and sounds a lot like sw sometimes.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    If RickyBoy had been born female he definitely would have ended up as a stripper. He's daughters are sure to end up there. I am myself am arming myself with the latest print edition of The System and stalking the North East clubs just waiting for the day they start working.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I have gone on SW(stripper web) in the past and remember seeing Rick Dugan posting frequently on that site. His posts are mostly pandering ass kissing quotes to the girls on their, almost appearing as if he is trying to seduce them with his good graces. This is why I proceeded to bash him on TUSCL for he makes himself out to be a proud PL knowing how to perfect a system. Hell the system is that these girls are horny and they love to make easy cash. Is there a hidden trick to this formula that I haven't figured out, yet Rickyboy has got it all figured out? Cash=action
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Meat 100% agree
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    I've been caught. I'm really a secret agent for the gals of stripperweb. All of my comments relating to not buying LDs, using clubs to source ITC and OTC p4p, controlling your space and not letting girls dictate the terms of engagement, etc., were all just part of my dastardly plan to fit in and hide my true agenda. ;)

    But on a halfway serious note, I really have never understood the "us vs. them" mentality so common on this site. They are 20-something year old girls who take off their clothes for a living in the hopes that we will pay them something. And yes, many of them have problems, which is why they are stripping in the first place - duh. How can any of you guys, most especially the seasoned vets, get worked up over almost anything these girls do or say? I've never understood it, probably because I have no emotional investment in any of these girls, don't take most of what I hear from them seriously any and most definitely don't feel pressure when dealing with them. I still struggle to understand how these girls elicit all of the emotional responses and anger that they do from some of you guys, but perhaps that will always be a mystery to me.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I think the reason that happens rick is because there's 3 type of guys sleeping with strippers.

    Type 1: the type of guy that goes and has sex with a stripper, pays them and goes on their separate ways. On occasion these guys may do something else with the stripper, like take her out to dinner, maybe shopping but the involvement is rather low.

    Type 2: this guys does all above but gets to know the stripper on a more personal level. These guys may be missing some "companionship" in ther lives and want more of the stripper in their live for things other than just "sex." Whether they intended to or not these strippers wind up more like girlfriends although in most cases these guys are still paying for the sex/companionship.

    Type 3: these guys somehow wind up being like the stripper dad, but with benefits. These guys usually drop large amounts of money on the strippers to help them out, go above and beyond the call of duty by trying to help the girl (like a father) by driving them to work, loaning money that never gets paid back and even bail them out of jail. These guys want to turn these girls lives around and they know they will always fail, but they are addicted because they are attached to the stripper for various reasons.

    Some people can have sex with people and walk away, others need an emotional connection to make it meaningful.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Rickyboy I must say you are someone who brings a lot to the TUSCL table, and I should also point out all the positive contributions you make on this forum. I love to see someone go to the depths of your passion for strippers as it gives much needs insight to the workings of "club life". You have confirmed many times over what I thought always happens in and around the clubs, so I thank you and I look forward to your future comments, even if I've disagreed with several in the past.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Ive enjoyed how rick has found a since of humour and has been making me laugh a lot more while education me about da system aka DS
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