Hypothetical: Dating/Sex

Let's suppose something happened to you and you no longer had any interest in sex.
A) Would you just kill yourself? Is sex that big a part of your life? B) Would you still date women? Do you find major value in a relationship beyond sex?
last commentI would pay strippers to suck on my limp dick until i was happy from watching it
A) No (would not kill myself)- at least I still have the NFL and NBA to enjoy
B)Yes - as long as my tongue and fingers still worked we could still have some fun
This is TUSCL – we only deal in the real and the known.
A) no. I'd probably be a lot more productive in other areas of my life. I would probably get fat from eating anything I wanted.
B) probably not worth the hassle.
What a fucking stupid question.
If I no longer had any interest in sex then that would mean I'm already dead. But then the question becomes moot because I'd be having ghost sex with mrs sea even then. She might not realize it but I'd be "ghosting off" on her tits while she was asleep.
This is like dougsters third or fourth post in a row about strip clubs, strippers or sex. What's up with that? Did the financial system collapse? Does he finally have all the $ he needs? Is there nothing about the System that requires criticism? Why isn't he praising SJG? I'm confused.
John Smith haha
No to both questions. I would never kill myself. And female relationships without sex are usually nothing but frustration.
^^^your welcome
If I no longer had interest in sex, I would have so much extra money that I would take a trip around the world.
Buy enough weed to go to the moooooooon
a) I doubt it, bet depends on the circumstances. As stated, "no interest", i.e. no desire, probably not. Desire without capability, well, see B.
b) Like jackslash, I'd save a crap ton of money, so I'd be spending it in a cure.
I would play more video games and work less
C. I'd wait for the Claritin D , DayQuil and whatever else I took that was screwing me up to wear off so that I was back to normal.
"I would play more video games and work less."
So.... You'd become a stripper's boyfriend? ;)
Here, you want to talk about something scary. I will say that the main effect of psychiatric medication is to make people lose interest in sex. It amounts to a chemical lobotomy.
And most of the medication is passed out to poor people through people licensed to practice medicine and employed by county mental health departments.
Take These Broken Wings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPfKc-TknWU
Drugging Our Kids http://webspecial.mercurynews.com/druggedkids/
SJG, one of my good friends was on anti anxiety meds that killed his sex drive. He eventually got off them and just smokes a lot of pot instead.
Fuckin' fuck you, SJG!
My fuckin' anti-depressants have done wonders for my fuckin' depression. Almost as much so as sucking cocks in gay, gothic nightclubs has.
Fuckin' fuck everything!