Ashley Madison

avatar for Scotthall
Hey Guys,

Have any of you used Ashley Madison site to hook with anyone. Were you successful and any advice you would give me.

Thank you,



last comment
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
Save your money unless you live in a large city. I love in a smaller city and a year later, the same 5 ugly women show up on my feed when I log in.

There are probably about 10 guys to every 1 woman and a lot of the women are either fat and ugly or just wanting someone to chat to.

I was lucky enough to find 2 women on there that were hot but neither relationship lasted long. One was pretty much a swinger trying to fuck as many guys as she could (once I found that out I cut ties) and the other was way to narssacistic for my taste (in her defense she was very hot).

Most of the time I would get lucky and have a woman respond to one of my messages and we would strike up a good conversation, as usual though shed shre her photos and be butt ugly, so I would quit talking to them. I'm not expecting a 10, but damn I'm not going to settle for a 4.

I'd say id you live in an area that has 1,000,000 people in a 50 mile radius then go for it - I probable didn't even have 75,000 living in my 50 mile radius so that may be why I didn't have so much success.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Still don't understand a PL would use a web site like that when everything you could possibly want is on display live in your local strip club.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

And likely have a better chance at the end result.
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
I wouldn't be able to stand to pay to FIND a date. I think the wealthy will hAve an easier time using ok cupid
avatar for HungryGiraffe
10 years ago
Agree with JS69. Recently started working in another city. Decided to look for a playmate for OTC. Found a cute GFE dancer at second club visited. Great VIP, followed by OTC a couple days later.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
I see your points, but for someone like me living in a small city that has 2 strips clubs that are full of meth heads I really don't have the option of going to a club and finding an otc partner. Also if you find a playmate on Ashley Madison that is free, I don't see anything PL about banging a good looking married woman for free. The problem is that site is so bogged down with idiot guys that just want to share nude photos of themselves to women (women don't want to see that shit) that it's hard to get noticed on there.

The one soccermom I was seeing was hotter than any striper I've banged in the last year, I was lucky to meet her, and it could have lasted if her personality wasn't so toxic. She lived out in the middle of nowhere (took a 45 minute drive just to get to a fast food restaurant) so she was the hottest girl in her community which led to the overinflated ego.
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
I have had limited success on AM. Met a horny girl a few years ago who loved to fuck and had lots of fun with her for about four months. But it flamed out after that.

Since then it has been hit or miss. Mostly miss. But it is one more source of potential pussy and nothing wrong with throwing a wide net. But I would hate to depend upon AM and nothing else. That would be a major PL situation and depressing.
avatar for Scotthall
10 years ago
Great feedback everyone. Thank you. The problem I have found is most if not 100% of the strippers do it for the money where I was hoping AM ladies would do it out of pleasure.
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