
Is there such a thing as a good ROB?

layin low but staying high

She would have taken me for hundreds if I didn't really know what I'm doing. Hundreds. Easily taken me. Almost did despite my experience. 22 years old, easily a 9+, and deceptive as hell.

She started out by giving me one of the best stage dances of my life. Jumped in my lap, put her pussy spread wide open in my face, etc. stayed with me for a whole song, ignoring the competition around me. I tip her maybe $10 but she acts like it was a Benjamin. This girl knows how to spot the guy who wants nothing but her. And somehow she can smell my money. She has decided that I'm her prey, and there's no place else I'd rather be.

Then she sat at my table a while and let me lust. Exactly my type. I wanted to pay her for sex so badly. Her words were smooth but empty. Her breasts were wonderful to look at but off limits. She teased but wouldn't commit. Her lips are so kissable, but she stops just short of letting me kiss them.

I finally tell her no reluctantly, but she wouldn't give up. She's knows that I'm struggling, so she goes in for the kill. But not in a pushy way. Instead she turns even more sexy, and kinda started to promise some of what I wanted. But still she couldn't really be pinned down. She made me feel like she was going to fuck my brains out. But when I thought about it, her words hadn't actually guaranteed anything.

I said no again but she kept turning that into maybe. She is an ROB but I still admire her in a perverse sort of way. It's like watching a beautiful zoo animal in its natural habitat. Fun to watch and you want to touch. But you can't touch cause she'll rip you apart for every cent you've got.

She was a little head hypnotist. She put the little guy in a trance. He thought that she was promising him everything. But the big head heard it, and somehow he intervened, realizing that her promises that sounded so sweet were as non substantial as a cloud. She's a vapor and can't be caught.

I almost did the VIP with her. I wanted to. I wanted to believe that she was just shy. She didn't want to commit because she's not really that kind of girl but surely she can't resist me. I have a dream stripper, so who is she to deny me? Those eyes, the face, and natural perky tits that she flashes me just enough to keep me on her hook. She's reeling me in, and I'm not sure that I can keep fighting it. I want to say yes. She's trying to rip me off but I have trouble caring cause it's so subtle and she acts so sexy.

I said no 4-5 times, but she wouldn't leave. The amazing part is she never seemed too pushy. Just a cute young thing who wants to play. Or does she? I said no, but I wanted her to stay.

Somehow, even high (maybe because I was high) I finally saw the $ signs spinning in her eyes. Literally. It looked like like a Vegas slot machine but she was the only one who could win. That's how I found the strength to walk away. And I had to literally walk away to break her spell. Went to the bathroom, and then hung out at the bar.

It was the only way I could break free from her web. I'm like a bug that broke free of the web just before the spider pounced.

Looks like it's me and you again tonight Rosie.

She may be the most effective ROB that I've ever met. Who is the most tempting ROB that you've encountered? Have you ever given into one even though the big head said its a mistake?


  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    They're a lot easier to resist when you've had an ATF, or DS, that actually delivers on the promises.

    I don't recall any girls that have been quite that accomished at it though. It's possible that I may be a bit more sensitive to the tactics, given some of my family members' avocation.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    GMD I agree that a DS makes it much easier to resist. That's one reason I was so under this girl's spell. Despite all the reasons that I didn't really need her, she made me feel like I had to have her.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Great post! You captured these situations perfectly. Although I'm not sure you can outright call her a ROB until you've been robbed, just a probable ROB.

    It's kind of like buying a lotto ticket. We know it is throwing money away but the potential pay off is so fine we do it anyway.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    If there was she wouldn't be a bitch
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    This should have been an article
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Esta, I don't like articles. Fewer people read and comment on them.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Hey – even Superman is susceptible (i.e. cryptonite) – we all have our strengths and weaknesses and when it comes to sex men are the weaker beings.

    Men often use their intelligence; sense of humor; or just brute strength; to get what they want – women often use their looks and sexuality; that is their strength and advantage.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    A week or so ago, I was @ Tootsies watching the NBA playoffs. I got there about 30 minutes b/f the game was to start and was just hanging out on the main floor b/f going to the back sportsbar to watch the game.

    I had no intentions of getting dances and over the last 2 years or so I have often gone to Tootsies to watch games and not get dances and although I get a little tempted is not too bad since I don't feel I get good mileage for the $$$ I spend and there is also hardly any chocolate @ Tootsies.

    Anyway – I was standing in the back part of the main room and a Cuban dancer came up to me – she had a decent bod but was not too attractive and I often tend to avoid the Cuban dancers since IME they often under-deliver.

    She comes up to me and starts grabbing/stroking my cock over my commando shorts (which is not too common on the floor @ Tootsies) and telling me “Papi I want to suck your dick so bad”.

    99% of the time it's not that hard for me to turn down the Cuban dancers @ Tootsies since I don't like their “work ethic” - but this Cubana woke the one-eyed monster and I found myself telling her “wait for me here I'll be right back” - i.e. since I had no intentions on getting dances I went to the club w/ little $$$ - so what did this PL whom did not want dances especially from somebody liker her do; I went to the ATM; took the ATM hit and took out $$$; and went for some dances from the cock grabber – and originally I had close to zero interest.

    One more instance where my cock betrayed me and took control over the big head.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    "Is there such a thing as a good ROB?" That's like asking is there such a thing as a good attorney or snake? The're rare but there are some.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Another instance of when the cuchie overpowers a PL.

    There is a Latin dive down here in Miami where most of the dancers are Latin and a bit older – and def have been around the block – i.e. career strippers – this place def falls under the “more brothel than strip club” and many dancers don't wanna bother with the $25 LDs and just wanna do VIP (and most deliver) – they will do LDs as a way to get you to do VIP or if the club is slow and they can't convince you to do VIP.

    There is a Haitian/Dominican mix dancer there in her mid-30s that I know – she is very light-skinned; more Caucasian than black features; tall at around 5”9; used to model in her younger days (she has shown me pics of when she modeled in New York); and she has natural 36Ds which are spectacular.

    Anyway – I don't go to her club often but every time I have she always comes sit w/ me for a good while and almost always convinces me to do a VIP with her (and sometimes two); and I'm normally not a VIP type PL.

    I like variety but almost every time I have gone to this club I can't get w/ other dancers b/c this one kinda wants to spend all her time w/ me.

    The last time I saw her a few months ago I was determined not to get w/ her (not b/c I don't like her; I just wanted to try other dancers) – anyway she saw me come in and came to sit beside me at the bar as she always does – we talk for about a 1/2 hour which is rare for me to talk to any dancers that much; and then she asks me if I wanna do a VIP.

    I summoned my PL strength and said “not tonight” - she then starts stroking little papi over the shorts and she does have a great touch – I felt my PL strength waining but was still able to say “no” alhtough which much less authority (I was becoming weak like Superman being affected by cryptonite) – she then resorted to using the heavy artillery and took out the pups – i.e. her natural 36Ds; her bread and butter (and she knows it).

    I was fighting myself and felt I was up against the ropes and about to say “no mas” - but in the end; surprisingly to me; I did not give in and she walked away like I had just punched her in the stomach.

    I eventually went to VIP w/ another chick and had to walk by where she was sitting w/ another dancer and she looked at me as if I had broken her heart (since I'd never said no to her b/f).

    I gotta admit – I kinda felt bad b/c she had always treated me as well as a stripper can treat a custy – I even dated her a couple of times OTC when I first met her 2 years ago or so (non P4P dates but no sex even though we'd had sex ITC) and I enjoyed her company – but it's just that I hate being stuck with one and only one dancer when I SC.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Yes there is such a thing.

    There's the girl that miscounts the dances but you don't care because she's so hot or her lap dances are that good.
    I've had where a girl give vague promises on what the VIP will entail, oh agree anyway and she doesn't deliver. For example full service at that club may run $200 and you agree on $200 and her services fall short of what you normally get for $200. She still got you off, but not using that parts of her body you normally are used to at that price!

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