Is it lack of pussy that gives so many posters on here PMS?

Atlanta suburb
According to most of the posts on here were are all getting laid regularly. Guys don't lie to boost their egos do they? But if that is true why is it that I see so much negative comments being posted. I can understand the trolls doing it. After all that is why they are here but they can't all be trolls. So maybe they really aren't getting that much pussy and it is making them grouchy.
I haven't had any pussy since last Thursday and I'm starting to feel irritated. I hope I don't freak out like some are doing.
last commentI'm about to be 19. Won't be grouchy for at least a few days after that.
@Shadow I think It's the lack of ego-stroking pussy That will get me in a mood. Truth is I'm a guy who can't even get a proper nit unless my ego is enthralled with the chick I'm banging somehow someway. ..
So, maybe these guys are paying for empty sex, like eating twinkies. Sure it can feel the stomach but it's not super satisfying and can lead to shooting Mayors.
Fuckin' fuck you shadowcat!
I'm one of the most cheerful people you'll ever meet. You know why? It's because of how often I get laid in the gay, gothic nightclubs I frequent. So so much for your theory!
Fuckin' fuck everything!
JS69 - You sound a little older than that. :)
I think most of the negative comments being posted and the accounts of treating women like hookers are coming from guys having unresolved issues about women. One of the ways it shows up is jealousy over how much money they make, and anger of how much they charge. Another way it shows up is in the ways they erect emotional barriers against them, and in seeking 'extras' instead of emotional involvement. It shows up in projecting onto them that the only thing they want is money.
I try to always be positive in my reviews and in my comments. I just did my first negative review in several months last week because the club was horrible. The worst club I've been in for a long time. Normally if I can't say something good I don't say it.
That being said it had nothing to do with getting pussy. I had just been with one of my GFE Girls the night before and we fucked the night away so to speak.
I seem to agree with SJG. I think it's how we were raised and how we were taught about sex. How we treat women. To me sex is making LOVE not just having an ejaculation. The ejaculation is just the bonus not object of sex or Love Making. My objective is satisfying my partner and if I can accomplish that I feel fulfilled. If my partner satisfies me (and they always do if I am pleasing them) then that's the bonus I receive. That's why I am a pleaser, a GFE guy and pay for play just doesn't get it for me. It is too rushed, "common baby blow that nut I ain't got all day" and I would just rather jack off that pay for play. Been there done that !!!
I was wondering if I accidentally got some pussy last night.
See while going home, first I saw some deer standing beside the road.
Then a few minutes later a small critter ran across the road in front of me. Maybe a bobcat or possum, not sure what it was.
Then a few minutes later I saw an object in my lane. I diverted into the left lane. Then I saw it was a cat in my headlights and the stupid animal ran right in front of my car. I hit my brakes thinking I nailed that pussy.
I did not feel any thump under my car though. Maybe I missed.
I live, nearly always, irritated and grouchy. Just the state of what I endure these days. I think we grew up during the best times ever in these United States. Now the times suck and the states, anything but united!
^^^ good point - you're mood is determined by your surroundings - sometimes you can alter your mood sometimes the challenge is just too much.
SJG always speaking wisdom and he's right, empty sex is a lot different than emotional/attached sex. I often "try" to find emotional sex in a strip club but that rarely happens. I think in my last 10 encounters in the club only 1 would qualify as emotional. I've certainly have had several emotion lap dance sessions but those girls aren't willing to go all the way or in 2 cases they were unable to because of the club they were at.
I think it just depends on how you treat them from the very start. Even at best, not all of them will be willing to open up to you, but many will.