
We can discuss anything of interest here can't we?

I've been sticking mainly to stripper topics but I suppose anything of interest can be discussed here if people are interested. So anyone want to discuss anything else such as favorite tv shows such as sci-fi, sports, etc.? Or how about what are strippers favorite topics of discussion?


  • DandyDan
    20 years ago
    I thought it would be cool if some of us had a TUSCL fantasy sports league once. I'm sure most of us here are into one sport or another. Of course, if we did it at ESPN, we'd have to reveal our real names, which would probably throw RL a curve. Of course, it's too late for football or basketball (not that I really care about the NBA), but we could do baseball or football next year.

    Actually, my experience with the message boards for fantasy sports leagues generally is off-topic discussion adds far too much clutter, so the same would probably happen here.
  • Dain
    20 years ago
    Hey, TopGun! Thanks for lookin' out for me. I've long had the impression here that you are a refined and kind gentleman.
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    Hey Dain, I wouldn't try that on the street with an unknown female, if I were you...You might find yourself masturbating in a cell with Bubba after an untimely arrest...:-)
  • Dain
    20 years ago
    In the past year I've taken to asking dancers if they want to meet me off-site in order to enjoy masturbating together. I offer them around $50/hour. I've been amazed at the number of girls who are quite interested in doing so. They have no problem in just pulling down their pants and starting. I suspect that while dancing all of the girls at one time or another--and maybe frequently--would like to stroke their pussy onstage. I love it when a girl feels safe enough to do so.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    Hi SuperDude,

    Times change and sometimes radically so. In 10 years there might not be any strip clubs or worse you might not be able to enjoy them. (A friend lost all interest in women at age 40 and he believed that was normal. YIKES!)

    One lesson I never learn is to seize the moment. My successful friends are very good about taking the bait without regret. Sort of a no pain no gain mentality or even worse the nonsense that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. :)

    I appreciate fussy. :) There was this really sweet dancer who liked to hang out with me and I never spent any money on her. She was a 9 in attractiveness and we had a lot in common. Anyway, she wanted to see me outside the club and she was willing to treat me or we could go dutch. I felt so at ease with her that I told her the ugly truth that she was just not hot enough for me and furthermore I wanted to avoid real relationships. She immediately protests and says that she is very attractive and at least a 9. She was stunned when I agreed she was at least a 9. So she says what do you want? I show her a perfect 10 and she says yes that girl is hotter, but she is one bad person (definitely true). I said that I knew that, but that I needed SUPER HOT. Then she says, but you're just average looking and getting old and not financially secure (definitely true)! :)

    I've paid a very high price for being fussy, but really it is not a choice. It is hard-wired. The super hot gives me so much more intense immediate pleasure that there is no comparison.

    Unfortunately, I don't see too many super hots. Fortunately, even if I do find a super hot I'm not interested in real relationships. :)
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    Kyle--I'm much to fussy to answer your questions. I am forced to accept less than what I want or not go to clubs at all. Managers think customers are dumb and dancers think we are walking ATMs. The entertainment value is declining and I have cut way back.
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    Some few high end lawyers can pay for $25 lap dances without blinking, but that is not enough to sustain a club. The average guy, buying dances in volume, is the key to cash flow. If clubs make it too expensive for him to enjoy himself, the clubs and dancers will suffer. True, the unions, in their heyday, made the average Detroit worker the highest paid industrial employee in the world. That world is fading, if not already gone. Globalization, downsizing and wage concessions to avoid corporate bankruptcies have taken their toll on how much the average wage earner has to throw away in clubs. Detroiters are rabid sports fans and, if forced to choose, will go to the game and visit the club after--but just to look.
    With no hockey season, a lot of Detroit clubs are going to take a hit this winter because the corporate/legal entertaining crowd will not be going to celebrate a Red Wings victory and the average wage earner is feeling economic pressure. Seeing this, lapflation took dances from $20 to $25.00.
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    Strippers have only two favorite topics of discussion. Personal financial woes and how slow business has become. Maybe they should consider that 5 years ago dances were $10 and now dances are $25.00. Customers' pay increases have not kept pace with this lapflation.
  • Kyle1111
    20 years ago
    Hi SuperDude,

    What are your standards for a dancer as far as race, age, weight, height, education, intelligence, etc.? What are your standards for the club as to cleanliness, size, noise, location, etc.?

    It looks like there are clubs with FIVE DOLLAR dances in Detroit.

    A friend's son is working in Detroit parking cars and supposedly will rake in wages of over $110,000 this year (his son can thank the union and government). Anyway, $25 lap dances don't seem to expensive with that type money. Lawyers also have a super sucessful union(bar association) with hourly wages of $200 to $400 (the thanks can go to the government and union). At these wages $25 lap dances seem like a bargain.

    A crooked county judge I had contributed something like $100,000 to his own reelection campaign not to mention contributions from his fellow lawyers--I believe at the time the government was only paying a salary of $75,000. Of course, the same situation existed with county commissioners, but they were only receiving a salary of $5,000. Probably these crooks would complain about high lap dance prices; can't bear to share their lucre.

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