OT: What do you do when false things are said about you on the internet?

avatar for trixxi
Does anyone have an idea about how to get this trash off the internet?


I found some guys on a random website passing around photos of me and saying how I was not female at all. My feelings are deeply hurt and I am not really that tech savvy. I emailed the site administrator already but I really fear that there is nothing I can do. Does anyone here have an idea how I can take control of the situation and stop these guys from saying cruel things about me? I had no idea my pictures were that unappealing, but I always thought I at least looked to be real female. Any help or ideas is welcomed


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avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
looks real to me. You could try contacting the web site manager and ask to have your picture removed. If nothing happens, maybe a lawyer might get results. There might be someone on here who knows. I kind of wish this site would bring back the profile pics but maybe the Founder removed it due to possible litigation issues such as the other web site could be liable for now. Whatever Founder or his lawyer was concerned about, if he was could be shared and that information might cause another web site owner to take pics down too if there are real concerns. I don't know. Facebook doesn't seem to have any issue with all kinds of pics.
Apparently, the people at reputation.com really know what they're doing, but I imagine it's expensive. There is a "Try it free" button, so you might start there.
In truth, not much. You may be able to put out enough favorable content to push the content down in the search results but that's really the best you can hope for if the website operator isn't sympathetic & you aren't willing to risk negative repercussions.

This sounds a bit assholeish, but if you were LGBT you'd likely have a better chance as there's probably some way to leverage protections afforded that class, or at least make it easier to remove the content in question than to fight the battle to keep it. I suppose you could make the claim without standing, but that's risky and could blow up & make you news.

Another option might be to claim copyright and issue a DMCA takedown request. But again, that's probably risky as if you don't have a legit claim the consequences could be significant. And chances are if you've uploaded those pictures anywhere yourself you also released any claim you had at that time.

avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
I would try not to let it bother you. If they're talking about you then your life is more interesting than theirs is. Did you hear about the guy who got 18 years putting up nude photos of women against their will? Interesting story
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
Adding to Divas comment, is this a popular web sight? Does anyone even see these comments? If there trolls and assholes and they're talking you down then no one will give and shit about their opinion anyway.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Seems like the name of that site also describes the people that populate it. Forget about them ( the rest of the world has already) and move on. They sound like 12 yo's holed up in mommy's basement with nothing better to do.
I don’t have an answer w.r.t. what can be done – getting rid of stuff once it’s on the web is kinda hard to do. One would think it would take a lawyer to do that but as many things one often does not have the re$ources to go that route.

All one can do in today’s social media world is be more careful w/ what they share w/ the world – with today’s smartphones there is someone always watching. Don’t allow strangers nor custies take pics of you.
Don't use reputation.com !!! I believe it was one of a pair of sites mentioned in the news recently as a scam. It's part of a "revenge porn" type of site. The owner of the first site gets guys (mostly) to post nude or compromising pics of girlfriends that have dumped them, or otherwise displeased them. Then uses reputation.com to offer to remove unwanted pics for a fee of $250. to $350.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Sounds like there are some VICIOUS ATTACK DOGS out there and a MODERATOR of the entire Internet is REQUIRED.
Since they put links to the club and your Xoticspot profile, you might do best just to consider it as free advertising. You don't need to answer any of their allegations, but you might want to go a little further out there on your profile. The picture they took is a good one, so don't worry about it.

I don't see how anyone from your club, or by viewing your profile, or just by knowing you, would ever find that uselessjunk site. How did you find your picture there?

Yes, you can write to the site admin. You can do whois and find their host and write to them. In principle you could sue, as they are engaging in slander. But I don't see much practical you could do beyond what you have already done.

Some people are always going to say bad things about women's pictures. Remember I was heavily involved in RedBook. And then here on TUSCL some people say bad stuff about women's pictures and their looks. You just have to ignore it.

Strippers have to be brave to get up their and show their stuff. And because they have insecurities us guys can easily get under their skin and have a really good time.

Don't let it bother you. I've read your various articles. You know how to make a club fun. We need you in San Francisco, along with some less structured free flowing types of clubs, instead of places like MBOT and the Deja Vu clubs. Those clubs are for chumps like @Subraman.



Black Sabbath
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
^^^^ Allllllright now!
the right kind of lawyer can get it done but it would cost you thousands of dollars.
There's a statue on the federal books that says that, ultimately, a person has the first and last say in how his or her image is used, whether it's aural or visual. (Yeah, that was a fun ten months looking for that after a local tech school decided to use student images for promotional purposes without the permission of the students.) That research was back in the late '90s, so I don't remember exactly what it was though; sorry.

The only problem would be if you're already posting those images on the internet, particularly on sites that you don't own. It could be argued that you (or that site) are making those images available for public viewing and use if you don't have any sort of copyright in place.

But then there's also the Berne Convention (or was that Bourne?) that says that whatever you post on the internet -- on your own site -- is considered yours and exclusively yours, that any copyright is just assumed, with no filing of paperwork necessary.

A lawyer would probably be your best bet to put up some sort of injunction against that site from using your image. Like John said though, it could cost some serious scratch.
avatar for LeeH
10 years ago
I don't mean to be harsh, but suck it up, Buttercup. What happens on the internet STAYS on the internet. FOREVER. (Well, unless you defame Scientology.)

You'd have an easier time getting your virginity back. Only other lawyers (or the grossly naive) would suggest legal channels. It just ain't happening.
Satire is protected as free speech under the First Ammendment. (Hustler Magazine v. Falwell).

Websites such as TUSCL, TwoSheds, and I suppose useless junk.com are works of fiction and thus could be considered as satire.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
No different then things said as opposed to printed, and it is a simple single word, IGNORE!
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Shit on them
Trixxi, if you learned of the uselessjunk site because someone contacted you from it, seeing the link to your profile, then that is free advertising.

Since these are online people, maybe you could offer them a discount on your photos. Maybe you could back that up with a dance deal if they come into the club.

Staying within the ethos of that board, you could join and follow up with your own posts. It could work.

JS69 is looking for some Portland club recommendations
Your views would be most valued.


Bernie Sanders for President
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
I'll give him one thing, at least he admits he is a socialist unlike the current one!
Thank you for taking the time to offer advice and solace. Honestly my feelings were hurt and I had to take a few days off the internet. Diva is right that I should not let it bother me. In my real life I am successful and stay busy, but my feelings can be hurt just like anyone else.
We know that dancers have sensitive feelings. That is why it is fun to deal with them in the strip clubs.

At your club the front sign makes this clear.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
The thread seems to be gone. uselessjunk.net appears to have some useful decency.
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