…I thought the above testimonial about Hillary written by Robert Reich was interesting and well-written. It goes over some of the major Dem talking points (like resurrecting Glass-Steagall) that I parrot on a regular basis.
For most of you deranged perverts (especially JS), you might be interested to know that Reich went on a date with Hillary when she was a 19-year-old undergrad. The only difference between Reich/Hillary and JS/DS is the age difference: Reich is one year older than Hillary and JS is (God knows) several millennia older than DS. Also, Reich didn't have to pay for the date. Also, Hillary is 8 inches taller than Reich.
This is going to be a fascinating election. Is the country really ready for a woman?
last commentIt must be hard for a talented guy like Reich to be trapped in a body that's 4' 11". I think it would be impossible for anyone to take him seriously as a leader. And you can bet he never had a real chance with Hillary in the dating pool.
GACA wrote: "They are going to try to drag her through the mud. "
Someone put it in a nicer way: "Republicans plan a seamless transition of hate from Obama to Hillary."
@James: I know that Jeb has the big money right now, but my gut feeling is that Walker or Rubio will take the nomination. In the general election, I *don't* think Hillary is inevitable; it may depend on how well the economy does before the election.
@GACA, Arnold wasn't a bad governor in the end, and his election was a weird quirk of recall laws. If the Republican party was more like Arnold (pro gay, pro business, pro education, supported easing drug laws to help the prison problem), I'd give them a second look. Arnold was basically what a truly secular Republican looks like.