Sad SC stories

avatar for carlos_spiceyweiner
It's been a rainy, overcast day where I am. After reading the discussion, "Spring Cleaning," I feel a need to add to the gloom by starting a discussion on depressing strip club happenings.

I've always loved my club time, but every once in a while, real life intrudes with a bit of club drama that serves as a momentary buzzkill to all the hot women and action. Actually, I shouldn't be this cold. Some of these moments are genuinely sad for the people involved.

I remember two, in particular:
- A stripper who came back to work after being away for a while. She showed up with her stripper bag (containing clothes, makeup, etc.) and an extra 30-40 pounds on her ass and thighs. She was tall and curvy anyhow, but the weight was really noticeable. Almost immediately, the owner stopped her and screamed across the bar, "I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME BACK TILL YOU LOST THE WEIGHT! LOSE THE WEIGHT!" She dropped her head, said goodbye to another stripper and quietly walked out the door. At one time she used to work there five days a week and was very popular. I never saw her again.
- I agreed to a dance from a granny stripper one time because the club was so dark. At first all I noticed was long blonde hair and big tits. Once she got close I saw a face with more wrinkles than grandpa's ball sack. She was a regular dancer at the club, but I never agreed to another dance. Two years later, I watched nearly every guy in a packed club tell her no one night in a five minute span. She retreated to the dressing room, put her street clothes on and left after briefly waving to me. I never saw her again. I guess old strippers, like old soldiers, just fade away.

Any other sad stories?


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avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
I loved her more than anything......xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx money started running out.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
....and that was the last time I saw her.........:(
avatar for carlos_spiceyweiner
10 years ago
mikeya02, you just broke my heart.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 years ago
Here's one - I walked into the SC and sat at the bar. Immediately a dancer that was way way WAY past her prime sat next to me. She literally started begging me to get dances because of all the bills and drama she had in her life. No way in hell this woman should have been dancing.

It must be a living hell for these type of worn out dancers to come into the club each day, facing constant rejection, to beg for mercy dances.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
A year or so ago one of the better local dancers' younger than 2 year old daughter died.

In KC a dancer with whom I'd developed a...rapport was there one week, and not the next. She'd been in a car accident and died. Her sister was working at the same club. To pay funeral expenses.

One of the better local dancers has been on a downward spiral for the last few months following the death of her father. She's rejected all attempts at help from her boyfriend, friends and family.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
I sometimes wonder if I contributed to one of my old favorite's sudden departure from my favorite club. I was telling her the story of the one lady I work with who had been there once. In a coincidence, both of them came from the same town. Anyway, this lady from work told me my favorite club is the worst place ever. FWIW, I don't find it surprising she would say this, although I do find it a shock to know she actually went to a strip club once. Anyway, I tell my fave this story and suddenly, she gets up, goes to the dressing room and I see her leave, never to return, as of yet. I think she missed the point of my story.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
I know many sad stripper stories. How about the stripper whose mother committed suicide? She was working in the club the night of the funeral so she could pay the funeral bills.

That strange flower, the sun,
Is just what you say.
Have it your way.

The world is ugly,
And the people are sad. --Wallace Stevens

avatar for carlos_spiceyweiner
10 years ago
Jackslash, I was in a club last summer and saw something similar. I had a great VIP experience with a tall blonde. When it was over she apologized that it wasn't better because she was thinking about her mother's funeral the next day. She was paying for it as well.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
My first fav dancer (12-13 years ago) disappeared from the club suddenly. I later learned that she was killed in a freak accident. She had a very hard life and it seemed incredibly unfair and sad for this to happen to her.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

Was at my regular club one day. A dancer I knew from another club was there. She had just came into the other bar to see another dancer who just happened to be sitting with me.

Anyways, the girl I'm sitting with is talking to the girl who just came in and they are both pretty sad. Turns out the one girl who just walked in just had her husband sentenced to jail for something. So I offer to buy them drinks and some shots. The three of us sat around talking for a while and drinking.

Didn't think much of it, until I went back in a few days later and I noticed everyone is bummed out.
Seems the girl who's husband went to jail OD'd on some drug that night at a house of one of the strippers after we got done drinking at the club. It was pretty erie...
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Old strippers definitely fade away. I'm sure sometimes management fires them and they have to move down the food chain of clubs. Others may dance clean in their 20s and suddenly have to start giving blow jobs to pay the rent.

There are a couple day shift dancers at my main club who are still viable, but barely.

There's another girl who I watched balloon in weight over the course of four months and haven't seen in a while. She was pretty and actually really nice to chat with, so I'm bummed she got fat.

On the plus side, the hot waitress was almost looking pregnant after the holidays, but she's got her fit body back.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Oh yeah, I've also talked to a couple different strippers in their 30s who have been transparent about never being married and wanting kids. Very few decent guys will get serious about a 34 year old stripper. 25? Yeah, certain guys will white knight her. But 34? Not so much.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
One of my previous favorites told me she didn't feel like working but needed the money. Turns out that a few days earlier 3 men had broken into her apartment, held a gun to her boy friend head and blew his brains out. Then took all of the money they could find. She asked if I wanted to to a VIP but I declined. It was just too sad.

Another dancer that I still see in the club backed over her toddler in her mothers driveway, killing it. I stopped getting dances from her because she has decided to live a lesbian life style and brings her butch to work with her.

I've heard several cases of over dosing.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
Sometimes old strippers don't fade away. They become strip club bartenders.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Here's a sad story. I thought I was immune to a pretty face. But last night one of the waitress at the strip clubs got me for $300 dollars. She was the most beautiful thing I have seen in 30 plus years of life. I even ask her straight up how much for take out. Proposes marriage (and was fckn serious about it) practically hump her whIle everyone was watching. God I lost all my fckn senses over her.

A she's just the waitress, no lap dances, I got some titty play, but dear god, $300 ?

Needless to say I did not get too many lap dances from strippers last nite.
avatar for carlos_spiceyweiner
10 years ago
Damn. There are some really sad stories here. I just remembered the time I started getting a dance from a girl who told me she had one child at home and another "near death" in the hospital. She was so visibly upset, I just paid her and told her she could end the dance early.

As for granny dancers, I've seen a few become bartenders. It has to be gut-wrenching realizing you're too old for the business or having a manager send you on the way.
avatar for carlos_spiceyweiner
10 years ago
@GACAclub, I have to ask. were you doing any drinking or was this girl just that amazing?
avatar for magicrat
10 years ago
I once heard a story about a dancer's husband who overdosed and passed away. She danced immediately afterwards to pay for the funeral.

Not sure I would dismiss a 34 year old dancer. I have a favorite who is about that age and honestly looks 26 or so. Way hotter and more interesting than the 19-23 year olds at that club.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Umm..of course I was drinking. No girl is that amazing , but same if she wasn't close to perfection. when I was sober I thought she had the most amazing lips and eyes.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Why the downer thread?
avatar for carlos_spiceyweiner
10 years ago
Cause it was a gloomy day, and I wanted to top "Spring Cleaning" as the most depressing thread ever.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
I can say with confidence that a 34 year old dancer is not an automatic "no thanks" for me. The MILF who still won't take my money OTC is 35 and looks 10 years younger. Her age shows in her attitude and common sense, not her body.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
Ditto for my 45 yo ATF who is still in the top three earners at her club - on day shift!
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I think paying $300 to the waitress may be the saddest story of all. :)
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
To be a little more upbeat on older dancers: My #3 is a late 40's dancer and she looks amazing. The reason she's my #3 is a combination of intelligence, attitude and skill set and of course looks. She's always smiling and upbeat, and takes her job of pleasing men VERY seriously. She always gets the job done and with me that's no small feat.

There are days when she's working and there's only 10 guys in the club, and she still makes money while the other dancers are just sitting around. I don't know how much longer she'll dance but she doesn't need to retire today because of looks.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
JS69. I agree. But if you saw the strippers you would understand she was my only viable option. Besides going back for an OTC attempt, I think I greased her well, or she greased me period :(
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