
... always a girl sitting on your lap ... , Sonora Mexico

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game

"First time at the club. Visited on a Tuesday night. Girls ranged from 9 to 6. Body type for everyone. The club was slow. There was always a girl sitting on your lap and pushing for a dance. Waitress constantly asking if you want to..."


This is Bossnia, in Hermosilla, the capital of Sonora. It is also very close to Guyamas, the Gulf of California port written about by David E. Stuart.



What I don't understand is why would anyone want to trade this type of club for the 'extras' club?

I had read in a general audience oriented travel book about how in Mexico they laugh about American style strip clubs. They seem so silly. In Mexico, if they like a stripper, the first thing they do is kiss her.

Now I can see that being a bunch of guys getting drunk and silly. Or I can see it as a more deliberate act indicating to the girl that he is taking her to one of the back rooms.

Lap Dancing started in San Francisco in the late 70's, and it meant a girl sitting on your lap, and for about $1 per minute as decided by the original group of dancers.

But in the decades since it has meant action in booths and back rooms. But anyone who has ever experienced this, or even just thought it through, can easily see that while in principle more could happen in a back room, what typically is the case is that forcing all of the action into the backroom means that the girl always stays in complete control. She never lowers her emotional defenses. It also increases the house cut of the money. I say that it is a chumps game.

Sorry, I'm not interested in that. I don't do it that way.

So in Mexico it sounds like lap sitting and all forms of physical front room friendliness are the norm. You can feed her money. But sometimes she might be more interested in just getting you into the private room session. You can give her some money though to play out the front room preliminaries a little more.

But as reported on blackstripclubs.net and by some TUSCL members, in the most extreme US strip clubs, the girls do do it just like in Mexico, using front room physical friendliness. This only makes sense. If the girl wants results, that's the way to get it.

So why would anyone want to trade this for girls asking, "Wanna dance?", and then for the sorts of dances likely to come from that? Sure, if the girls huddle together and figure out how to make it so they can stay in control, then being on their feet and grinding and dry humping is going to be the way. Or if a bunch of suits at Deja Vu did a brain storming session, they would figure out how to screw up San Francisco.

But why would any customers go for this? That's what I don't understand. When I've been in San Francisco I've turned it around and DATYed dancers. They don't expect guys to come in and open their wallets for that, but when happens they love it and it shows.



And then one of the threads where this issue was first raised bac in August, "So you ask about DFKing in the VIP room. I don't see that there should be any reason to wait until you get her into the VIP room."

And then as I had talked about it, Shadowcat started a front room kissing thread:

So who does it this way, or at least tries, doing a front room makeout session before agreeing to anything measured in songs or time, or going to any private spaces?

And most of all, at what clubs do you see the most of this going on? Us PL's need to work together too and make some changes. No more 'extras'. No more treating dancers like vending machines. Instead, GFE.


more thread replies coming:

davevjr, Things Dancers Should Know About Customers

Shailynn, Unemployment Thread

Buddy Guy, Red Rocks, 2013


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    You should try writing something that you have experienced rather than read about.

    It has been many years since I have been to Hermosillo but it is not a tourist town. My buddy and I got a motel room there for $2/night. For $2 you don't get a key. You just bolt the door from the inside. You get a horse blanket and a cold shower. But next door you could get a rib eye steak cooked over mesquite that was so big it fell of the sides of the meat platter it was served on.

    The strip clubs/bordellos were located outside of town and if you didn't speak some Spanish you could forget about getting laid. Customers outnumbered the girls 10 to 1 and the best looking girls wouldn't give you the time of day. They were all waiting for the rich Ranchers to come in. Of course we had lots of Pesos and once that was known we were in. But the ranch hands that were sipping their cervezas did not have girls sitting on their laps and they weren't kissing them. $10USD could get you laid though.
  • ime
    9 years ago
    SJG just living in a world of misinterpreting other peoples experiences, treat your mom better SJG and she might let you leave the house.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Interesting account Shadow. Thanks.

    What it says in the reviews about Bossnia in Hermosillo is that at the slow time they went there, there were more dancers than customers, and so there was "always a dancer sitting on your lap." I don't see any reason to disbelieve the reviewer. I don't see any reason to disbelieve the numerous great accounts of TJ either.

    What I've experienced in San Francisco, before they went to booths and back rooms and the 'extras' model, was that girls would come around and sit on your lap. In particular I had spotted this cute black girl during the noon hour when lots of people were out on the sidewalks. I decided that instead of eating lunch alone, I was going to try and invite her. So laying way back I followed her to see where she was going. But she turned into the New Century. I was surprised and I really didn't have enough money, but I still went in and I waited. Then she came out and did her set, which culminated in open tongue kissing with another girl.

    Often they have this in porno movies and I just fast forward past it. But there in real life, it had a profound effect on me. So though I hadn't rehearsed talking about this with her, I found that when she came of stage and sat on my lap, I started explaining to her about how much it effected me. She right away volunteered about how much she enjoyed it. So from there, it would have been almost impossible for things not to have escalated.

    But in the decades since in San Francisco I have usually found that the clubs have turned into clip joints. The most you are going to get is 'extras'. It is a racket. The addition of booths and back rooms has not improved it. Not in my opinion. It just makes it more expensive, and it makes it so that the girl stays in full control at all times.

    Here in San Jose, when the table dancing circuit was running in some Mexican Bars, it was really cool. The girls did not ask, they just did. Generally this never went beyond medium mileage, but it was still lots of fun. The girl would just continue as long as you kept feeding her $1's. But it was really playful, and also comparatively cheap. When you were done you just waived her on with her last $1 and she would go to the next guy. So she would rake in at least $120 per hour. Guys would spend their money and then leave and someone else would take their seat. So the girls were always busy going from one guy to the next. They did it really nicely too, especially the Latinas.

    This showed me how it could be much different than it is now in San Francisco. And then also with some of the girls, they were willing to go quite a ways over the limits. Some of these girls were trying to line up same night OTC's. So with the slightest inducement, they would get extremely friendly.

    In South Bay AMPs the girls are not wiling to kiss in the front room. I have tried. From their perspective, 1/2 hour only costs $40, and besides the place is not a hangout place, and there is no established convention for front room tipping. They don't like dealing with window shoppers who come in without money. And then also, now they have cameras in the front room to try and protect themselves from LE.

    In San Francisco it might be different in the AMPs. But right now I am confining my activities to the South Bay.

    Now in the session rooms, San Francisco and South Bay, the best way is always to start kissing your selected girl right away. From your first sighting of her, using words and eye contact, you get her softened up for it. And then if she goes for it, the session will be mind blowing, as she will turn it into a Girl Friend Audition. I've done it this way for decades, since long before GFE was invented.

    So I am not so much interested in South Bay or San Francisco SC's right now. And as I am embedded in matters of public interest, travels still have to wait. But once I have the results I want, then I will be free to start ranging out.

    Some say Club Fantasy in Sacramento is good. Otherwise it will be the San Gabriel Valley, and then to the wilder clubs so many have written about in other states, and then also to Mexico.

    So who finds that front room makeout sessions are the best way? And at what clubs do they see this the most?


    Sunny Southern Weather, CSNY
  • ime
    9 years ago
    Thats one way you could deal with her i guess
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I've never said that SC's or any other type of P4P venue actually solve any of life's real challenges. There are some extremely contentious issues going on between men and women. But while going to an SC does not remedy this, it does give you the chance to see the issues and learn to understand them from a different perspective.

    To go further though there is going to need to be some kind of a new alliance between men and women, not just adversarialism.

    And I do understand that much of this adversarialism is also going to be in play in other places, like Mexico.

    But I still think some basic common sense shown in SC's, and shown by lots of customers, will make a big difference.

    'Extras" and treating dancers like vending machines, and likewise going for the 'wanna dance' pitch, only make the situation worse. At Deja Vu and lots of other places they figured out that by moving from lap sitting to booths and backrooms they could rake in more money, even though less was happening.

    If people just think it through, then they will see this. No reason to go along with the basic pitch. Get the girl off script.

    And Shadowcat, we know that the girls work for money, and that if you don't have enough of it, better not to even be there. But once you have enough, how you use it can make a big difference.

    So who does it this way, front room makeout session? And where do they see this going on the most?

  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    Still sound like you are getting all your information from reviews regurgitating it. Iyou want some respect go to a club and write first hand review.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    SJG, this is your last chance. Meet us in a club in SF next week. Then you can post a review and develop that respect.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I am tied down. I can talk about all sorts of experiences here, because I know where to draw the line and because I can firewall off my other responsibilities.

    Though I am no longer married, it sometimes seems like I still am, as I do have other responsibilities.

    As far as the clubs in other places, I plan to be there, but it will still be a while. So what I know of them is from reviews and posts, and I have always been clear about this.

    Of my own experiences I have already given much more detail than you will find in some reviews. I have detailed my own high level of involvement in some matters too.

    What I am not is someone who just goes on year after year spending lots of money chasing sexual gratification. There has to be some bigger objective behind it. And it is in this that my current commitment lies.

    I still stand on my view that if we want strip clubs that are not clip joints then we need to start changing how we do things ourselves and we need to start communicating this.

    No more 'extras', instead GFE experiences.

    And so I ask, who also goes for lap sitting and front room makeout sessions, and in what clubs are they finding that this is common?

    this issue as it relates to FKK and a reply to @IME

  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    The Harem in Dayton Ohio is a club I'm in regularly again now. There is lots of lap sitting going on there. I think that's why I like it there so much. Girls are not afraid to just come up and sit on your lap and start stroking your dick through your pants. Those are the girls I like. The playful ones. They are the most fun in the back room and in the hotel room.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I read more and it sounds like most of these border towns have had these "Boys Towns", like Matamoros, Reynosa, Nuevo Laredo, Ciudad Acuna, Ojinaga, and even little Aqua Prieta. But many of them are closed now. David Stuart wrote that during the 80's Mexico closed lots of its Tolerance Zones, an attempt to clean up the country and a kind of a precursor to NAFTA.

    But I am sure that there must be street hookers and bar hookers in all of these places still. TUSCL reviews and Escorts of Mexico just don't give enough current information to get a realistic appraisal of the current situation.


    Here, this Joker Strip Club, reported as closed, still shows on Street View. Very hard to find this too.


    And then this Bumbagilo Motel, a tryst motel.

    None of this is in the index for Google Maps.
    Not enough up to date and detailed information about Mexico.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Here, this is about Juarez. They are saying that the biggest danger is getting shaken down by cops. Otherwise, for those not afraid of dealing with that, it is a place for great bargains.


    Just don't have enough detailed and up to date info.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Here, photo of Luxxor Massage, in Juarez

    Here, I found the place on St. View. Very close to the US


  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago


    This is not even 13k population.

    Here, an Asian and seafood restaurant. Do some zoomouts and go to satellite view and then to maps, to see where this is.


    This area right at the Mexican side of the border the don't seem to have street view for. I'm looking for bars.


    Would just a basic bar, in these little border towns, have hookers in it who use a nearby hotel?

    In San Jose California, hookers are to be found in Mexican Bars. But the city has already closed down more than half of them.

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