New and Definitely NOT Improved Listing Format for Club Reviews

avatar for PhantomGeek
North Dakota

Yesterday, I was able to hit the Club Reviews for a town, hit the Sort by Last Review, and then read the most recent reviews for that town. It was quick. It was simple. And time-wise, it was practical.

I can't do that now.

I pulled up a couple of different cities, and now all of the clubs are listed in no discernible or desired order. We get the name, the address, the phone number, how many stars it has, and how many reviews it has -- but now we have to click on each and every club to see what reviews are the most recent? What a massive waste of time this'll be.

Founder, please, put things back the way they used to be. We PLs only have so much time!


last comment
avatar for tobala
9 yrs ago

Website links and hours of operation are gone too, but some of them were wrong anyway.

avatar for CowTime
9 yrs ago

I totally agree with OP. The "Sort by Last Review" option was very convenient. I guess TUSCL is trying to get you to go to a different club by randomizing the order of the club listing.

avatar for mjx01
9 yrs ago

@Phantom: Totally agree... did you also PM founder?

@tobala: haven't those been 'off' the 'lists of clubs' (i.e. 'city') pages for some time? Have to go to each club's page for that info.

Link 'buttons' (for website etc) on each club's page is now a column on the right instead of horizontal row.

avatar for tobala
9 yrs ago

Mjx- the website button for one of my clubs is gone since there on the side.

avatar for busta_nut
9 yrs ago

new format sucks, cannot search by last review dates, and all the above changes.

avatar for sharkhunter
9 yrs ago

I see the other clubs for a city that used to be listed on the right side of the screen on one page are gone now. Maybe there is still a link somewhere. I just don't know where. If I'm checking reviews for a city, I do like to click on the other clubs in that city to see other reviews just in that city.

avatar for nickifree
9 yrs ago

"Sort by Last Review" seriously needs to come back.

avatar for PhantomGeek
9 yrs ago

mjx01, nope, not yet. I'll have to PM Founder tonight after work.

avatar for tobala
9 yrs ago

Just noticed that on my laptop there is a website button but on my phone it's not there.

avatar for Cheo_D
9 yrs ago

Sounds like the redesign is something of a work in progress and that part of the issue is to format it for cross-platform use.

But good heavens -- sort order options (by date, by number of reviews, by rating, by sub-rating) should be a basic feature in a review page. Or else the city page should explicitly tell us WHAT is the order shown.

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