As an actual lion that recently acquired a laptop from a stupid fat American tourist on safari I have been learning how to use your human internet. I came across this site and discovered a debate among the clueless regarding a "system" to score strippers. I think my skills as a lion will transfer over quite nicely.
What I do when I see a herd of gazelle is I put on my best suit to put all of the gazelle at ease. If there is a bouncer associated with that particular herd of gazelle I am sure to grease him with a little money. I have plenty from all of the tourists on safari that I eat. This system allows me to identify the young female gazelles with drug problems and daddy issues. They are the best!
The main system is just not to buy dances. Rather you pick the girl and approach, and get a front room makeout session going. From there, back room, to waking up with her in the mornings.
The System is worth understanding, because though it misses much, at least it is not based on buy dances.
last commentROAR!!!
Smart talk
The System is worth understanding, because though it misses much, at least it is not based on buy dances.