Stripper Boyfriends/Husbands

avatar for nelson
I'm sure this has been addressed before. In spite of the money, how does a guy tolerate having his girlfriend/wife work naked all day or night with strangers groping her (at a minimum)? I'm sure that the dancer does not provide the details of her shift to her significant other. If I'm wrong and she does, I'm sure it is a diluted version. I recently was entertained by a lovely dancer that told me she was divorced with a child. We had a great time in VIP, services were 100%! After our private time we went back for a drink and she let it slip that she was married! Which brings me to this discussion point.


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avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
She may claim she only dances clean.

He may not care, especially if the relationship is open.

He may suck it up for free rent and car payments and drugs.
avatar for yankeefan83
10 years ago
My wife has danced throughout our entire relationship and tells me about her shift after everyone. I know that its watered down but at least she shares portions of it. Its an odd experience but can be fun with the right mindset. She is a very party type person so I am not stupid to the fact that she probably flirts more then needed and I do know shes gotten numbers from customers before but never communicates with them outside of the club. Hardest part is seeing people outside of the and knowing they've probably gotten dances from her or at the least seen her naked.
The only stripper boyfriend that I know personally has very low self esteem. She treats him like shit and I don't think he even truly recognizes it. I also think that strippers are sexual freaks for the most part so that's fun too. Money is also probably a big part of it but not for the guy I know. He actually works two jobs even though he has a stripper girl friend.
It's a just plain different mindset, and I figure that if you don't have that mindset, you'll never understand it. I know I definitely could not handle my beloved significant other being a stripper. I've dated a small number of strippers, and have no problem with them dancing while we're casually dating, doesn't bother me one bit. The one time I fell a little bit harder for a stripper, I decided that if we were going to progress to the next level, I'd need to have her stop stripping, move into my house while I funded her to finish her schooling, etc.
I have a CF in an Orange County, CA club that is know for extras whose husband works in sales at one of our offices there. Found out on my last trip to out when I took the staff and wives/girlfriends to a celebration dinner and in she walks. She had told me she was married for over 10 years and her husband was ok with her dancing as he had met her in a club. She has always maintained he got turned on by the fact she came home to him. Did make for some interesting VIP time the next day. HEY!!!! Time for a trip to the OC.
A fav of mine would suck me in the club and fuck me at home. Then she got a boyfriend with a real job and the next thing I knew she quit dancing because her bf "couldn't handle it."

Damn. Why didn't she get a stripper boyfriend who didn't care?
One lady had my number in her phone and called on occasion. We also did OTC. I get a call from what I thought was her and it was the boyfriend wanting to know why my number was in her phone and questioned her calling history to me. I obviously denied even knowing her. Didn't see / hear from her for several months and one day she calls again. The boyfriend didn't know what she was doing and ended up committing suicide (hanging) over the revelation.

Needless to say that I felt awful about the situation. Obviously my worst experience ever. Happened back in 2002-2003 before OTC became more of a common practice in my neck of the woods. She did represent to me prior that she was unattached.
If he's a pimp or high off his all all the time... he probably doesn't care.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
The reason why you guys think this way is because you are conformists who are unwilling to or incapable of thinking for yourselves.

Many of you just can't face the simple reality that the vast majority of strippers would not touch us with a 10 foot pole if money was not involved. We are in NO way a threat to their commitment to their SOs. They may have issues with their SOs, but it ain't nothing about us. They may bitch to us about their SOs, but only because we're white knighting.

Honesty is a rare quality. I'm not sure strippers are really, on average, significantly more dishonest than people in general.

For many dancers, any guy who goes to a strip club is a disgusting PL. It would not be hypocritical for such a dancer to ask for exclusivity with her SO, since what's going on in the club (or even OTC) is in no way actually sex for her.

If a dancer does get off on her job, and she's honest with her SO, she will be OK with her SO getting some on the side to the same degree that she is. For example, one dancer I knew went to a swinger's resort on her honeymoon. But they had the rule that only his dick in her pussy, and her's way the only pussy his dick went into..
@ibbaicni - "since what's going on in the club (or even OTC) is in no way actually sex for her"

Excellence and sobering point. Males have the rep for having sex without maintaining an emotional attachment. But conversely, we seem to have trouble acknowledging that she could be doing it as well.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I believe some stripper boyfriends handle it by thinking this is only temporary and he's looking around for new girls to hook up with all the time. He might be thinking so is she. Now being married would be a different story. If I was married, I would not want my wife to be working as a stripper except maybe in my living room and then I would be her only customer. I do have enough room for a stripper pole. She could even climb up about 25 to 30 feet.
I can think of many adjectives to describe people on tuscl, but conformist would never be one of them.
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
"Many of you just can't face the simple reality that the vast majority of strippers would not touch us with a 10 foot pole if money was not involved. "

Ibb posted: "The reason why you guys think this way is because you are conformists who are unwilling to or incapable of thinking for yourselves."


Maybe that's it ibb. Maybe we should thank you for such crisp and original insights and shuck off the knee-jerk reactions that come from being stuck in certain stereotypical thinking. Wow, imagine the revolution that could occur here - a kinder and gentler tuscl...OR

Maybe what you posted is equally stereotypical, except being more reflective of the standard views of ladies on the pink board. Perhaps it's understandable for a guy not to want his wife pawed at, assaulted, hit on by club staff, mistreated by the majority of males that she comes in contact with, continuously tempted with drugs, tempted by other men to accept large cash payments for money, etc., etc.

Oh, and you do realize that plenty of strippers DO provide sex for cash, no? ;)

In order to be a spouse to a stripper, you really need not to give a shit about other guys touching her. You also need to either trust her a tremendous amount or not really care what happens to her as long as she brings home the cake. In my experience, most girls who start stripping when they are already married end up divorced before their career is over. Small wonder why.

I think I'd have to pass.
large cash payment for sex that is, lol
ilb: "Many of you just can't face the simple reality that the vast majority of strippers would not touch us with a 10 foot pole if money was not involved. "

I don't agree with all your post, but do with some of it. The thing is, most of it has little to do with the question being asked -- "how does a guy tolerate having his girlfriend/wife work naked all day or night with strangers groping her" It's a legit question, and is about the mindset of the boyfriend, nothing to do with how strippers think of clients, or whether stripper think of lap dances as sex, it's about how a man can let a woman he care about do this. But I imagine you must have had this rant saved up and just decided to spring it here :)

Like I said, I agree with some of it. I think the part I quoted above, is a lot closer to reality than the guy who claimed that strippers love when we get hardons, and if we don't, that makes us creepy (!!!!).
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago

We can talk about what I actually wrote and not your straw man. I never said stripper SOs would not be bothered by custies or others dissing their lady. That's a different issue. Being a coal miner or an astronaut also exposes one to dangerous and unpleasant situations. But people usually have admiration for someone who is supportive of their SO being in those professions, rather than assuming they have to be a loser for tolerating it. Soldiers, and others who travel frequently can and do cheat more often, but nobody assumes all of their SOs have to be losers.

I accept there are probably plenty of strippers who don't tell their SOs the whole truth about what goes on at work. But the ones who don't are no worse in that respect than you are, are they rick?
Straw man ibb? So which position is not the stereotypical pink description? This?:

Many of you just can't face the simple reality that the vast majority of strippers would not touch us with a 10 foot pole if money was not involved. We are in NO way a threat to their commitment to their SOs. They may have issues with their SOs, but it ain't nothing about us.

Or this?:

"For many dancers, any guy who goes to a strip club is a disgusting PL. It would not be hypocritical for such a dancer to ask for exclusivity with her SO, since what's going on in the club (or even OTC) is in no way actually sex for her."

The reality is that most of these guys don't know what these girls are doing to make the cash. It doesn't matter whether cash is involved or not - they are sadly still tolerating all of the things that I mentioned above. And last I checked, the SOs of coal miners and astronauts don't have to worry about men trying to stick their fists up their GFs/wives asses, among other things.

What really sucks though is if these guys weren't such Grade A losers then maybe their SOs wouldn't have to do such unpleasant things with us purportedly undesirable types in the first place. I deal with a lot of strippers in a year and i don't know too many who would be doing this if they could have a good life otherwise. Too sad.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
Pink or not, it's just common sense. We wouldn't be paying for it if we could get it for free.

You can come out of the closet about your astronaut-fisting fetish rick. We love you anyway.

Coal miners could get a much safer, cleaner job if their wives would just become strippers.
^^^Ah, so it's your position that it is ok for these SOs to be ok with being cuckolded and for their wives/GFs to be molested because it is old and undesirable guys doing it? Got it.

By the way, I have an attractive wife and I don't need to pay to get laid. I do so for the variety and because it is uncomplicated. I don't pay them to stay, I pay them to go back to their loser SOs once I've blown my load in them. ;)
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
10 years ago
If they are the typical unemployed boyfriend/husband, there's probably nothing they can do but keep their opinions to themselves. I did come to meet one married stripper in a recent visit (or at least I learned she was married), and she says it's an open marriage, but I'm not sure how open is open.
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