Kyle1111 and the Cheetah in N. Miami

avatar for ShotDisc
Here is the perfect example of why Kyle can't be trusted in his reviews and ratings. He must have 5 or 6 reviews all rated at 8 or higher, but in each review he says the club was not good for that visit. how can a club get a 8 or higher when you didn't enjoy the visits?


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avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi ShotDisc,

The "smart choices" as you refer to them *depend* on the desires of the individual strip club customer.

Angels may never be a "smart choice" for a GC customer such as yourself and that is fine.

avatar for ShotDisc
20 years ago
A little slow? how amusing. I suggest you don't go to battle with an unloaded weapon. The bottom line is you are a cheap little man who finds comfort in hanging out in small ghetto clubs, getting "high" mileage, $5 laps. I guess someone has to be that guy. why not you. The rest of us will make the smart choices.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi Shotdisc,

If you make as much as Bill Gates, then *most likely* your priorities will shift and $5 here or there won't make much difference. It *should* be obvious that a customer's income could be very important in how they perceive a club.

What if a reviewer posted about a terrific club where the cheapest lap dances were only $100,000 a song? To some customers the club would have no value because the dance prices are too high. Understand?

My priority is FIVE DOLLAR high contact dances with perfect dancers.

You may indeed be better than me. You may also be filth. I don't know you. You appear to be a little slow, but so what?

avatar for ShotDisc
20 years ago

kyle, what fucking difference does it make how much money any of us make? I am sure that I could spend much more at SC's but I don't. It is a choice. Just like it is a choice that shadow makes monthly trips to visit a club he considered to be the best. With all due respect to the famous commercial, "Don't hate me because I'm better than you"
avatar for ShotDisc
20 years ago
Kyle, one more thing....

how much do these shitty little ghetto clubs pay you to come on this site and pimp them?
avatar for ShotDisc
20 years ago
Shadow. I think you sarcasm was right on the money. Kyle you seem to be obsessed with fat girls (whales i think is your term) and black clubs. but thanks for the economics lesson. i will go home and study it just in case there is a test next week.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi Shekitout,

Are you having a bad day? If you need a verbal punching bag, then please be my guest. I worked retail for some years and debt collection some other. :) For some reason I think debt collectors are a few pegs lower than used car salesmen . . .

So give me a little something to work with so I can try real hard to come with an appropriately witty response.

If you are having problems in strip clubs, have you considered just staying the fuck out of them, you idiot?
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi Shadowcat,

You do realize that some strip club patrons actually READ reviews and those that don't deserve a little disappointement as well as excitement. That has occurred to you hasn't it? If so, then what is all the noise?

I *assume* if a reviewer was in love with FAT and OLD and TALL dancers, then he would have your blessing to give clubs featuring such dancers a numerically high rating? Nah, you wish to impose your GC standards . . .

Yes, your attempt at sarcasm was a failure because you assume that the would be visitor is too dense or illiterate or whatever to actually READ the reviews . . . additionally, you assume everyone reading the reviews has the same standards, same purposes, same $$$, same etc.

Wake-up!!! :)

avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Well said Shadowcat,

A visitor to Miami could either go to a famous GC like Tootsie's with a billion plus positive reviews or live on the wild side and go to Angels. I recommend Angels if he likes black dancers. Of course this potential visitor to Miami won't bother reading the reviews that would be too unwild so he or she will just rely on numerical ratings.

Thanks, for the enlightening post. :)

avatar for DRDave
20 years ago
Maybe Kyle can stop in Cheetah's every day for the rest of the year and update us daily on how much he like the DJ, the parking lot and the free buffet.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi DRDave,

I don't care for eating in strip clubs. It as well as music should be banned. :) DJs even the cool ones need a little Uzi surgery. The crucial deal with parking is are any of the dancers giving bjs or fs there and what are the prices. And, of course what are fees for parking if any e.g. a club fee, security fee, homeless person fee, and etc.

Basically, I think your idea is excellent. Just send me the $$$ and you can live vicariously thru my daily reviews. I will NOT get lap dances from GIANT dancers NO matter how much you pay me, however. Well, maybe I could break the rules for $10,000 per dance, but you would have to agree to pay for any resulting doctor or hospital bills or funeral expenses. Those ladies might accidently squish me like a bug. :)

avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
BTW, there should be a new review by me concerning Cheetah popping up soon. This time I only gave the club a 6, which probably is too high.

Here is the deal. I was being charged $10 per song per dance in the VIP room and getting wonderful two-way high contact dances from dancers who I salivate just thinking about. To me this ***potential**** merits a very high rating. I *believed* $10 was the normal price because that is what I was being charged.

I see a dancer who I'd previously done business and I buy a bunch more dances from her. She then informs me AFTER the fact that the price is now $15 per song. I'm very unhappy and think maybe she is trying to pull a scam and that there was NO price increase, but I pay and figure it is her loss if she's scamming. I also think if she's telling the truth NO more dances for me. :(

I see another hottie and I think we have an understanding for $10 per song per dance. I eagerly buy a bunch of dances and think I coming back soon to get some more of this action. I was so happy and satisfied. Then she wants $20 per song per dance! She says the $10 was only for regular floor dances. I apologize for any misunderstanding, but refuse to pay more than was agreed. She showed a lot of class in accepting less than she thought she was due.

Anyway, I want to talk with the manager who I'd spoken with on prior visits to find out what in the hell was going on. Why was I being charged $10 per song per dance in the VIP room and now I'm being given much higher prices AFTER the dances are completed?! This to me is a management problem. Unfortunately, the manager I wanted to talk with (because I've talked to him before) is not in so I expalin the situation to a different manager. He says the dances are actually $25!

That is out of my budget. As a result the club has NO *potential* value to me or for that matter any value. The club might as well charge $1,000 per dance. Angels and Tootsie's are far better values.

avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi ShotDisc,

It is called potential which I value highly. Now a wealthy gentleman like yourself evidently values time more than $$$. And, more power to you to have reached that level of financial success.

How difficult can it be for you to understand that I place a high value on potential? I value a dancer with perky medium to small titties. You may value large titties. The point is we have different values.

So if I can get good value ala Angels' FIVE DOLLAR high contact dances, then that club is most likely going to get the highest rating from me. Another good value was Cheetah's FREE VIP rooms with high two-way contact $10 dances. This will also deserve a high rating.

Let's see how good you are at doing "math" to see if somewhere in your brain we dig out the concept of *potential* to the point a little flashing light goes on inside your head. Say a man is selling X and he is only asking FIVE DOLLARS. You know with ***100% certainty*** that there is a 90% probability that X is worth $0 and a 10% probability that it is worth $100,000.

So are you will to pay the FIVE DOLLARS and risk ending up with something that is worth nothing? A wealthy gent like yourself should be able to afford risking FIVE DOLLARS to make $100,000 (gross). How would you rate this as a business opportunity on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest rating. Would you dare give it a 10? Hmmm . . . if you had the opportunity to invest $2,500 to purchase 500 Xs that separately are worth $0 each (90% certain probability) or are worth $100,000 each (10% certain probabilty) . . . would you rate this investment opportunity a 10?

Let's pretend you rated this investment a 10 the highest possibile rating based on *POTENTIAL*. That means if you purchased 500 Xs at FIVE DOLLARS each your net outlay is $2,500. But, 10% of those Xs are worth $100,000 each. So you have a gross gain of $5,000,000 ($100,000 X 50 (500 X 10% = 50)).

So do you now understand POTENTIAL? Do you at least understand that not everyone shares the same values as you? Finally, YOU are a 100% in love with GCs even if you haven't figured it out yet.

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