
strip clubs and addictive behaviour

Saturday, February 14, 2015 3:09 AM
For me clubbing is like a drug so i know im struggling with addiction and fight to enjoy my hobby without it destroying my life..balanced is key Take tonight...I've been saving up for a big Champaign room with my new local CF...i had to do a quick trip to tip her on stage and feel her skin against mine, to smell her female healthy smells, eye contact, light kissess and laughs Once i do this chemicals in my brain go off and i honestly get high aka just like a drug addiction i got a quick fix to get me through until the big fix I just love how i feel right now..i feel alive...i feel motivated to work more hours, invest wisely, lose more weight, get heathy I tell you once I've chased a beautiful women like this once i finally walk in her end zone it is the ultimate high Anybody else like this a lil ? Or am i that fuccED ? Or blessed ?


  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    Yes. I was addicted a few years back... BIG TIME. I was at clubs some weeks all 5 days after work and would try to sneak out on the weekends for a few hours if at possible. I've learned to not go anywhere near as much now. I wish I could replace this addiction with a healthy addiction, like going to the gym. I'm working on that one. lol.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I'll try to respond once I get over the shock of Duke posting an intelligent, relevant, interesting question in decent English ( at least if you overlook the lack of capitalization and periods).
  • Duke69
    9 years ago
    Thanks for sharing warhawk makes me feel better about my struggles
  • Duke69
    9 years ago
    John Smith lol thanks bro ham
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Unfortunately not. Work and making money so I can get into the 1% is my addiction these days. Hopefully I can pick up a strip club addiction again in a couple years or so. :-)
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I'm a little puzzled. Lots of people on here have said that strip club addictions, ATFs gave them positive motivations in other areas on their life. That one is a head scratcher to me.
  • tobala
    9 years ago
    It definitely gives you a high. I've been on a binge myself lately and need too back off a little bit.
  • Duke69
    9 years ago
    Doug it does motivate so i work a lot...the problem is im like a gambler when im ahead i should get up and walk away....but they just keep playing until all the money and i mean all of it is gone... Thats the issue i had faced..i actually went homless and had to go to rehab...Thats y im more knowledgeable about this....im just trying to keep shit balanced If i club to much i cant care for myself but yet if all i do is save i get bored of life...clubbing, drugs and gambling make me feel like im alive....but i need to save so i can repair my home and car , my clothing, my health, invest in my education, my future, my retirement So i must balance my life and my addictions
  • Duke69
    9 years ago
    Tobala i herd that..lol
  • Duke69
    9 years ago
    Shit i didnt even bring up my addiction to food...lol i was 400 for a reason Thank you for sharing Douglass lol Im just know getting every thing under control and balanced I just recognize i will struggle with my demons my whole life its what makes me da juice mane so multifaceted
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Good stuff, Duke. The booming economy and markets are going to make a lot of things possible for people this year, e.g. educational, career and business opportunities. What alot of people miss is that far bringing it all to an end this boom will mean things grow even faster in the future. For me it seems like a good time to get established. I'm even thinking of buying real estate for the first time in my life (hoping for a panic when they do finally raise rates). It's good to hear that you are positioning yourself well for the boom times when are in. Enjoy!
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Left out a couple of words "get established" should be "get established in my new world"
  • Duke69
    9 years ago
    This is very true and smart talk at that I mean im buying options right now first in my life...real estate for me would be a single wide trailer nevertheless good rentals
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Self-awareness + Boom awareness coming together at this point in time = sky's the limit Good work, Dukey!
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    The chics flock to you with ease once you begin to work on yourself and committ to taking care of número uno! Of course they may be intimidated by your success without your need to leach off them like many of their coworkers do. Hope you find a stable relationship with an independent woman, that way you can enjoy clubbing occasionally. For me it is every two weeks. After I work out is the best time for me to hit the club. Early afternoon after taking a shower and all the dancers haven't been molested yet by the older pls spreading around their flu viruses on them lovely titties we like to handle.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Interesting post Duke. I like the analogy to gambling and other addictions. I wish you the best.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Nice! Keep it up
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    I'm adicted to strippers
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    IDK if addiction is the correct word – but like many other things – it is def habit forming. I find myself that the more I SC; the more I SC – i.e. the more I go the more I wanna go since it becomes habitual. In the past when I’ve taken some time off – it was def hardest at first to stop and not go but then it became easier the longer I stayed away – which is often the case IMO w.r.t. many habits – i.e. often times the hardest part is to stop and get going in a different direction. And it probably does help to have other things fill the void – e.g. a good relationship; or other things like self-improvement (e.g. making more $$$; becoming more healthy; exercising; etc).
  • Duke69
    9 years ago
    Meat that is so true since ive lost about 125 lbs ive had more OTC dates that i didnt have to ask for they asked me I only contribute this success to my loss of pounds cuz im not tossing more money or didn't learn a new magic trick.....lol
  • Duke69
    9 years ago
    Thank you my sexy diva
  • Duke69
    9 years ago
    Joe your crazy lol
  • Duke69
    9 years ago
    Papi i agree but i go through a itch phase...its like im on herion and im in detox when i take time off butt if i get through that i can go months without...but all it takes is one visit and i relapse
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    I am a dyed in the wool strip club junkie, but I am fortunate enough to have enough other interesting things in my life to focus on that I don't let it get out-of-hand, such as running a business, children that I adore and community activities that we are involved in as a family. I feel like I live two lives, one as the kind family man who participates in his community, then, on one or two nights a week, a rather callous strip club hound. Again, all just part of my personality damage I suppose. ;)
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    For me there's definitely some compulsive behavior at times. I guess sometimes I go just to relax. I wouldn't call it an addiction... there's no physical need. But it's definitely far from a rational decision to go sometimes
  • Duke69
    9 years ago
    JamesSD thanks bro for the comments
  • Duke69
    9 years ago
    Ricky i feel you on the double life...most of you forget im a practicing Christian pastor and currently a seminar student
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    @Duke69, My own view is that SC's can be great. But, even if one had unlimited money and so they could partake to the max every single day, it still only goes so far. SC's don't solve any of the actual problems of life. If you do enough of it, and if that is all you do, then it will still become just like Mr. LDK and his endorphin rushes. I mean, of course you are paying the women and paying them well. But this does not mean that you and they are establishing any kind of a shared understanding or partnership. Solving any of life's real problems does necessitate forming partnerships with other people. @Dougster, I am looking at getting established, or actually re-established, too. And yes, first time real estate ownership could become part of this for me too. I may very well end up filthy rich. I like 300' sailing yachts, Gulf Streams, King Air's, Ferrari's, Lamborghini's, and McLaren's. And I love beautiful women, and not just for looking at or 'buying dances' from. I am not saying that rich people are wrong, or even that to be rich is necessarily 'filthy'. I am not a Calvinist. I am not someone driven by envy. I'm actually not like Elizabeth Warren or like Bill Clinton either. I don't hold up some example of the common person or the common family, and then try to say that everyone else is immoral. To do that would be reactionary. I have studied Nietzsche extensively. And I have written about subtle differences in the various ways of interpreting him. So I understand what is meant by ressentiment, or by the tarantula of revenge. [view link] Just like Nietzsche, I see greatness as the supreme virtue. But also, just like Nietzsche, I am not a conformist. I don't actually want to set up a two tier or social Darwinist, society. And I don't see much of anything great about our captains of finance and industry. So even though I am working on some very big things, what I want is still very different from what you seem to want. Also, the position I have relative to other people will be defined by much more than money. But as it stands now I too am 100% committed to an ongoing series of projects. So my time in things like SC's, is highly limited. Even my ability to do a seemingly simple thing like upgrade some of my proto AMP Girl Friends into real Girl Friends who keep me warm at night, is for now suspended. I am engaged, fully engaged, in trying to make some things happen. They are just not the same as what you seem to want. As far as a boom helping me, this is not impossible. But overall I would still say that these booms do far more harm than good to our society. So I do not encourage them, and if I do end up involved in something connected to one, I will be trying to coopt and sink the boom. @Meat72 wrote, "The chics flock to you with ease once you begin to work on yourself and committ to taking care of número uno!" Yes, this is so. But sometimes there is a limit to the sorts of things chicks can understand. If they can't understand it, they see it as deviant and invalid. But anyway, I don't think they will be jealous of anyone's success. The only women who might be like that are the ones we are already married to. This is what I encountered. My wife did not want me to have success of any type beyond that which she cold control and use. Good Thread Duke69! @Dougster, your threads are getting more interesting, going beyond just boosting. I'm looking forward to responding and trying to further deepen the conversation. SJG Neil Young Documentary [view link] Heart of Gold [view link] lyrics [view link]
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    @SJG: Yeah, there was a time when I liked Nietzsche as well. Read nearly all his books, but then I gave them away to a friend. Not sure if I would like them if I re-read them now. There was definitely some good stuff there, along with some real silliness which I'm not sure if he took seriously himself or not. I also liked the fact that he tried to make what he was writing comprehensible whereas others seem to like to write in a style that makes it as obfuscated as possible.
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