I know most you guys dont believe me but im really considering getting into the pimp game and im not talking like those clowns on the YouTube video lol...i really want to own my own chain of strip clubs, porno shops, massage parlors, escort service and so on...just needed to talk about it...thanks for whoever reads and responds....
I really want to get to the point to run girls from state to state.....just the thoughts of getting paid to do this hobby....im very business minded and im tired of the money i spend on girls when i could adjust a few ideas and gain money of these girls and still fuck them....
Im suppressing good with girls and am a charmer and hustler...i could travel all over and see all kinds of places and makealot of good money off of this...fast money at that....hell im bad already for dating stripper s ...i just need to level up
Good luck with that, Duke. But I do have to ask you one question: are you sure you want to talk about your plans to do illegal activities on a public (or even semi-public) forum?
You seem very ambitious Duke and I admire that. I think you will need some serious cash to open a strip club, and friends in the right places. I wish you the best of luck:)
He mentioned the documentary "pimps up hos down" which I saw several years ago but revisited the other day. Most of these guys are clowns but some are/were pretty savvy.
There was one guy named "pimpin ken" who actually was pretty wealthy. He was from Milwaukee and owned a clothing store, club and a business that did loans and investments. Yep I'm sure you'd just rush out to get a car loan from a pimp just as I would. This guy was running prostitutes all over the country and was residing mostly in Vegas.
Let's finish that sentence, "mostly in Vegas" at the time of his arrest because he was pimping girls that were as young as 14 that he would befriend at bus stops and on the streets across the Midwest. He would beat his girls if they didn't make at least $150 a night, in Vegas the minimum was set at $500. Some girls would make as much as $5,000 a night and he encouraged his girls to rob their clients. pimpin ken was a daily fixture in the pawn shops selling watches and jewelry stolen from clients.
Eventually he got busted for sex trafficking and according to the article I read, he is likely to spend the rest of his life in prison.
I can't see how anyone can run a legitimate business like a strip club and also be pimping girls, and not get caught. This is exactly the thing law enforcement looks for.
Well in the article I read it just said he owned a "club" not specifically a "strip club." He also managed to get a local city official that assisted in granting his clubs liquor license into hot water because the community wasn't too happy that a known pimp was granted licensing rights. According to the article I read the official got off the hook because no evidence was found that pimin ken gave any gifts.
He was so polarizing on this movie that I just had to wiki him and found all these articles. Yep sitting at home on a Tuesday night wiki-ing pimps - that's what I do when LMN is out of town and I don't have anyone to blow lines off of strippers asses with...
I can see it now. He is going to set this venture up as a LLC and sell franchise rights.
They will serve KFC and sausage along with any girl you wish on the "menu."
And after he's made his multi mega millions selling franchise rights,pimping fried chicken, Italian Sausage and Whores, he'll write a book. And he'll call it: "The System with Jackie. Or: How I got filthy stinking Rich off eating KFC with my sausage fingers and stealing other people's ideas." lol.
I've always worked the hotel industry. I've met some pimps and knew one pretty well. Most of them grew up in a world where they naturally fell into it. I've been tipped out by pimps. Thats a nice feeling. I would say have you ever managed a group of people? At best you have a good team and you pray it will last as long as possible. Have you ever managed a group of degenerates in a bad neighborhood. Everyday is something new and horrific. Pimps are managing, scheduling, assessing people, have a good guess who is a cop, providing transportation, sometimes housing. supplying drugs, etc. I can't imagine what the details are like.
last commentIm suppressing good with girls and am a charmer and hustler...i could travel all over and see all kinds of places and makealot of good money off of this...fast money at that....hell im bad already for dating stripper s ...i just need to level up
He mentioned the documentary "pimps up hos down" which I saw several years ago but revisited the other day. Most of these guys are clowns but some are/were pretty savvy.
There was one guy named "pimpin ken" who actually was pretty wealthy. He was from Milwaukee and owned a clothing store, club and a business that did loans and investments. Yep I'm sure you'd just rush out to get a car loan from a pimp just as I would. This guy was running prostitutes all over the country and was residing mostly in Vegas.
Let's finish that sentence, "mostly in Vegas" at the time of his arrest because he was pimping girls that were as young as 14 that he would befriend at bus stops and on the streets across the Midwest. He would beat his girls if they didn't make at least $150 a night, in Vegas the minimum was set at $500. Some girls would make as much as $5,000 a night and he encouraged his girls to rob their clients. pimpin ken was a daily fixture in the pawn shops selling watches and jewelry stolen from clients.
Eventually he got busted for sex trafficking and according to the article I read, he is likely to spend the rest of his life in prison.
He was so polarizing on this movie that I just had to wiki him and found all these articles. Yep sitting at home on a Tuesday night wiki-ing pimps - that's what I do when LMN is out of town and I don't have anyone to blow lines off of strippers asses with...
I can see it now. He is going to set this venture up as a LLC and sell franchise rights.
They will serve KFC and sausage along with any girl you wish on the "menu."
And after he's made his multi mega millions selling franchise rights,pimping fried chicken, Italian Sausage and Whores, he'll write a book. And he'll call it: "The System with Jackie. Or: How I got filthy stinking Rich off eating KFC with my sausage fingers and stealing other people's ideas." lol.