Staying Late at Bad Club

avatar for IronFox22
Here's something: Have you ever stayed later than you wanted to at a club in a bad area? Or put yourself in a similarly dangerous situation that you regretted? Years ago, I used to ride the Light Rail to work in downtown Phoenix to save a bit of money. On my way back, I would sometimes get off the train in a grimy area out of town and walk a block or two to a dive club where the dances were extremely high mileage. During the afternoon, the area was relatively safe (or at least seemed like it to me). On one occasion, when I was entranced by a hot dancer, I decided to stay into the evening. 5:00 turned into 6:00, then 7:00, and before I knew it, I was 9:30 pm at night. When I left, I had to walk back through a really rotten neighborhood in the dark to get to the Light Rail. Saw drunks, prostitutes, a few pimps, etc, and was harassed a few times. I'm lucky nothing happened to me.

I learned a lesson that day. Areas that appear generally safe during the day can become completely different at night.


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avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
Hasn't happened to me yet, but you survived and probably had a great time at BML.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Bad things can happen anywhere. Of course some areas have a higher propensity. Bottom line, always be wary.
Back in the '70's my best friend and I drove the Baja 1,000 in a VW dune buggy and spent 2 weeks in Mexico. On the way north we spent the night in Culiacan, Mexico, the marijuana capital of Mexico. That night we hit the local red light district on the outskirts of town. We were in a strip club/bordello and were the only gringos there. My buddy got to talking to one of the locals and wound up giving a couple of them a ride in the dune buggy. When he got back he said to me "we had better leave. They want to buy the buggy and are offering $500 cash and $500 worth of marijuana. I think they might get pissed if we tell them no." So we got the fuck outta there pronto.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I remember parking in the back lot of one building and found out prostitutes hung out there later in the night. Apparently it was nothing unusual though.

It was discovering that one strip club I wanted to visit was surrounded by Korean massage parlors on both sides that surprised me. Those girls were out on the street and they wouldn't let me by without pulling me inside their club and making an airport security pat down seem like nothing.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Maybe I have less fear of humans because of my encounters with the super natural. I do try to avoid areas that could cause trouble though. If I see the police, I avoid that area.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
^^^ if you don't see the cops that may be even worse. Some areas cops don't go into.
avatar for IronFox22
10 years ago
What do you mean by supernatural?
avatar for BigTuna1
10 years ago
Shit high mileage dances then on your walk home hookers....i would love that place
This must have been 25 or 30 years ago. I used to drive past a little strip club on my way home from work, and one evening I stopped in to check it out. I walked into the club in my suit and tie, and found it was a biker bar. A lot of scary-looking guys with tattoos stared at me. I quickly drank a beer while watching a couple dancers, and then got out.
Safety is the single most important priority. And I never put the little head in charge of safety decisions. Never.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

I think anyone that visits bars has had that happen. I believe that's because bars have the regulars. They can be any kind of "mix", but a stranger, they stand out.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
10 years ago
My one and only trip to downtown Minneapolis's clubs was a nasty area, which was made worse by the fact it was November when I went there, so therefore, it was freezing cold. Then again, the cold probably scared some of the hoodlums away.

Oddly enough, one of the scariest locations for a strip club I've been to is Chills and Thrills in Ottumwa, Iowa. You would think a small city like that wouldn't have a scary area, but it does, and it's called downtown Ottumwa, which is quite big. The bar next door, which seemed to be the only other functioning business on the street, had people outside giving the SC visitors a hard time. Fortunately, I can walk fast, and I could also walk to my hotel from there.
Okay, I'm trying to picture a nasty area in downtown Minneapolis that has a club...
Being on foot in a bad area feels a lot different, and more dangerous, than driving there.

It doesn’t mean that something will def happen; but bad areas are often filled with gangbangers and people whose job/occupation is crime; and it is often said the many crimes are crime of opportunity.

So yeah – walking around in a bad area is a bit too risky and much more risky than driving there and out.
I only club where I can park near the front door, in a well lighted and/or supervised lot. I make it a policy never to go if I have to walk if the neighborhood is even remotely questionable. Too many dancers depend upon me for their income for me to take any risks.
Fortunately, all the clubs around here have parking lots. At least, I can't think of one.

There is one club which has had three shootings and a car assault in the last two years. Somewhat ironically, it's one of the more fun clubs. :)
I been forced out at closing many times at one particular club. The club itself is not in a particularly safe area at night, but the parking lot is well lit and patrolled by security. The only way I would do it.
I went to Club Ro-lexx, now club lexx at 3 in the afternoon one January. As one of two customers I had a blast for such a long time it was almost 11 when I left. As I was getting in my car I saw a group of guys beefing. Backed out and as I drove off I heard the usual "pop, pop' pop" of poorly aimed small caliber weapons.
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