What's the best time to visit a club?

avatar for AtB91
Sometimes I have weekdays off from work. And if I'm not doing anything over the weekend, I don't have to go at night, I can go anytime. So is there an ideal time to visit the club?

What if I went on a Wednesday afternoon, or a Saturday afternoon? How are Sundays? Basically, I guess I'm asking about peak hours vs non-peak hours. Is there a difference?

I imagine that peak hours have more dancers, but there are also more customers. Maybe the dancers feel more rushed to make more money. But if there are not many customers and a bunch of dancers hanging around, maybe they spend more time with you, because what else are they going to do?


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avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
Both have their benefits so it depends what you're looking for.

Weekday day shift:
Fewer dancers but also fewer customers like you said. But there is a much better dancer to customer ratio so you will usually get a lot more attention. If you are looking to spend a whole talking with dancers this is a good time to go.

Many regulars tend to go during a day shift. Some people feel the dancers are a little more desperate for customers during the day, so they may give better mileage or offer extras. Personally I haven't noticed a difference at the club I frequent.

Dow side to daytime is the dancer quality may not be as good and not as much of a selection.

More dancers = equals better selection and hotter dancers in general. Downside is it can take quite a while to get approached since there are so many customers. Plus if you see a 9 or a 10 , odds are she will already be with a different customer.

I personally enjoy early afternoon. I get a good amount of attention but there's still enough customers that I don't feel weird.
Plus daytime there are fewer PL's sitting along the stage, so you will get to interact a lot more with the dancer on stage and therefore have a better feel for whether she is worth getting some lap dances from.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
It depends on the club and the area – some clubs have a very poor dayshift and thus the very low # of dancers, and low quality of dancers; pretty much makes it not worth going.

But most good clubs have a decent dayshift although nightshift typically has the most and best dancers.

Often times a better time can be had on dayshift b/c dancers are not trying to rush form customer to customer and one often gets much better QoS – also, often times dayshift dancers are more seasoned and know how to provide a better quality experience.

In general – try to pick a good club that at least has a decent dayshift (read the reviews) and go check it out for yourself and see if you like it – often times dayshift has no cover charge and 1/2 price drinks so a scouting mission may not be too costly.

Additionally – dayshift club staff is less in #s and often a bit more lax so more mileage may be had.

When I visit dayshift; I usually try not to get there too early – often times dancers on dayshift are on the floor around 4:00 pm or later b/c that is when most custies start stopping by after work.
avatar for AtB91
10 years ago
All good points.

"Plus daytime there are fewer PL's sitting along the stage, so you will get to interact a lot more with the dancer on stage and therefore have a better feel for whether she is worth getting some lap dances from."

So I guess a good way to get a "feel" for a dancer is to see how she interacts with you on stage. So instead of just waking into the club and "judging all the books by their cover", let several dancers do stage shows, and then pick from there.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Yeah – stage interaction is often a good barometer of a dancer’s “professionalism” – but not necessarily 100% accurate – but still a good barometer.
avatar for AtB91
10 years ago
I'll have to keep that in mind. I'm a newbie, and knowing myself, the first pretty dancer that offers a dance will have me hook line and sinker.
avatar for foxhole
10 years ago
Broadly speaking - If you want more dancer 1:1 time and lower hustle day shifts are better, if you like the party atmosphere and hot dancers hit the clubs during the nights

From personal experience - Day shift during weekends is the worst so avoid that slot alone
avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
I go to a full nude club. Some dancers take their things off completely on stage, some will just flash their pussy, and a few keep them on entirely. So if I see a girl on stage that barely takes her top off I know she probably won't allow too much mileage during a lap dance.

Some dates will let you stick the dollar bIll in between their tits (allowing you to get a decent feel) some don't. The club I go to is full two way contact so all the girls let you touch their tits in the LD booths but you can usually tell what dancers might offer extras or which ones will allow more mileage than others.

avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
OP: "What's the best time to visit a club?"

When it's open.
avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
@AtB keep in mind that it's very tempting to go for the hottest dancer, more often than not they don't give great lap dances. They know they are hot and they know they can make good money bully just being hot and doing the best minimum.

I got a lap dance from a 10 with perfect natural tits and while I did get to squeeze her tits (this is a full two way contact club) she didn't take her thong off during the lap dances (I did three) and I barely got any grind and she wasn't nearly as handsy as the other dancers. Definitely the worst lap dances I have gotten, but she was hot so I don't regret it.

A 7 is usually going to give a better dance than a 9 or 10. I've had some of the best dances from them.
avatar for AtB91
10 years ago
"Some dates will let you stick the dollar bIll in between their tits (allowing you to get a decent feel) some don't."

On my first visit to the club I was holding a dollar, the dancer was right in front of me and motioned for me to get near her (it was definitley an inviting gesture, no doubt at all, I think she wanted me to do something with the dollar).

So I put the dollar in her g string, and I got the impression that is not what she was expecting. I got the impression that she wanted me to put the dollar between her tits. But her tits were small, no way a dollar would have stayed there. So what was it she was inviting me to do?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
In clubs where one has a view of the dance area or has a view of dancers giving the dances – one can get a decent idea of what kind of dance they can get by watching how she dances for other custies.
avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
If you fold the bill and put it between her tits, she will push her tits together (allowing your hand to cop a feel as she moves away). She will then just let the dollar fall to the floor or put it in her g string. See "nipple feels" in the glossary.

Another option is you can fold the bill in your mouth, then she will either take it with her tits (giving you a Stevie Wonder in the process) or taking it with her mouth while practically kissing you.

Some are more obvious than others that they want you to put the bill in their tits. Some will tell you to do it, some with push their tits together and bring them close to your dollar, and others will do it if you initiate it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Since you are a newbie – maybe you don’t know this – but if you put the dollar bill in b/w her tits and then pull on her left ear, you get 4 quarters back (just in case you didn’t know and are in need of change).
avatar for AtB91
10 years ago
"Just Now • Since you are a newbie – maybe you don’t know this – but if you put the dollar bill in b/w her tits and then pull on her left ear, you get 4 quarters back (just in case you didn’t know and are in need of change)."

Thanks, I'll have to remember this for next time.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Half a freckle past a hair
avatar for grand1511
10 years ago
Day shift=no vampire dancers
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
I can't club during the day anyway, but a lot of the dayshifts that I see cycling off are pretty horrible, so no loss in the clubs that I visit. Sun - Tuesday nights always work out the best for me. The clubs are slower and the girls working are generally the ones who really need the $$$.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Yeah – off peak nights can also yield good QoS – I’ve actually have had some good visits on Monday and Tuesday eves at certain clubs – kinda a big fish in small pond thing.

The more I SC; the less of a good time I often have on many a Fr and Sat eve.
avatar for AtB91
10 years ago
I generally enjoy going to venues during off hours. I would rather go to a movie on a Thursday afternoon than a Friday night. I'd rather go skiing on a Wednesday than a Saturday.

So since off hours tend to be my preference for many things, maybe it will apply to strip clubs too.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
Anytime when *I* am not there. Otherwise, you won't get any shrimp, as I'll have taken the last of it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
^ The OP is a newbie – so he won’t get that inside joke
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I usually prefer to visit a club when there are several dancers but the club isn't so packed that you can't find a seat. I really do like to sit down in a club and be able to change seats if I wish. If a club is packed at night and is standing room only after a certain time, I want to visit during off hours on days or weeknights. If a club has plenty of seats during normal weekend nights, I'll stop by my regular time if I feel entertained and feel safe.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
I sense the OP fears competition.

Not to worry. Just hit the KFC first.
avatar for AtB91
10 years ago
I went on a Saturday night, it wasn't very busy. The dancer that I liked and was telling me her hours and asking me to come back, she told me that a typical Wednesday or Thursday night is about as busy as it was on this particular Saturday.

I tend to believe her, because it didn't seem that busy to me for a Saturday. But who knows, could have been some stripper shit. After reading through tuscl, I get the sense you have to take every word that comes out of a stripper's mouth with a grain of salt.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
"What's the best time to visit a club?"

When it's Hammer time.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
“… knowing myself, the first pretty dancer that offers a dance will have me hook line and sinker …”

This is not much of an issue if the club has cheap dances like at $10 a pop (which few clubs do) – but once you get in the $25+/dance; one needs to get a little more picky.
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
just had an awesome day clubbing. first time on a Friday during the day as im usually not off work. more girls than other weekdays but still had the relaxed atmosphere for maximum debauchery. i know nights has more girls but i still prefer dayshift.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
@Papi: What does that that have to do with anything? :)
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
In lawyer speak, "Asked and answered."
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