
OT: Gates Foundation Sees a Better Future Driven by Technology

Thursday, January 22, 2015 3:30 AM
"The lives of the poor will be improved by technology, Bill and Melinda Gates tell The Wall Street Journal" [view link] Ok, a couple of problems with this. First according to Strvie-girl, The Economist, and Stevie-girl's cohort of mindless cock-sucking circle-jerkers on TUSCL the world is heading for ABSOLUTE ECONOMIC DOOM. Which we deserve for not following the policies of Libertarians and Ayn Rand. And because Stevie-girl said so. Second even if there was this great advance in technology then, according to others here on TUSCL all the benefits would just go to the top 0.1% while everyone else became worse off. So what has this Gates guy been smoking anyway?


  • Josh43
    9 years ago
    Comments: (1) The WSJ is a conservative rag for people who can't think straight. Especially hate the editorial page. (2) The most remarkable contribution of the Gates Foundation is a new skin-like condom with ultra great sensation!!! Forget Sub-Saharan Africa; should help those geriatric hound dogs who just have no self control. (3) Small typo there (should be 1% and not 0.1%). Only off by one decimal place. Not like you're off by an order-of-magnitude or anything. (4) Sure wish "Strvie-girl" would come back.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    1% not 0.1%? You Democratic Party line parrots sure are watering down your rhetoric. You yourself were say 0.1% a couple of days ago. Guess those fact checks brought you somewhat inline. And I bet a guy like you sure does miss Stevie-girl and his circle jerk.... Wonder why that could be.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    It's nice that a billionaire is concerned about the poor, but technology seems to benefit the middle and upper classes the most. Technology replaces the jobs of the poor and uneducated, making them dependent and unable to contribute to society.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    ^^^ are there lots of poor people who starve to death in the US compared to countries with little technological development? Do these poor people have good opportunities to get out in the US compared to the rest of the world?
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Also how is the access of poor people to medicine in the US compared to the rest of the world? Yep. You guys are right. Technology just ends up screwing the poor exclusive to the benefit of the 1% or 0.1% or whatever number josh feels like saying on a particular day (depending how knotted his panties are on that day?)
  • Josh43
    9 years ago
    Even Ted Cruz is talking about the 1%. Conclusive proof that he reads TUSCL: [view link]
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    The best way to help the poor is not be one of them.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    "Technology" is a nebulous term. Mechanical wheat threshing is "technology" as is indoor plumbing. While *some* technology is harmful, and even there it tends to be the use to which it's put, rather than the tech itself, I'm pretty sure that there's no objective reason to claim that technology has *not* made our ancestor's future better. It's likely to do the same for our descendants.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    @crazyjoe: very true. Don't hate the 1%, become one of them.
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