1- If I got lap-dance in the VIP , and then I'd like to enter the VIP with another dancer ,should I pay the VIP's fee again ..? 2- How can i avoid buying a drink for the stripper that has already set beside me..? Thank you
1) pretty much all clubs one has to pay every time they go to VIP – some clubs have private enough dance booths where there is no VIP or one is not needed. If the VIP room charge is kinda high; then one needs to pick and choose which girl to take; or choose girls that will give good dances w/o having to go to VIP, unless contact is now allowed outside VIP in your club (i.e. don’t get suckered into VIP by dancers if decent contact can be had outside of the VIP)
2) you are the customer and it’s your $$$ - don’t allow yourself to get pushed around by dancers or anyone else into spending *your* $$$ if you don’t want to – dancers and clubs often push for drinks just to get you to spend your $$$ - you should only buy a dancer a drink if you want to and not just b/c she asks – dancers make $$$ and they can buy their own drinks; it should not be up to the custy to subsidize a dancer’s drink habit
last comment2) Tell the dancer you are waiting for someone - usually that gets them to move on.
2) you are the customer and it’s your $$$ - don’t allow yourself to get pushed around by dancers or anyone else into spending *your* $$$ if you don’t want to – dancers and clubs often push for drinks just to get you to spend your $$$ - you should only buy a dancer a drink if you want to and not just b/c she asks – dancers make $$$ and they can buy their own drinks; it should not be up to the custy to subsidize a dancer’s drink habit