So I encountered a new form of stripper lies recently, at least it was new to me.
I'm in the club to play with the DS. She sent me a text the day before and told me she would be there and be looking for me. Well I get there, no sign of her. I figure she's just in VI P, after all I'm not the only guy with good taste in women. So I play with some other dancers for about an hour and a half, but no sign of her and she doesn't answer my text
So I'm playing with a little cutie who is trying to tempt me with a VIP session. I tell her that I'm going to wait to talk to the DS first. She says she hasn't seen her, but she thinks that she called in sick tonight. This explanation seems to make sense since I can't find her anywhere, and the waitress I talked to previously also said she hadn't seen her. So I'm a little pissed at the DS not telling me that she was skipping work this night, and figure that it's just the first sign of SS from her. So I take this little cutie back to the VIP. It's fun, no extras, but I didn't expect it.
I go back out to the main floor, check my phone, and have several messages from the DS. She says she is there, is looking for me, wants to play, and please don't leave. So I find her, she has a perfectly logical exclamation for her absence, and we hang out and have the usual great time.
I may not always be the sharpest tool in the shed, but it pretty quickly dawns on me what just happened. The little bitch that I got the VIP dance from knows that I am a regular of the DS, and she lied to me about her being absent in order to get the session with me. She also made a couple of very indirect and subtle comments which in hindsight I can see were meant to lead me to view the DS critically. Like that could ever happen.
Have others encountered the same lie? Although it was new to me, I'm betting that it's probably pretty common. I should've seen it coming.
Also, should I tell the DS about this little bitch? On the one hand I think she should know what the competition is doing to her in the club. On the other hand, she hates stripper drama almost as much as I do. Any advice?
I have heard that line before. One way to avoid it is to be more direct with your DS. "When are you starting your shift? I'll be arriving at 8pm" Be proactive and you with both be fresh for each other and she won't catch you walking out of VIP with another dancer and consider you cheating.
Corvus, I thought about texting her that evening and telling her what time I was going to arrive. The only reason I didn't is that I didn't want to sound so totally addicted to her even though I obviously am. However, you are right that sort of communication probably would've avoided the situation.
Nope, never! Everything I'v ever heard from a dancer has been the gospel truth. And if you believe that, I've got some nice dry land in the Everglades for sale, cheap. :)
The post is missing critical info. Like why did it take 1 1/2 hours until you found her? Was she not there until then, which would explain the other dancer AND waitress not thinking she was there? What was the logical exclamation?
Is this a small club? B/c I don't know why a stripper would try to encroach on another stripper unless the options for money was so few in the club.
Also this he's my regular which I see on this board to me is crap. Any girl s/b able to go up to any guy and ask him for dances. He can always say no, or no thanks, or I'm waiting for so and so.
So not to hijack your post, based on the info provided I think ur reading to much into all this.
Your DS needs to realize if she's not available to you, "her" money is going to some other dancer. My old CF was always very good about finding out when I'd arrive and sitting on my lap by my first drink.
I have heard this kind of shit before. I bet DS already knows even if you never told her about the other dancer. Things get around pretty fast on clubs
I totally agree with Rockstar. Your fave blew it by ignoring your texts and not finding you for 90 freaking minutes! Hell, after maybe 10 minutes tops, I'd be moving on to the next hot piece of ass. It's a strip club, not a sorority house foyer.
No need to explain why you did it. And I definitely wouldn't lose sleep over what one stripper says about another stripper's whereabouts. You had your fun, didn't you?
I pretty much agree with Chandler. I once went to see my ATF and she was expecting me but got an offer for VIP that she couldn't refuse. She came out and found me and said that she didn't know how long she would be and tried to give me $40 to get some dances while I waited. I declined the money. A short time later a guy in a suit came over to me with a dancer in tow. he introduced himself as the manager and told me that my ATF had already paid for me to take this dance to the couch room and "enjoy it". I knew the dancer and did enjoy the wait for my ATF. I found out much later that the manager and the dancer in tow were secretly married. Oh well.
I've found that occasionally, my CF's "enemies" will try to entice me to a dance, using everything in their arsenal. This happens most commonly when the enemy thinks my CF stole one of her customers, so the enemy wants to steal me.
I, too, don't understand why you'd ever wander around for so long trying to find a girl you'd been texting and have an appointment with. Did you text her what time you were coming in? When you got there? I almost never have these types of issues
John, when it comes to getting us guys to part with our money I'm in agreement with everyone that they are capable of pulling any stunt to achieve their goals. As far as mentioning it to the DS, it wouldn't serve any real purpose in the short term, if it really has annoyed you to the extent you want to get back at her then bide your time for a better opportunity, as the saying goes 'revenge is a dish best served cold'.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions. I think the consensus is "Drop it and fuck your DS until you get tired of her." I agree, except I will never get tired of her. She is trying on clothes at a store right now and then we're going back to my hotel. So I will follow that advice very very soon. Life is good.
JS69, clothes shopping with your honey is fun. And the payback is great. Took one of my girls to VS last week for new bras and matching panties. Much fun and even more fun later on.
I agree with GMD's words of wisdom. Strippers grow each other under the bus all the time. Unless I'm hearing it from a long term fave, I pretty much discard anything a stripper says about any other stripper.
dawg, I'm done with the lying bitch for good. Dumb move on her part. She could have easily become number #2 or #3 fav.
James good question. Two reasons. First, if I'm in her town for two nights, sometimes I go see her at the club on the first night and we date on the second night. It's like having your favorite appetizer right before eating your favorite dinner. Second, occasionally she can't get out of work so play is limited to the club.
Our date just ended. The sex was better than ever. Awesome story to tell. I'll try to write it up soon.
I've encountered this as well. Once you become a regular in a club, there are cutthroat competitors that will try to win you over as their own regular. I've had this happen a couple times. Often they try to play the game of ownership to see if you are a loyal PL or one that takes it as a challenge. "So and So said that she owns you...." just to see a rise of someone who would want to prove the opposite. Either that or they will claim your favorite is a ROB and that they would provide a much greater time lol.
Strippers lie. So far here are all the different things dancers have told me about one of my favorites when I told them I who I was waiting for: She isn't here today. She quit. She was fired. She was arrested. She's been booked up all day by this really rich guy. Her dance isn't as good as mine.
Not knowing what the club is like -- it's size, flow patterns, locations of lap dance area vs VIP vs dressing rooms, just how busy it is -- it's tough for me to have an idea why the two of you might not have seen each other. She could've been caught up with some other customers, maybe in back eating, studying for her real-estate license -- who knows?
Have you ever had any glitches with your cell? A couple of times, people from work have texted me -- and I didn't get their messages for a couple of days. (Yeah, great cell service.)
The waitress might genuinely not have seen her at the time you asked. As for the dancer, I've known one or two women who always found that what other women have was a hell of a lot more enticing than what was right in front of them, i.e., one of them very much preferred married men and she didn't care in the least if she broke up a marriage.
last commentSCs; like many other types of commission-only/sales jobs; are often pretty cutthroat – add to it that they are strippers and then …
I’m sure DS would understand and agree w/ you w.r.t. meeting at a specified time that way the hyenas don’t get to you first.
The post is missing critical info. Like why did it take 1 1/2 hours until you found her? Was she not there until then, which would explain the other dancer AND waitress not thinking she was there? What was the logical exclamation?
Is this a small club? B/c I don't know why a stripper would try to encroach on another stripper unless the options for money was so few in the club.
Also this he's my regular which I see on this board to me is crap. Any girl s/b able to go up to any guy and ask him for dances. He can always say no, or no thanks, or I'm waiting for so and so.
So not to hijack your post, based on the info provided I think ur reading to much into all this.
Damn John, that little blond pulled the wool over your eyes. No biggie. Happens to the best of us.
No need to explain why you did it. And I definitely wouldn't lose sleep over what one stripper says about another stripper's whereabouts. You had your fun, didn't you?
Maybe JS was not checking his ph and DS was in the back waiting for him to reply and keeping herself fresh from other PL hands?
I, too, don't understand why you'd ever wander around for so long trying to find a girl you'd been texting and have an appointment with. Did you text her what time you were coming in? When you got there? I almost never have these types of issues
Drop it and fuck your DS until you get tired of her. :)
And many women still have the gall to say guys are not romantic :)
Send pictures!!
Aren't you doing OTC with DS? Why are you even meeting her in the club?
James good question. Two reasons. First, if I'm in her town for two nights, sometimes I go see her at the club on the first night and we date on the second night. It's like having your favorite appetizer right before eating your favorite dinner. Second, occasionally she can't get out of work so play is limited to the club.
Our date just ended. The sex was better than ever. Awesome story to tell. I'll try to write it up soon.
She isn't here today.
She quit.
She was fired.
She was arrested.
She's been booked up all day by this really rich guy.
Her dance isn't as good as mine.
Have you ever had any glitches with your cell? A couple of times, people from work have texted me -- and I didn't get their messages for a couple of days. (Yeah, great cell service.)
The waitress might genuinely not have seen her at the time you asked. As for the dancer, I've known one or two women who always found that what other women have was a hell of a lot more enticing than what was right in front of them, i.e., one of them very much preferred married men and she didn't care in the least if she broke up a marriage.