
Dallas strip club drama

Sunday, January 4, 2015 3:03 PM
It had been a couple of months since I had stopped at Jaguars. It's a nude club but I don't visit as often as Baby Dolls, which is topless and has more attractive dancers. My first time at Jaguars was on a Saturday night and to my surprise, at 3am all the tables were cleared off the main floor and DJs set up shop on the main stage. A rave was going to take place. The place got packed to full capacity. I had never seen so many scantily clad civie young women under one roof. I wanted to experience that again last night, so I did a search for Jaguars' facebook page. It was gone, but I came across this: [view link] Looks like the raves got out of hand. To make matters worse, the club lost a lawsuit to strippers. [view link] I think the club might still be open, but who knows for how long.


  • jerikson40
    9 years ago
    Geez, with owners as stupid as that they deserve to be shut down. Allowing all that drug activity in the club? Are they insane? Sounds like their adult license was already revoked. And can you imagine them trying to plead with the court and the DA to get that back? Good luck.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I'm not normally in favor of government intrusion into strip clubs, but if the club knowingly allowed the open sale of illegal drugs to teenagers, that's quite another situation.
  • jerikson40
    9 years ago
    And apparently, from the second article, if you believe the defendants attorney, it seems there really is a wave of lawyer initiated cases all over the US that tries to nail clubs for treating strippers like employees while calling them independent contractors. And according to the club's lawyer, "Dancers are “being trapped and lured into these promises of thousands and thousands of dollars,” he said in the December 2011 Observer story. “The lawyers make hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the dancers make peanuts.” Must be something going around the national BAR associations web forums or something saying "hey, wanna make a load of money? Sue strip clubs !!" In this case, if you look at the numbers, each of the 182 strippers gets a grand total of just under $8,500 from the judgement, while the lawyers split just under $770k. And the club is totally fucked cuz they have to pay $2.3 million. Bye bye Jaguars.
  • jerikson40
    9 years ago
    I'm kinda curious what happens to the strippers who join these lawsuits against the clubs...you would think that all the clubs would know what strippers were involved in the suits, and hell, if I was a club owner the last person I'd want working for me is one of those strippers who filed suit against a club. So in this case, for the 182 dancers who get $8500 each (which they damn well had better pay taxes on, unlike their other income..) do they pretty much kiss stripping goodbye as a career after the suit is over? Who the fuck will hire them? Anyone know what happens in the aftermath?
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Yeah, the drug dealing must have been rampant if they caught 15. I saw people doing lines of cocaine my first night there at the rave. Jaguars' staff must have known what was going on. I have yet to see anyone get extras at a strip club. I guess they are more discreet than the drug dealers and users.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    It would be funny if the drug dealers had to pay a house fee to Jaguars to be able to deal there. Maybe it was a desperate attempt to come up with money to settle the lawsuit with the strippers. If I am not mistaken, waitresses and bar staff are treated as employees and get a small check. It's time to treat the strippers the same way
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid SCs are hard enough to run while keeping the local authorities off your back – why add to the drama by also hosting raves which have a bad rep where there have been many documented cases of young people dying from overdoses at raves. Both SCs and raves have a kinda bullseye on them from the authorities – Jaguars should have just kept it simple and just stuck to trying to run a good SC instead of trying to be a jack of all trades which usually does not work.
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    The after party concept is actually popular in ESL, Denver, and other places. Liquor sales are stopped at a certain point in the night, mandated by the local government. If thw club wants to stay open, 18-21 year olds can go to the strip club, usually promoted as a dance party.
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    There are dancers and customers distributing drugs in clubs all over America and the world. This is nothing new. If the club was advertising drugs or had known that they were being sold and didn't ban the known dealers, sure shut them down. If the club did not know, this is kind of unfair. I was at this club a few days ago. Yes, it is still open and was packed this weekend!
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    At 2am, all your BYOB had to be put away. No more cans or bottles out in the open. However, they were selling red plastic cups, so you could keep some alcohol with you past 2am. To me, this seemed like they were pushing the boundaries on the local liquor laws or were riding a technicality in the law that said plastic cups with booze were still okay.
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    The club requires a fee to work a shift. Probably something like $150-200 on a weekend night. All stage tips and lap dance revenue is kept by the dancer. Dances are not counted by the club. Dancers need to work and hustle a little to make money, and the hot ones always do. The ones who initiated the labor lawsuit, were likely the ugly girls who couldn't routinely cover the shift fee. The Jaguar girls who rode my cock this weekend definitely made bank. Thank you, Courtney and Cassie.
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