
"White Knights" who want to "rescue" a stripper from the strip club and PAY for

How about those "white knights" who want to "rescue" a stripper from the strip club she works at and PAY for all of her expenses? There may be men out there who think that strippers want to be "saved" from stripping and want to PAY for strippers to be their "GIRLFRIENDS". Undoubtedly, at least some of these strippers are only interested in these "men" for their MONEY and often, when a "white knight" does get a stripper away from stripping for a while, she ends up NOT WORKING AT ANY JOB while in the "RELATIONSHIP" with the "white knight". These men sometimes don't stop to think that the stripper actually PREFERS stripping and/or SELLING SEXUAL FAVORS over other jobs that she could get and that stripping is the ONLY type of job that the stripper actually want to perform.


  • Kingpin
    20 years ago
    Why ignore RL? The fact is that he speaks in a reasonable fasion. But in a world where insanity is the norm. Trying to buy a date on a corner is reasonable, in a stripclub.... insane. The real White Knight is the guy who get the dancer without spending a penny. In fact, she'll pay for everything. Why? Because a dancer cannot repspect a man who tries to buy her. She will be numb to those efforts since it happens on a daily basis. Instead she will seek comfort in those she can fix. Those who are great guys but have no job. Those with good intentions. A dancer will feel comfort in a relationship where she feels she is important. Unlike her job where she is nothing but tits and ass.
    20 years ago
    Good idea. I plan to ignore him from now on.
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    We already tried that, but Founder has the final say. I personally think more of the ladies would visit and particiapate on our board if RL was not around to spew his bullshit...:-(
    20 years ago
    TGG, I totally agree. I think RL is destroying this board, which is obviously his purpose. C'mon Founder, take some action before this board disappears completely.
    20 years ago
    I knew it was a mistake to take RL seriously. I won't bother doing so again, I'll just ignore his posts like I usually do. He'd obvioulsy rather spread hatred than engage in any sort of meaningful discussion. I suggest we vote him off the island. All in favor say "yes."
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    RL, you are no White Knight...more like the black plague.
  • RomanticLover
    20 years ago
    To "FONDL" - It may surprise you that I KNOW that there are strippers out there who want EMOTIONAL SUPPORT. Let me ask you this - during the time that you have known your "FRIEND", how often did she PAY for anything when you went out with her? Please keep in mind that her OFFERING to PAY for something once in a while may not be good enough! Strippers sometimes make a half-assed offer to PAY (which may include them COMPLAINING about not making enough MONEY) in order to PRETEND that they are not complete LEACHES.

    Even if this girl is genuine and has ACTUALLY PAID some of the times you went out with her, it is still possible that you are being PLAYED by other strippers. Some folks may be quite surprised that a girl who may SEEM SWEET and INNOCENT actually LIKES being FINGERED, FUCKED IN THE ASS, GANGBANGED! Is this the kind of stripper you want to spend MONEY on? Strippers often put on an ACT, even OUTSIDE THE CLUB, especially if a customer is spending MONEY on them. If a stripper seems to be feeling better about herself because of encouragement and MONEY that a customer is giving her that DOES NOT mean that she has given up ANAL PENETRATION, both PENILE and DIGITAL, and does not mean that she has given up hanging around with guys who have questionable moral character.
    20 years ago
    RL, I rarely respond to your posts, or even read them for that matter, because I don't think you're serious, I think you are just jerking us around for your own amusement. But this thread touched a nerve and I'd like to respond, so for once I'll take you seriously.

    About 9 years ago I met a cute 19 year old stripper and became her best customer for the 19 months that she was a dancer. I learned that she was a drug addict and came from the worst possible background that I could ever imagine. But I also discovered that she was very intelligent, very personable, and was highly motivated to make a better life for herself. So I offered to help. With my encouragement and support, she quit dancing, tried a series of "straight" jobs to discover what interested her, and ended up going to school. I gave her encouragement, emotional support, guidance, and financial assistance. And maybe most importantly I gave her love, not sex, just unconditional love, the kind of love that a father has for a daughter, love that doesn't expect anything in return, which for her was a totally foreign concept.

    I helped her break loose from a drug-dealer boyfriend, I helped her find a career that interested her, I helped her gp to school to prepare for that career, and I helped her move a thousand miles away from all the bad influences in her life. Today she is drug free, self supporting, well on her way to a successful carreer, has her own apartment in a very nice area, and has a steady relationship with the kind of guy that most fathers would choose for their daughter. She's also my closest friend, as I am hers.

    In my opinion there are a lot of girls much like her out there, girls from unstable environments who have never had any guidance but have a lot of potential and a desire for a better life. You can find some of them in strip clubs because with their limited skills and knowledge they feel that stripping is their best option. I also think that there are some nice guys in strip clubs who are willing to help them. And some, like me, eventually do. In fact I've recently been seeing another girl very much like my friend, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if history repeats.

    Why don't you give it a try? Why not discard all your hate and all your misconceptions, find a girl you like and help her out? Instead of spreading hatred, why not try spreading love? You might find that it's a lot more fulfilling. I did.
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