OT: Cuddling business is booming, Part 2

avatar for steve229
If you're in need of a cuddle session, look no further than Samantha Hess, a professional snuggler in Oregon who just opened her own professional cuddling store...which she named "Cuddle Up To Me".

She charges $60 an hour for private cuddling sessions, and business is apparently booming.

Hess had 1,000 customers in the first week of her store opening.
A lot of her clients are men who suffer from severe traumatic diseases or disabilities that prevent them from having frequent human contact.



last comment
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
Could cuddling studios be a threat to strip clubs? They seem to be targeting the same prime customer demographic - lonely, unmarried, socially awkward PL's and $60 for an hour of cuddling sounds like a value proposition compared to $20-$30 for a 3-min lapdance.
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago
If i had one i would go...pay $60 then a extra $120 for a fuck
6 months tops before there's a sexual assault of some type against one of these cuddlers. You can't just snuggle up in bed with horny desperate PLs and deny them all sexual pleasures. Somebody's gonna lose control.
Could LDK be replaced by CDK'ing?
Either assault or stalking. While I like and understand this idea and until they figure out how to weed out the genuine whackos, dogs and cats are probably better solutions.
Is this supposed to be some kind of sexual surrogacy? Maybe some people want that? I would just follow Duke69's excellent advice. In AAMP sessions I have enjoyed cuddling and kissing during the "in between time".

avatar for gatorfan
10 years ago
In a month she will be fucking and sucking like they all end up
avatar for LenaSmirnova
10 years ago
I charge 5times more per hour for cuddling and strip club is best place to do it in terms is security for the pro cuddler.
avatar for rogertex
10 years ago
Great idea and great business.
I think this will go far - just like therapeutic massage.
In fact - massage and cuddle and hugs and tea-time would be a great idea too.
Yes - i'd visit this joint.

While creeps exist everywhere and every business is subject to hazards, this one is no different.
Look at the owner of this biz - Samantha Hess - great personality, and a great wing-girl - but hardly evoking romance and sexy thoughts.

Now Lena - don't you be gettin into cuddle biz - naughty you !

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