What's the difference between a sugar daddy relationship and a regular OTC relationship? I ask because I'm trying to figure out what I have with my DS. We only rarely meet in the club. Instead, we usually meet for dates whenever I'm in town. We spend a couple of hours doing something fun, then go to the hotel for multi-orgasmic sex. I pay her an agreed upon sum of money each time we have a date. Is this a sugar relationship or an OTC relationship? Is there a difference?
Here's what I think. A Sugar daddy pays his baby a certain amount of money as an allowance every month, with no guarantee of how many dates there will be or whether those dates will necessarily involve sex. In an OTC relationship, the money is paid per date not per month, and it always involves sex. In other words, while these two relationships may have some similar characteristics, the OTC relationship focuses upon paying a certain amount for each time the couple has sex, whereas the sugar daddy relationship is more about being with a beautiful young woman and having a more traditional date. Is this right, or are there some other distinctions?
What you described in the first part of your post is pretty much exactly like the relationship I had with my ATF/SB. I very seldom gave her money for anything but sex. *She* is the one who first referred to me as her sugar daddy.
I think the latter part of your note is what most sugar *babies* would prefer. :)
If all you do is pay for sex, either as an allowance or donation, you are employing an escort. A true SD/SB relationship involves time spent together without a sexual component. It is a mentoring relationship that involves occasional sexual experiences but is much more than that. There are dedicated threads on some websites discussing this relationship.
In the interest of full disclosure, I do sometimes buy her presents and I regularly mentor her on better ways to give me the ultimate blowjob. Does that count as sugar daddy mentoring?
Is it a new dimension if you provide room & board and expenses while she completes college and in return she does some light house work and takes care of you sexually. I came close to this arrangement about 15 years ago.
My take on SB/SD is kind of a hybrid of everything said. You pay for rent, cell phone, living expenses etc. Then you go on dates which better have some sex as "payback". You also do the buying of presents and paying for all of the dates.
Where OTC is or can be a date, hook up site (hotel, home, apartment, etc). You do the deed and pay.
Both are the same with sex is mixed in. But the SD/SB has more of a "cleaner" feeling because you are not directly giving money for sex. You are "paying bills". I know tomato or TAMATO....lol
I always figured a Sugar Daddy relationship involved not just her as eye candy but as arm candy, too. You go out on actual dates and enjoy some non-sexual activities, much more of a GFE experience, sort of like a girlfriend on retainer. An OTC relationship, to me, has more of a business quality to it, as well as something that's done far more behind closed doors.
OTC is better, no BS of some allowance, or paying her bills which does not garantee sex which is what the SD/SB thing is. If your a woman the SD/SB thing is better since its the woman being taken care of and the guy strung along.
A man gets more out of OTC because the date is more practical money wise and both sides get something out of it and can end it anytime. This also allows things to progress better as neither is being taken advantage of.
In my book why bother with being a SD as you get more out of a marriage or just having a girlfriend. Even a mistress is more sensable and less costly with the man getting more out of it.
Call it what you want. Lately I have been setting up semi-Sugar Daddy type relationships with civilian women (and one dancer I met outside the club) in the cities I travel to. I would rather have the GF type experience with dinner, maybe some other activity such as music, sporting event, movie, whatever, an
And then back to the room for sex. And more sex. I enjoy having a woman join me for dinner, great conversation and just enjoying her company. And when they stay the night, morning sex too.
It's keeping me out of the SCs but its working for me lately.
I found that having a SB became akin to having a second wife. Its not what I was after, and that for me was a big distinction between SB's and OTC girls. The OTC action was without any real commitment, while the SM/SB became an awful lot of work.
Seems to me Sugar Daddies would fall into two categories:
a) extremely lonely and fantasy prone men who are so starved for human interaction that will take even a paid for pretend one and value it even more than sex. I would fully expect such men to go into a funk and kinda let themselves go when the girl eventually moves on and the man realizes is just getting older.
b) guys who have so much money they just don't give a fuck about a few grand a month. (Guys in category a), by contrast, might be experience some "monetary" difficulties even at just a couple of grand a month, however. Might force them to cut out their other interest such as going to strip clubs but never getting extras, for instance.)
last commentI think the latter part of your note is what most sugar *babies* would prefer. :)
Where OTC is or can be a date, hook up site (hotel, home, apartment, etc). You do the deed and pay.
Both are the same with sex is mixed in. But the SD/SB has more of a "cleaner" feeling because you are not directly giving money for sex. You are "paying bills". I know tomato or TAMATO....lol
A man gets more out of OTC because the date is more practical money wise and both sides get something out of it and can end it anytime. This also allows things to progress better as neither is being taken advantage of.
In my book why bother with being a SD as you get more out of a marriage or just having a girlfriend. Even a mistress is more sensable and less costly with the man getting more out of it.
And then back to the room for sex. And more sex. I enjoy having a woman join me for dinner, great conversation and just enjoying her company. And when they stay the night, morning sex too.
It's keeping me out of the SCs but its working for me lately.
a) extremely lonely and fantasy prone men who are so starved for human interaction that will take even a paid for pretend one and value it even more than sex. I would fully expect such men to go into a funk and kinda let themselves go when the girl eventually moves on and the man realizes is just getting older.
b) guys who have so much money they just don't give a fuck about a few grand a month. (Guys in category a), by contrast, might be experience some "monetary" difficulties even at just a couple of grand a month, however. Might force them to cut out their other interest such as going to strip clubs but never getting extras, for instance.)