
Atlanta Clubs

layin low but staying high
I need some advice on Atlanta clubs please. I have a very important customer that I occasionally entertain at strip clubs. Shortly he wants me to take him clubbing in Atlanta. He, like me, is looking for cute young white women. The availability of extras would be nice, but hands on lap dances will do if extras are not available..

I don't think Follies will work because my understanding is that it becomes a black club in the evening. It's also not quite as upscale as this guy is used to.

Cheetah would be a logical fit, but he says he's been there several times and wants to try someplace else. So that's out.

I considered Pink Pony since it is now apparently going to be able to stay in business by paying a bribe to the local government. However, it was never much a high mileage place, and I assume it has suffered a serious loss of dancers with all of its troubles. So this doesn't seem like a good time to rely upon PP. Has anyone been to PP lately, and if so what was it like?

Given all of the foregoing issues, Oasis seems like it may be the best option left. However, I've never been there and would therefore appreciate the input of those who've been recently. I'm hesitant to take this guy to a club that I've never been to unless I have recommendations from people I trust. Without naming names, some of you would fit into that category.

Is there any other club that I'm missing?

I appreciate any suggestions. This is a very important customer, and a good outing could go a long way towards me having a good year next year. Gotta keep up that $350K income.


  • chandler
    10 years ago
  • VeryBigDawg
    10 years ago
    ^^^ Chandler is right. Tattletales is the place. Actually my favorite night spot. The girls push VIP hard.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    That one is always on my list to try when in ATL but I haven't made it there yet. From what I can tell the dancers are suppose to be pretty good overall but the cost is going to be higher. Is that correct?...and VIP can be worth it for a little more as long as it is at least Follies quality I would think
  • snowtime
    10 years ago
    Although I haven't been there in many years, Tattletales was the club that popped into my head when I read your comment that Cheetah was out. Chandler and VBD probably have some more recent experience with Tattletales, so that seems like a good choice.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Whenever I am asked where to go at night I also recommend Tattletales or Oasis. However my buddy magicrat was just at Tattletales this last Thursday night and said that the dancer quality suced. That Follies was better. I have gotten table dances at both clubs and they of course do not come close to Follies. I have not done VIP in either clubs but my understanding is that it will run $50-100 more than Follies and you really need to be on the ball to make sure before you go to VIP of what you will be getting. Not nearly as many of them are as playful as the average follies girl.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Thanks. I'll seriously consider Tattletales. Has anyone actually been to Oasis to compare the two?
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "I have a very important customer that I occasionally entertain at strip clubs."

    @JS69 - May be time for a reevaluation. With the economic boom, is this really still necessary?
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Like I said in my comment above, I have been to both and gotten air table dances but did not do VIP.
  • magicrat
    10 years ago
    As Shadowcat said, I was at Tattletales one night last week and the talent, looks wise, was definitely lacking compared to past trips. There were several groups of younger guys there though, tipping, shitfaced, and obnoxious. First time I've been to a club at night in a while so it was a different experience for me. I felt like the old bull on top of the hill looking down at all the heifers.
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