How can I get founder to delete my club reviews.

avatar for nickifree
I want to have my pass club reviews deleted. Is that possible?


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avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
Why would you want to do that, Nick? It must be possible, but founder would probably want a good reason.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Well you could get your entire self band. AFAIK, only shadowcat, juicebox69, Duke1, RichStud and a hand-full of spammers have been able to do that. So you could PM one of them. Oh wait, a minute... Think there's a problem with that logic...
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Just contact Founder and tell him you are having some legal problems and he will work with you. A friend of mine did that and his reviews were dumped into that big TUSCL file that has over 1,000 reviews in it.
avatar for rattdog
10 years ago
why the fuck would you want to do that? unlike most of the reviewers that post on this discussions forum I actually like and agree w/most of your reviews. if anything I was hoping you would continue to review like previous times, provided of course that do still continue to review.

btw, I just google imaged Fantasia Barrino - yeah man I empathize. nothing more beyond disappointing than finishing off a long day's/week's work, taking a ride to the club, and then only to find and look at Fantasia Barrino lookalikes afterwards while hoping that rare diamond shows up to the club to talk to and ultimately get me off in some corner of the club.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
SMH. You want to run your mouth about ghetto nigga-white girl strippers and the thugs who father their babies, with reckless indignation, why should you have the right to then get it all deleted. You shouldn't say anything you can't stand with.

If you're in a discrimination law suit just tell the judge, like Chris Rock that you are a black man that loves black people but can't stand niggas :)
avatar for nickifree
10 years ago
No, I'm in no legal trouble. Nor did I find religion or anything like that. I just don't like what I wrote, which was in anger and under the influence. Hell, I don't even remember writing the last one I wrote.

You get to a point in life where you realize there's really nothing in your life to be so angry about.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
As Shadowcat says, I'm betting that if you just ask founder nicely, he'll either delete them outright or, more likely, as the club reviews are his revenue, dissasociate them from your user ID.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
nickifree: "You get to a point in life where you realize there's really nothing in your life to be so angry about. "

Nice. Now let's see if jestie214 will ever come on board to that.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
" I just don't like what I wrote, which was in anger and under the influence. Hell, I don't even remember writing the last one I wrote. "

If founder won't delete the reviews, why don't you write new reviews that correct what you originally wrote?
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

Makes to much sense for our dysfunctional minds! :)
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
Sounds like the 12 step plan in action here. Good luck with that.
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