
I believe in miracles!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:42 PM
If only you believe like I believe, baby (If only you believe like I believe) We'd get by If only you believe in miracles, baby (If only you believe in miracles) So would I. So today am at the SC and ask relatively new stripper to give me a dance. She says "OK but I got to buy a drink at the bar, and will be right back". Miracle 1 was a stripper buying her own drink. Miracle 2 was she actually came right back. Miracle 3 was she then provides me with several UHM dances. I knew this stripper ever so slightly from civilian life. My normal experience has been strippers begging me to buy them drinks, and they may or may not actually drink them. Stripper speak "I will be right back" translates to I see somebody else in the club that I think will spend more money on me than you. You may see them much later if at all. And new girls tend not to go for UHM dances without some provocation. Damn miracle do happen! What has been your experience?


  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    My original ATF kept a bottle in her locker and when she wanted a drink, she would just go back there and mix one. She said. " I won't pay these prices for a drink and wouldn't expect you to buy me one either". Last week I got 3 UHM dances from a dancer and then she gave me "I have to go do a VIP with a customer that is waiting for me but I'll come back when I'm done". Damned if she didn't come back but I passed on any further dances from her. I hate sloppy seconds. She should have given me some other excuse.
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    ^^u hav already had my sloppy seconds LOL
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Shadow, unless we catch a dancer just when she's coming on shift, aren't we all pretty much guaranteed sloppy seconds?
  • Jackmd
    10 years ago
    Even if she just came on-site, she may have been given a deposit from her jobless boyfriend before that. Sloppy seconds guaranteed.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Well "Out of site. Out of mind" :)
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    Then there's thrifty thirds and floppy fourths.
  • oriole1
    10 years ago
    What do you call fifths, not meaning liquor bottle size? If she swallowed prior evidence, you'll never know the difference.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    "Filthy fifths"?
  • alexrain
    10 years ago
    ""I have to go do a VIP with a customer that is waiting for me but I'll come back when I'm done". Damned if she didn't come back but I passed on any further dances from her. I hate sloppy seconds. She should have given me some other excuse." Good for you. You have standards and dignity. That's rare for users of this site.
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