
Dancers are people too

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
<p>There is no doubt that dancers, especially the ones that provide extra service, as a group, with a few exceptions who are well adjusted, intelligent, and practical about what they're doing, generally have a *lot* of problems. But every once in a while, there's a hint of normalcy in the drama.</p>

<p>This past week, MFC(Classic) invited me over for "lunch". After she was through with her meal, and I'd paid the tab, we were just kind of hanging and talking. I asked her how her kids were doing, and this beatific smile came across her face. "My baby started school last month, and she made me something. Want to see?"</p>

<p>Without waiting for an answer, not that I would have declined in any case, she goes and gets one of these macaroni-glued-to-construction-paper things that every parent of grade school children has, with hearts and "I love mom" spelled out in shells and glue. Then she shows me their latest pictures, and even a movie she made with her phone.</p>

<p>Of course, beneath the veneer of domestic bliss is the sad truth that she doesn't have custody of her kids, only supervised visitation, and that only twice a month.</p>

<p>Then I had to get back to work. She hugged me, thanked me for coming over, and walked back into the house with her daughter's gift against her chest.</p>


  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    After learning something like this about my favourite lady's personal life, I would be hard pressed to continue the relationship. Generally the more I know about the lady's life the less I am interested in the sex. I visit my favourite sweetie in Toronto fairly frequently for a jolly romp but I have no interest in getting to know her as a person. The only intersection in our lives is the SC and the concomitant sex. gmd: Do you want and/or seek out this info from MFC(Classic)?
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    While I don't usually inquire, I've known this girl for three or four years now, and I think if one doesn't develop some sort of connection, even if it's not deep, then one is psychopathic to a certain degree. In general, I don't ask, but neither do I tell them to shut up if they choose to share, other than some type of interference with what I'm paying for. :)

    My wife has called me a cold hearted bastard for putting it this way, but I get more pussy with honey than with vinegar. Even if I am paying. Listening to a few minutes of SS doesn't hurt me much, and sometimes, you learn something interesting.

    YMMV, of course.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Myself, I'd rather know the person. Although I'll sometimes play the stripper game of false name and false job, I'd prefer to be straight up with them, and have them be straight up with me.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    <p>Normally I like to know something about them too, but this is too sad. I am a father and what the little girl must be going through is horrible. Makes me wonder what the mother did that resulted in her loss of custody.<p>
    <p>This reminds me of a young girl I was banging in South Carolina. As we are naked on the bed, after she had just been sucking my dick, she pulls out a picture of her kid, then starts rambling something to the effect of "fuck DYS - I showed them." I did not want to know any more, but I have to admit that I alsmot didn' have round 2 in me after that.<p>
    <p>I suppose that if these girls had their shit together they wouldn't be sucking cocks for a living, but it is tough to see sometimes.<p>
  • farmerart
    14 years ago

    This is a fairly troubling topic to discuss for me. I am not inhuman; but I am also a horndog. I have led an extremely ascetic life for the last 40 yrs. I am leading a different life now. I will let the ladies that I encounter on the next few years of my journey to lead their lives as they choose.
  • dw.buck
    14 years ago
    true these dancers are people, they have feelings and they have issues; however they have also chose that lifestyle and the path that lead them to the pole (or the excuse they use and believe that led them there). normally who are these dancers - girls who are down on their luck and life won’t give them a break, or girls who didn’t prepare for life in high school hit the real world and said fuck it I will do this the easy way - use my body to get what I want or need.

    There are dozens of other ways these girls can go about their lives and obtain their goals without hitting the poles, but many make bad decisions prior, get caught up in life’s BS because they are impatient and end up doing what they think is needed to live. Should I care, hell no they made their bed and now lie in it. We all have had to make sacrifices in life and I will give you several stripper stories I hear and they all have the same path.

    I got kids I need to provide for - where the hell are the kids father that he can’t provide, or why did you not wait for Mr. Right to get married then pregnant, if you think he is Mr. Right why didn’t you wait until the financial situation allows you to have kids and live within your means. all this sums it up as I (stripper) wanted something I should not have had or prepared to have and got caught in the shuffle and now I am paying for it, plainly put if your finances aint right to handle kids - don’t put a dick in your pussy where you can make a baby, make a sacrifice to not have sex until you are married, or do a 69 or take him in your ass. Don’t get pregnant and then blame the world. The stripper made the choice to fuck it lead down several bad turns in life and now you’re on the pole.

    I need to pay for school - ever hear of a scholarship, hell even McDonalds give those things out, and you have a job while getting money for school. More than likely the stripper spent their money on expensive dresses, shoes clothing to look cool instead of saving some for school and her future. Not everyone parents can pay for their kids to go to college but that should make the students want to sacrifice and work harder to get free money (scholarships) so they are prepared in the future to go to school.

    My favorite - I got bills and my car is broken - how did you get these bills and what are you doing with a car you can’t afford. Why can’t you have a roommate, or live back at home. Back at home you can’t follow the rules with a little sacrifice that is why you moved out, racked up bills and think the world is down on you. Make sacrifices to achieve your goals and these strippers won’t have all the issues they have.

    do I feel sorry for them, hell no I don’t at all they made their bed, just as I have made mine and I did it with sacrifice, going without things, relationships, partying until I was secure enough in life to do them, and now fuck it I party like a rockstar when I choose and spend as much as I want to when I choose. Don’t get me wrong this doesn’t apply only to the women jobs of strippers, hookers, call girls etc... But the male ones of drug dealers whom is a double whammy far worse than a stripper, I personally hate the drug dealers and think all should be shot on site.

    I say don’t feel sorry for them when their taking your load in their mouth, they made that bed and that is what they wanted when they made poor decisions a long time ago that led them to the stripper pole. I just hope my DNA of success that I put in em helps em out later on in life
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Yes they are. :)
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Hopefully your DNA of success isn't going to be child support for a kid (yea, right, it'll actually be spent on her) for 18 years.

    I like to have sex with a woman, not a "stripper." I am pretty discerning about what I stick my dick into so I haven't had sex with a stripper yet. None of them have qualified and I am not really interested in being an enabler.

    Want to play peek-a-boo and flirt? That's OK with me but when it comes to my body and sex, I play for keeps seeking a real relationship. If they don't look like good relationship material, I keep emotionally distant because I don't need the drama. (There is enough shit in my life as it is.)

    I am not writing this to sit on a high horse, simply to round out the conversation and to voice an opinion others might simply stay silent on - IOW, you are not alone.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Is alutard a person or does he have so many mental problems that he can only be called a THING? LMFAO!
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    I think it's possible we may get skewed impression. When you think about it, the more a stripper (or anyone in sales) has her shit wired, the less likely she is to need or want to get into personal stuff with a customer. On the other hand, you met many strippers who tell you nothing, or only superficial or false stuff, and later you find out they are seriously one linebacker short of a football team.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I think there is a lot to be said about keeping things very impersonal and surface-level when meeting strippers OTC. I agree w/ what art said waaaaay back in 2010 - when I start learning things about them, like learning their kids names or where her parents live, then I'm in too long. The sex suffers. Time to dis-associate and move on to new blood. For me it has to be that way. There are a half dozen or so strippers that I now see as friends after the OTC has run it's course, and only then do I feel comfortable learning about the her and her life outside of the stripping world.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    I agree, lopaw. There is more than enough drama in our lives and adding in (emotionally) a crazy ass stripper to the mix is just a recipe for disaster.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    She sounds like my friend's mom but obviously hot and has a job. Personally, I don't feel sorry for women like these. You fucked up big time and now your paying the price. If I did pursue these otc meeting type whatever things, i'd probably be a cold hearted bastard that will shut them up and do what I came for. If I don't, I will rebuke their sympathy cries with cold harsh facts about their idiot choices that made them miserable today. Sometimes, silence is golden. For the provider (of sexual pleasure), you won't always meet a georgemicrodong (or an alucard).
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @lopaw: Maybe so, but she gives really amazing head. No joke. One of a couple who could get me up and off again just a few minutes after the first time. *With* the rubber. I can tolerate a lot for that kind of skill.
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